Factor V Leiden: Hormone Replacement Therapy?

October 1, 2022

Factor V Leiden: Hormone Replacement Therapy?

“Can I take Hormone Replacement Therapy if I have Factor V Leiden?”  ~Sharon, Scottsdale, AZ

By Dr. Nicole Sundene

Female Hormone Specialist

Factor V Leiden and hormones can be very difficult for women to navigate with menopause. I recommend working with a skilled Naturopathic Hormone Doctor such as myself that knows how to properly test all the female hormones related to menopause and knows how to balance them with herbal medicine as female hormones that are too high and/or not in proper balance with each other can potentially increase the risk of blood clots. With that being said a lot of the research available on Factor V Leiden and Hormone Replacement Therapy comes from synthetic birth control pills and synthetic hormones which I do not recommend women take for menopause anyways. 

Generally my Factor V patients work with me to avoid hormone use out of an abundance of caution, that is the first approach both me and your Hematologist will recommend taking for treating menopausal and perimenopausal symptoms. Natural remedies, herbal medicine, and nutritional changes should be the foundation for menopausal and perimenopausal patients first and foremost. 

However, the levels of hormone replacement that cause blood clots are generally super high such as in pregnancy and estrogen dominance, so if a natural herbal and nutrition approach is not effective I will occasionally use a small amount of natural hormones for symptom relief and quality of life. 

Especially when menopause or perimenopause are causing constant insomnia, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, agitation, rage, hot flashes, night sweats, loss of lean muscle, weight gain, hair loss, poor libido, marital troubles, and other symptoms disrupting quality of life. 

Estrogen is generally contraindicated, as is progesterone. Some Hematologists are okay with me giving a low dose of testosterone cream just so a woman’s skin does not get too wrinkly looking, they can sleep, are not losing muscle, or experience constant depression, sadness and crying.  

The real clotting risk in testosterone arises when the dose causes the red blood cells to increase which also can thicken the blood. I often never see this actually happen in my practice though. Dehydration tends to cause this in Arizona far more than testosterone as hormone doctors fear.

If you have Factor V and need natural hormone replacement therapy be sure to take a blood thinner natural or prescription if you are not already, and work with someone such as myself that understands the Risks vs Benefits, as well as how to monitor for signs of increased clotting, increased red blood cells or hematocrit, and so forth that may increase potential risk for patients that are already at risk for clots. 


Factor V Leiden is a genetic condition that runs in a woman’s family and can be tested for by a Hematologist that specializes in blood testing or a Geneticist. The majority of my patients are diagnosed and managed by their Hematologist, occasionally their Cardiologist has made the diagnosis but this is generally after a blood clot or heart attack has already occurred. 

Since this condition is genetic and runs in families it is important to ask about your family history out and make sure you do not have Factor V Leiden running in your genes before starting any hormones. Just because other people in your family have Factor V, does not necessarily mean everyone will have it.

A classic sign this runs in a family is an early history of heart attack, stroke, or blood clots that begin in the forties and fifties, or even sooner!

The genetic mutation, Factor V Leiden, causes increased blood clots. Some may be mild and non-symptomatic, yet some clots can become severe and travel to the heart, brain, or lungs resulting in a heart attack, stroke, or pulmonary embolism. With my Holistic Cardiology tools I like to first and foremost improve nutrition, reduce inflammation (inflammation causes clots) , and use natural supplements for women with Factor V Leiden.


Prevention is key with blood clots. Generally compression stockings are advised to prevent blood clots in the legs that can travel to the lungs as well as a prescription blood thinner, or aspirin. Although aspirin is notorious for causing stomach aches and heartburn so may not be the best fit for every woman with Factor V.

Natural blood thinners are an option for women that are too symptomatic on prescription blood thinners, however this is not information I am going to distribute on the internet because I think this requires management and lab monitoring by a Women’s Health Specialist that understands the testing required to confirm the natural blood thinner is at a therapeutic level and the patient is not at high risk for clots.

Please do not self treat your Factor V Leiden naturally, as a Naturopathic Doctor I find this scary and dangerous. Please seek out the help of an expert that has experience working with this complex condition. Furthermore, I don’t want a bunch of Cardiologists and Hematologists mad at me for distributing information that could potentially be dangerous if not properly prescribed and monitored. 

However, I am happy to discuss some of my favorite natural treatments that are safe and effective for managing menopausal symptoms with Factor V Leiden. Please work with your Naturopathic Doctor (preferably me) and do not self treat. But here are a few menopausal treatments that are natural and non-hormonal for women with Factor V. 


