Herpes and Hormones: Natural Endocrinology and Nutrition

December 3, 2024

Herpes and Hormones: Natural Endocrinology and Nutrition

Dr. Nicole Sundene, NMD

Holistic Hormone Specialist

I have a lot of my chronic viral patients follow this diet in addition to testing their food triggers. It makes sense that by starving a virus from the raw materials it needs to grow by changing our diets to be more protected against viruses that we can also work to naturally boost our immune system.

I have been helping women with herpes outbreaks since 1994 working in a health food store and selling lysine, lemon balm, and certain remedies to specifically treat an outbreak. This can be a very frustrating Dermatology condition that has brought many women to my clinic in tears over the years.

The most important thing I have learned as a Women's Health Naturopathic Doctor, is that a woman's diet makes a BIG difference in the strength of their immune system against a virus.

The second a woman feels that burning sensation if they stop sugar, nuts, chocolate, citrus and the high arginine foods below the outbreak will slow down and generally we can manage it without the need for medications.

Food Allergies and Food Sensitivities are often an underlying cause, along with too many irritating foods to the skin such as citrus, and spicy foods that often can just mechanically irritate herpes outbreaks on the lips.

The virus needs arginine to replicate. By eating a diet high in lysine you are impeding the virus from being able to replicate and "flare-up." Women should use the following diet for prevention and then always have effective natural remedies on hand or prescriptions. Sometimes it is good to just have a written prescription for acyclovir on hand, or valtrex which I am happy to prescribe as an Integrative Health Doc.

Stress management is also important for the immune system to become strong enough to keep this virus in check. Many people are exposed to herpes and never develop an outbreak. It is possible to calm the flares down with natural medicine from your Naturopathic Doctor.

Optimizing the immune status via diet is key to the prevention and control of herpes infection. A diet that avoids arginine rich foods while promoting lysine-rich foods can be quite effective for prevention and following it strictly during times of outbreaks will lessen the pain, discomfort, and severity.

Foods to Emphasize

Especially during active cases of Herpes

  • Vegetables
  • Legumes
  • Dairy products if not allergic to them (Cheese, Yogurt, Kefir, Cottage Cheese, Sour Cream, Milk).
  • All Fish & Seafood
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Eggs
  • Potatoes
  • Brewers Yeast

Foods to be Eaten with Discretion

These foods must be balanced with L-Lysine* and foods in the first group when herpes is inactive. During active herpes, these foods must be eliminated.

  • Whole grain products (Cereals, Bread, Pasta, Pancakes, Lentils, Barley and other Grains.
  • Oats
  • Corn
  • Rice
  • Peas & Beans
  • Sprouts
  • Chickpeas
  • Carob
  • Foods containing seeds (Eggplant, Tomato, Squash)
  • Fruits and Berries, which contain seeds, may be eaten.
  • Citrus Fruits (may irritate canker sores so eliminate them and then test after 4 weeks)

* Foods high in lysine include most vegetables, legumes, fish, turkey, and chicken.

Foods to Always Avoid

  • Chocolate
  • Citrus Fruit
  • Peanuts and Peanut Butter
  • Sugar
  • Cakes and Sweets
  • Alcohol
  • Coffee & Tea
  • Nuts (Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Cashews, Filberts, Pecans, Walnuts)
  • Seed Meal (Tahini, Sesame Butter)
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Coconut (Monolaurin is okay)
  • Bleached White Flour Foods
  • Aspartame and Artificial Sweeteners (Except Stevia)

If you are suffering with this, fear not there is help with Naturopathic Medicine! I have seen many women completely devasted from receiving this diagnosis and it is possible to get it under control with an aggressive preventive plan as I have outlined above along with the right immune support, herbal medicines and topical treatments.

If you need my help simply pop over to my SCHEDULE page.

Dr. Nicole Sundene

(480) 837-0900

Dr. Sundene is a Naturopathic Doctor in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is a Female Hormone Expert in Women's Health and Bioidentical Hormones. She specializes in Holistic Women's Health for Menopause,  Thyroid,  Hashimotos,  PMS, PerimenopauseAutoimmunePostpartum DepressionChronic Fatigue, DepressionAnxiety, Food AllergiesDigestionDermatology , AcnePsoriasis, Eczema and Adrenal Hormonal Conditions. In 1999 she began working for a Hormone Doctor prior to starting Naturopathic Medical School. With over 23 years of experience in both Prescription and Natural women's health and hormones, she presents to women the best integrated health solutions for their Chronic Disease. She has been an Herbalist for over 28 years and enjoys teaching women how to use herbs to balance their hormones, nutrition and optimize their health. Dr. Sundene relies on blood testing for her hormone metrics. The hormone testing is covered per the patient's insurance plan and conducted at certain points in the woman's menstrual cycle. To learn more about Hormone Testing for Women Visit: Bioidentical Hormones. Follow Dr. Sundene on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook for more tips on Women's Health, Female Hormones, and Naturopathy!

Location: 14300 N Northsight 
Blvd Ste 124
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Ph: 480-837-0900
Fax: 480-409-2644
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