#1 Anxiety Herbs: Holistic Psychiatry

January 22, 2025

#1 Anxiety Herbs: Holistic Psychiatry

By Dr. Nicole Sundene

Holistic Psychiatry & Hormone Specialist

While I am not a true MD Psychiatrist many of my patients refer to me as their "Natural Psychiatrist" because I am fulfilling the role of prescribing natural medicines, hormones, and nutrition as discussed below with my favorite anxiety herbs to treat my patient's mental health. However, I am not a true Psychiatrist, but simply practice "Holistic Psychiatry," which means together we will look at your anxiety not as a prescription, but as a process to first:

#1 Look for the Root Cause of the anxiety

#2 Test female hormones and balance hormones to optimize mental health

#4 Test nutrition aka vitamin and mineral deficiencies that may be contributing to lack of neurotransmitter production. Neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine are needed to make us feel happy, and like everything is okay, and we can properly focus and get things done as procrastination caused anxiety which then makes anxiety worse.

#5 Work with you weeks in holistic counseling sessions or have you work with your counselor covered by your insurance plan to implement better coping skills and support the process of improving your nutrition, lifestyle, stress, exercise, and supplement routine.

So that is how I treat my Anxiety patients in my Holistic Psychiatry practice. Keep in mind if your mental health disorder is severe such as in bipolar, schizophrenia, or severe suicidal depression I will require you to have a board certified Psychiatrist MD working in conjunction with me, as well as a counselor.

Anxiety disorder in Women's Health is best managed by a Holistic Hormone Doctor that can work to evaluate the root cause of the anxiety. For women hormone imbalance such as PMS, PCOS, Perimenopause, Menopause, Adrenal Fatigue, Hypothyroidism, and Hashimoto's Thyroidtis are often the culprits behind what appears to be a generalized anxiety disorder. Especially when typical anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medications do not help.

While many of my patients are currently feeling anxious and can benefit from a natural anxiety treatment the real clue that the anxiety or depression is caused by hormone imbalance is when women experience fluctuating symptoms.

Anxiety that fluctuates monthly is absolutely hormonal. Women that suddenly develop anxiety later in life such as in their 40's or 50's that have never experienced anxiety before are most likely being triggered by peri-menopausal or menopausal hormone changes that can impact mood. Patients with a family history of thyroid disease that suddenly develop anxiety should also have their hormones checked by a female hormone expert.

While different herbs help patients with their anxiety the real issue with anxiety is that we work to discover the root cause. Some women are just more anxious than others but the real clue that there is an underlying hormone issue is when a woman that has never had anxiety before is suddenly feeling anxious, agitated, angry or impatient. Especially when nothing situational is actually going on to contribute to the anxiety.

As a Naturopathic Doctor I honestly don't really even care WHAT herb we use to treat your anxiety. That is pretty boring to me to just prescribe HERB X for SYMPTOM X. Dr. Google can do that for you....what my Detective brain always wants to know is what is the ROOT CAUSE? Until we understand the root cause the patient will just continue to perseverate with their symptoms and nothing will ever truly fix the problem or provide lasting results.

I have included a brief blurb so that you can get an idea of the herbs that I generally find safe for most women to try for their anxiety. Please always check with your Naturopathic Doctor before combining herbs with prescription drugs. Do not take sedative herbs during pregnancy or breastfeeding. More importantly treat yourself to a Naturopathic consultation to discover the root cause of your anxiety by popping over to my SCHEDULE page.

#1 Passionflower- The intricate purple flower pictured above was shown to be as effective as sedatives in the benzodiazepine (valium) family, the aerial parts of this herb are great for nervous tension and anxiety. In recent research, passion flower extract at 45 drops daily (tincture) was shown to be as effective as oxazepam (similar to valium). This nervine herb is also “antispasmodic” which makes it great for people with constant nervous twitching.

#2 Ashwaganda- This is probably one of my favorite herbs. Unlike most of the herbs on this list that are designed to be taken at night or at least late afternoon, both ashwaganda and schisandra (listed below) are terrific “adaptogenic” herbs that help us tolerate our stressful days that much better. You can make some tea, or grab some capsules of the organic root and take two capsules twice a day.

This herb is specifically intended for those that are exhausted and agitated or debilitated by stress. In ayurvedic medicine ashawganda is a renowned anti-aging and rejuvenating herb.