  1. For Menopausal symptoms in Women with Factor V and hot flashes use WHOLE FLAX SEEDS ground fresh, not whole, and not already ground to obtain the needed phytoestrogens and omega-3 oils. 
  2. Buy a coffee grinder just for the flaxseeds and grind them fresh right before use to get the most benefits. Pre-ground flax will still work for hot flashes, but will have rancid omega 3 oils in them which spikes inflammation, so you are not getting the omega-3 benefits, and all rancid oils spike inflammation which I do not want for any of my patients, especially those with Factor V Leiden!
  3. If you do not have high cholesterol, and do not have time for grinding the flaxseeds or are traveling it is a sufficient alternative for menopausal symptoms. Do not use chia seeds they do not work for hot flashes because they have omega-3's but NO PHYTOESTROGENS! While I love Chia Pudding, it is utterly worthless for treating menopause.
  4. Start with 3 tablespoons freshly ground at bedtime and mix in with applesauce, smoothies, oatmeal or yogurt before bed (nondairy such as coconut or almond if allergic or sensitive to milk)
  5. Please allow the phytoestrogens in flax and the menopausal formulas at least two weeks to work. Take them at the higher end doses until your symptoms have resolved then you can lower the dose to a maintenance dose such as just 1-2 tablespoon of flax daily. Although some of my severe hot flash patients are on 6 tablespoons! This may sound crazy, but it works and is like eating a handful of any other nuts or seeds, so there is little danger in increasing flaxseeds.
  6. Avoid hot flash triggers the best you can: Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Caffeine, Alcohol and Spicy foods. Pretty much everything good will trigger a hot flash, especially when combined into one meal.
  7. Eat more cooling "Yin Foods" in Chinese medicine such as cucumbers, raw fruits and veggies to naturally balance your energy.  Avoid heating foods such as spicy foods. Red wine will be the most heating, vodka next, and light beer the least to trigger a hot flash as beer is cooling and contains phytoestrogens from hops!
  8. Vaginal dryness or painful intercourse? Vaginal only estrogen may be okay if experiencing vaginal dryness, painful intercourse and loss of interest as they are not generally absorbed systemically but just treat the vaginal tissues and aid with hydration and elasticity. Estrogen’s role is to stimulate vaginal fluids.. Low dose testosterone may be okay as long as your red blood cells do not become elevated and you are sufficiently hydrated at all times as discussed above but I always do everything natural first with Factor V and save this as a last resort. .
  9. Anti-inflammatory diet is critical for women with Factor V in menopause. First and foremost inflammation is a trigger for hot flashes and clots. So it makes perfect sense for me to implement an anti-inflammatory nutrition plan. Inflammation thickens the blood and puts women at increased risk of clots.
  10. Herbs like Nettles and Pomegranate Juice or Fruit also have good research helping women with Menopausal hot flashes, however as I discuss on those blogs the researchers noted that many women did not improve until eight weeks. Natural remedies for menopause while safe, will take longer to relieve symptoms. Just putting that out there so we have realistic expectations and don't throw away perfectly good treatment plans!


According to the research study I found below on Factor V Leiden and Hormone Replacement Therapy the researchers concluded, and I will translate the research findings that: 

“The highest risk for vascular complications is associated with oral, non-bioidentical HRT, especially with oral CEE + MPA or with oral estrogens + synthetic progestins. Oral HRT shows an increased risk of vascular complications, while transdermal applications do not. Women with hereditary and/or acquired risk factors or a history of vascular complications should use transdermal and not oral HRT.”

This made me happy to read because I never prescribe synthetic hormone garbage anyways, and made me wonder if maybe I am acting too judiciously for my Factor V women with menopause.

These findings also confirm my automatic assumptions when treating menopausal women with a blood clotting disorder. Using a light hormone cream that is natural is the preferred least likely form of hormone replacement therapy to form clots. “Transdermal” means a cream via the skin. So if using natural hormones with Factor V Leiden then make sure it is a cream and not a lozenge, pill, pellet, shot, troche, drops, titurates, or other distribution method.

Women with Factor V Leiden on Hormone Replacement Therapy that experienced the worst cardiovascular complications used synthetic hormones that I do not prescribe for menopause anyways, such as what is found in birth control pills or Premarin/Prempro.

In the above research findings CEE stands for Conjugated Equine Estrogen. Also referred to as “Horsey Hormones” by hormone doctors. Check out my Hot Flash blog to read my rant on why I don’t recommend this anyways, not just because it is dangerous and increases breast cancer and stroke in healthy women that do not even have Factor V Leiden, but also because it is animal abuse to hold pregnant mares locked in stalls to collect their urine to make synthetic estrogen. This is 90’s antiquated medicine that should be put out to pasture with Y2K hoarding when women now have better and safer natural hormones from yams that do not require traumatizing any pregnant horses!

Personally, I would much rather traumatize a yam! 😉

Need my help navigating menopause or perimenopause with your Factor V Leiden? I would be happy to help. Simply visit my SCHEDULE page to treat yourself to a Naturopathic visit!

Dr. Nicole Sundene

(480) 837-0900

Dr. Sundene is a Naturopathic Doctor in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is considered a Female Hormone Expert  in Women's Health and Bioidentical Hormones. She specializes in Holistic Women's Health for MenopauseThyroid, Hashimotos, PMS, PerimenopauseAutoimmune, Postpartum, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Food Allergies, Digestion, Dermatology , Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema and Adrenal Hormonal Conditions. In 1999 she began working for a Hormone Doctor prior to starting Naturopathic Medical School. With over 22 years of experience in both Prescription and Natural women's health and hormones she presents to women the best integrated health solutions for their Chronic Disease. She has been an Herbalist for over 27 years and enjoys teaching women how to use herbs to balance their hormones, nutrition and optimize their health. Dr. Sundene relies on blood testing for her hormone metrics. The hormone testing is covered per the patient's insurance plan and conducted at certain points in the woman's menstrual cycle. To learn more about Hormone Testing for Women Visit: Bioidentical Hormones. Follow Dr. Sundene on InstagramTwitter and Facebook for more tips on Women's Health, Female Hormones and Naturopathy!


  1. Rott H. Prevention and treatment of venous thromboembolism during HRT: current perspectives. Int J Gen Med. 2014 Sep 1;7:433-40. doi: 10.2147/IJGM.S46310. PMID: 25210472; PMCID: PMC4155999.
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