Holistic Dermatology: My #1 Anti-Aging Oil Recipe!

January 9, 2024

Holistic Dermatology: My #1 Anti-Aging Oil Recipe!

Dr. Nicole Sundene, NMD

Scottsdale Naturopathic Doctor

Wow! Olive oil prevents DNA damage, how exciting.

Why should we care about this?

Because DNA damage is caused by inflammation, it is essentially the biochemical mother of all diseases.

Anti-oxidants prevent DNA damage and therefore women do not rapidly age. We can slow down a woman's aging process with the right antioxidants! Anti-aging nutrition is easy to do when you know the Best Naturopathic Women's Health Foods and Best Women's Health Herbs

Researchers have concluded that olive oil likely prevents cancer and aging by protecting DNA from damage.

The “phenolic compounds” in olive oil were studied and determined to inhibit the initial stages of cancer formation caused by “oxidative stress” (unstable molecules in our bodies that destroy healthy tissues resulting in inflammation and disease.)

Damage to our DNA is exactly what causes both cancer AND aging, along with a myriad of other chronic conditions. The phenolic compounds in olive oil are shown to have a protective effect in vitro to our DNA. The more antioxidants we can include in our diet, the more we can PREVENT disease.

The good news about this “in vitro” or test tube study is that researchers believe that the amount of olive oil needed to prevent cancer is easily achievable in “in vivo” or real-life doses!

Researchers concluded that “Overall, these results suggest that [phenolic compounds] may efficiently prevent the initiation step of carcinogenesis in vivo, because the concentrations effective against the oxidative DNA damage could be easily reached with normal intake of olive oil.”

Hooray! What a wonderful, delicious anti-aging, cancer-fighting treat for us to include in our diets. We already know that olive oil in the diet is important for preventing cardiovascular disease such as High Blood Pressure and inflammation, now we have yet another reason to make olive oil a major source of fat in our diet.

So how can you get more olive oil in your diet?

First of all, I always recommend buying extra virgin olive oil, the greener the better.

Next, keep in mind that olive oil is not good for baking as much as it is good for drizzling on already cooked foods such as gluten free bread, steamed veggies, salads, soups, and popcorn (yes it is delicious with organic sea salt and nutritional yeast).

To achieve the maximum anti-cancer and anti-aging benefits be sure to keep the temp below it’s smoking point of 350F. Best yet, avoid cooking it when at all possible if you want it to be super potent to freeze your aging process now.

You know I expect my patients to be the healthiest and most beautiful women out there on the inside and out, so its time to throw the butter in the garbage and fill a pretty jar with olive oil with a pour spout.

Women ask me every day which oil they should cook with. I primarily use olive oil for most things with medium and no heat. Coconut oil has fats that some women do not burn well and I often see them pooling in the LDL "bad cholesterol" and total cholesterol. Therefore olive oil or avocado oil are what I primarily use. I do like to coat baking pans with coconut oil. Sesame oil that is cold-pressed is great for Asian recipes. Otherwise a giant jug of organic extra virgin olive oil sits on my counter and that is what I cook most dinner items with. Which is also why everyone always tells me "You look too young to be my doctor!"

It's the olive oil!

Now simply drizzle olive oil on your bread and veggies instead of butter. Always make your own salad dressing with olive oil and lemon or balsamic vinegar. Add herbs, garlic salt, and pepper. Remember that olive oil is good for you but it is not free of calories and you will need to limit how much you use or it can cause weight gain.

Instead of fattening salads loaded with ranch to drain your energy and clog your arteries.... let's get you on some steamed veggies drizzled with a little bit of olive oil and garlic salt. I promise you will thank me for this! Olive oil is the fuel you can burn more efficiently especially if you struggle with chronic fatigue, you are likely not burning fats well for energy and need to avoid bad fats and switch to good fats for better energy and concentration.

If you need a Naturopathic Doctor to help you with your nutrition and anti-aging program simply pop over to my SCHEDULE page to treat yourself to a Naturopathic visit. I would be happy to help!

Dr. Nicole Sundene

(480) 837-0900

Dr. Sundene is a Naturopathic Doctor in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is a Female Hormone Expert in Women's Health and Bioidentical Hormones. She specializes in Holistic Women's Health for Menopause,  Thyroid,  Hashimotos,  PMS, PerimenopauseAutoimmunePostpartumChronic Fatigue, DepressionAnxiety, Food Allergies,  DigestionDermatology, AcnePsoriasis Eczema, and Adrenal Hormonal Conditions. In 1999 she began working for a Hormone Doctor prior to starting Naturopathic Medical School. With over 23 years of experience in both Prescription and Natural women's health and hormones, she presents to women the best-integrated health solutions for their Chronic Disease. 

She has been an Herbalist for over 28 years and enjoys teaching women how to use herbs to balance their hormones, nutrition and optimize their health. Dr. Sundene relies on blood testing for her hormone metrics. The hormone testing is covered per the patient's insurance plan (not Medicaid) and conducted at certain points in the woman's menstrual cycle. To learn more about Hormone Testing for Women Visit: Bioidentical Hormones. Follow Dr. Sundene on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook for more tips on Women's Health, Female Hormones, and Naturopathy!


“Oxidative DNA Damage Is Prevented by Extracts of Olive Oil, Hydroxytyrosol, and Other Olive Phenolic Compounds in Human Blood Mononuclear Cells and HL60 Cells” J. Nutr. 138:1411-1416, August 2008.

Location: 14300 N Northsight 
Blvd Ste 124
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Ph: 480-837-0900
Fax: 480-409-2644
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