#3 Schisandra- Referred to as “Chinese Prozac” this herb is commonly unappreciated and underutilized in American herbal practice. Schisandra is a terrific day time adaptogen herb and should be taken as is recommended with Ashwaganda, two capsules with breakfast and lunch, or a cup of tea in the morning and afternoon. The berries can be made in to a nice aperitif for those with a low libido.

#4 California Poppy- The bright orange flowers of the California poppy, leaves and other aerial parts are sedative, anti-spasmodic, and mild pain relievers. This is also a gentle herb used for colic and agitation in children. Do not use this herb or any other sedative herbs in pregnancy.

#5 Hops- No I am not recommending that you drink more beer to calm down. However, the herb commonly used to make beer bitter also works as a sedative. It is extremely bitter though so is best given a small part in your herbal tea formula for insomnia or stress. Do not combine with prescription sleep aids due to an additive effect.

#6 Kava Kava- A well known Polynesian psychotropic sedative, this herb is sedative and “spasmolytic” and thus helpful for chronic pain conditions. Several conflicting studies debate the safety of using this herb with alcohol. Liver damage is thought to occur if used in large doses in conjunction with alcohol. This research however was used to scare many people away from using kava kava for whatever reason.

People need to simply remember that herbs are medicines and that an herb with actions similar to prescription sleep aids and analgesics will of course pack the same side effects. A strong herb demands respect. When used ceremoniously, or occasionally this herb does not run the risks it runs when it is heavily abused.


The best way to safely use kava kava is in an organic tea form. Look for a tea blend that includes kava, or make your own. This herb should not be used in large doses, and large doses should not be used over long term. Do not combine with alcohol, or use during pregnancy or nursing. Chronic abuse will result in a horrible scaly skin rash.

#7 Lavender- Try adding lavender to your favorite baked good recipe. Purple lavender flowers will offer a sophisticated herbal makeover to your favorite shortbread cookies, or white tea cakes.

Lavender is great in your herbal medicine blend, and can also be used to stuff pillows, or as an aromatherapy stress reliever throughout the day. Lavender should not be used in pregnancy due to it’s emmenagogue effect.

#8 Lemon Balm- Also known as “Melissa officinalis” this herbal sedative should not be used by those with hypothyroidism as it inhibits the thyroid and is used to treat hyperthyroidism, however for everyone else it is a common simple herb to grow in your garden and make in to your own calming sedative tincture each summer. Do not use this herb in pregnancy.


I grow lemon balm in my garden and harvest it, rinse it, let it dry and then pack it in a jar with enough room for it to swim around in some vodka. Shake the jar once a day for two weeks. The vodka will extract the constituents and after a few weeks you can strain out the plant part leftovers and put a half a teaspoon of this liquid “anxiety medicine” in a little bit of water when you need something to calm you down.

#9 St. John’s Wort- Although we think depression the second we hear about St. J’s Wort, we also need to address that depression and anxiety tend to walk hand in hand and this herb is not just an anti-depressant it is a mild sedative as well. St. John’s Wort has also been shown to have a lower risk of side effects than conventional anti-depressants and is worth trying for those that don’t quite have severe enough depression to mandate the use of a prescription pharmaceutical, but instead need something to take the edge off and boost the mood a bit.

If you are suffering from anxiety that has a form of depression associated with it, then this would be a great herb to consider in your herbal sedative blend pending that you are not on any anti-depressants or anti-psychotic medications. The condition “serotonin syndrome” may occur from combing this herb with those classes of medications or other herbs and supplements that boost neurotransmitter levels.


This herb should not be used by those on oral contraceptives, or any medications as it increases the cytochrome p450 enzyme system which results in a more rapid detoxification of drugs from the system. The drugs or birth control pills are then rendered useless. Standard dose of St. John’s Wort for those not on any other medications, is 300 mg three times daily of the 0.3% standardized extract.

#10 Red Clover- Not traditionally recognized as a sedative, but as a mineral source and blood thinner, this “cooling” herb calms the system and has a special affinity to the lungs, throat, and salivary glands.

This is a terrific balancing herb to include in your herbal sedative blend as the dried flower blossoms make for a beautiful addition to a glass teapot. Do not use in pregnancy, or if on blood thinning medications.

#11 Catnip- Not just for cats. Catnip is actually a gentle nervine herb for humans. No it won’t make you roll around on the carpet or chase after things (at least not to my current knowledge) but it is still a great mild sedative.

This herb should absolutely NOT be used during pregnancy, as most herbs should never be used during pregnancy without checking with your naturopathic midwife, however it can safely be used in children by making a very weak tea. Be sure to only give your children organic herbs and check with their pediatrician or naturopath prior to use.


#12 Valerian- Definitely one of the more potent herbal sedatives, valerian is also a great pain killer for those with chronic pain. Some people prefer not to use this herb because it can cause quite the herbal hangover the next morning and most complain that it makes them feel really groggy, or desire to sleep through the day.

Look for a tea formula that includes a bit of valerian to avoid the hangover, and if you have severe anxiety, chronic pain, or insomnia talk to your naturopathic doctor about using this at a more therapeutic dose. Always use organic root.

#13 Motherwort- The perfect herb for fried and frazzled mothers; it strengthens a weak heart and is great for nervous palpitations. Motherwort is best taken over a prolonged period of time, and because it is a uterine stimulant, it should not be used in pregnancy.

#14 Skullcap- A bitter, cooling sedative herb that is best used for nervous fear, restless sleep, and is also thought to lower blood pressure. This herb is great for people with the inability to pay attention—huh what was that? And has been used effectively to calm down children with ADHD. Some kids concentrate better when they are sped up, and some do better when they are calmed down.


#15 Chamomile- One of the most common kitchen herbs, chamomile is a great mild sedative and digestive bitter.

Be careful in using chamomile tea if you experience ragweed allergies, formally known as the “asteracea family” and previously recognized as “composite family.” If you have a history of seasonal allergies you should exercise caution.

If not, make your tea up strong, use a heaping tablespoon and not a teaspoon per 8 oz cup of water, and allow to steep 15 minutes covered. If you don’t cover your chamomile tea you will lose the calming essential oils to evaporation. Only elitist herbalists know to do that. Welcome to the club!


Traditional Herbal Sedative Use: Establishing a nighttime or daytime tea ritual is a great way to reduce stress, avoid binge eating, and help those that fight insomnia get to sleep at a decent hour.

Directions: For most of these herbs simply make a tea with about 1 tsp (milder herbs use a tablespoon) to 8 oz cup of boiling water. Allow to steep covered 15 minutes. Or if you aren’t a tea drinker just look for a pre-made organic herbal formula to take in tincture or capsule form, and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Please check with your Naturopathic Doctor before combining any herbal medicines with prescription medications or making any changes to your health care routine or simply treat yourself to a Naturopathic consultation with me by popping over to my SCHEDULE page. I am able to help patients that are not in Arizona via Telemedicine with their anxiety, we can conduct hormone testing and implement naturopathic medicine by phone consult.

Dr. Nicole Sundene

Female Hormone Expert

(480) 837-0900

Dr. Sundene is a Naturopathic Doctor in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is considered a Female Hormone Expert  in Women's Health and Bioidentical Hormones. She specializes in Holistic Women's Health for MenopauseThyroid, Hashimotos, PMS, PerimenopauseAutoimmune, Postpartum, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Food Allergies, Digestion, Dermatology , Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema and Adrenal Hormonal Conditions. In 1999 she began working for a Hormone Doctor prior to starting Naturopathic Medical School. With over 22 years of experience in both Prescription and Natural women's health and hormones she presents to women the best integrated health solutions for their Chronic Disease. She has been an Herbalist for over 27 years and enjoys teaching women how to use herbs to balance their hormones, nutrition and optimize their health. Dr. Sundene relies on blood testing for her hormone metrics. The hormone testing is covered per the patient's insurance plan and conducted at certain points in the woman's menstrual cycle. To learn more about Hormone Testing for Women Visit: Bioidentical Hormones. Follow Dr. Sundene on InstagramTwitter and Facebook for more tips on Women's Health, Female Hormones and Naturopathy!

7 comments on “#1 Anxiety Herbs: Holistic Psychiatry”

  1. בחלק מן המקרים, מתרחשת השפיכה המוקדמת רק במסגרת המגע המיני הראשון של אותו הגבר, אך לעתים קרובות – מדובר בבעיה שנוטה להשנות פעמים נוספות וליצור אצל הסובלים ממנה ובני זוגם מבוכה רבה, וכן תחושות קשות של תסכול, בושה ואי נוחות בחדר המיטות – אשר עלולים בסופו של דבר גם להביא לאין אונות אמיתית וקושי להגיע לזקפה בעקבות הלחץ שהסיטואציה של השפיכה המוקדמת מייצרת. דירות דיסקרטיות ברמת גן

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