"Natural Psychiatrist" Rosemary for ADHD

September 28, 2024

"Natural Psychiatrist" Rosemary for ADHD

Dr. Nicole Sundene, NMD

Holistic Mental Health & Hormones

“What can I do to improve my ADHD, brain fog, and concentration naturally?”

~Judy M Tempe, AZ


Hi Judy! Everything in my Scottsdale garden is pretty much dead at this point in the winter, except for my Rosemary which can thrive under constant unfortunate circumstances. It still thrives when I forget to water it in the harsh Phoenix summer. It thrives in the winter when the cold has killed off nearly everything else. The way this plant can thrive in nearly any circumstance is exactly what makes it so magical to use to improve your immune system, memory, concentration, mental health, circulation, headaches and pain. 

Rosemary is indicated when women  feel weak, tired, foggy, forgetful or in pain. Today I will teach you how to make Rosemary Oil, Rosemary Anti-Aging Oil,  Rosemary Tea, ADHD Tea, and Rosemary Salmon!  

I will also go over what you can do with your Rosemary Oil. Rosemary oil is amazing for women with autoimmune disease, dealing with arthritis, and achy joints. Rosemary is great to inhale as an antiviral, and especially important for those battling brain fog, memory issues, or ADHD concentration issues.

I love Rosemary and Dandelions and just about any other herbal plants that have some hardiness. Any persnickety rose highly tended to in a garden will usually thrive with all the attention, but I save my admiration for those plants that can grow through harsh conditions, cracks in cement and still come out beautiful. Or still manage to stay alive in my abandoned winter garden bed. Plants are some of our best Antiviral Herbs because they would not survive under harsh conditions if they did not have antimicrobial essential oils that protect them against the latest virus, bacteria, and fungus. 

As I stopped to really admire the magic of my beautiful blue Rosemary flowers blooming and flourishing next to a bunch of dead plants, I realized it is because Rosemary is truly a survivalist. That is why Rosemary is so helpful for the following health conditions: 

  • ADHD and concentration
  • Memory, Dementia, Alzheimers and Brain Fog
  • A gentle, caffeine free invigorating alternative to coffee and black tea.
  • Menopause (rosemary is technically a warming herb though so may cause hot flashes in some, which I rarely see, but it can help with brain fog caused by menopause)
  • Antioxidant that protects your system from inflammation and aging
  • Cardiovascular system, great for those with poor circulation, cardiotonic for High Blood Pressure
  • Menstrual cramps, PMS and PMDD Depression and Moodiness
  • Depression and Anxiety, Lifts and Strengthens Fragile Mental Health States
  • Headaches and Migraines
  • Gas, Bloating, Stomach Flu, Fever
  • Sluggish Gallbladder, Acid Stomach
  • Arthritis, Sore Muscles and Painful Joints
  • Anti-fungal, a great herb for Candida and Yeast infections
  • A Rosemary Plant for Remembrance makes a great gift when someone is grieving to lift their spirits. 
  • Insect Repellant
  • Anti-Microbial, Antiviral and Immune Boosting
  • Please note: Do NOT use Rosemary during Pregnancy! Only use herbs advised by your Naturopathic Doctor

Because rosemary is such a hardy plant you can afford to plant a ton of it as future shrubbery and pretty much abandon it to nearly any weather extreme and watch it flourish. Why have senseless shrubbery around your house when you can grow a hedge of amazing herbal medicine? Rosemary is also an excellent bug repellant so helps repel bugs from your garden and therefore is the perfect perimeter herb to surround your garden with. 

With all your Rosemary you can make an indulgent Rosemary Oil to massage into your temples to improve your memory, concentration and pain levels. 

How to make Rosemary Oil:

  • Pack a clean dry glass jar with Rosemary (washed and allowed to dry off for a day on my counter or 1-2 hours in the sun so that residual water on the rosemary doesn’t cause the oil to spoil)
  • Cover the Rosemary with olive oil, or your carrier oil of choice (sesame and almond also work great).
  • Let the oil sit in a sunny window for about a month. Shake gently every so often. Be sure the plant parts are always submerged in oil so they don’t spoil.
  • Strain the infused oil into a fresh clean container.
  • You can also speed up this process by gently heating the oil on the lowest setting of your stove for several hours, but a slow extraction is more ideal.
  • Keep the Rosemary Oil stored in a dark jar or cabinet until needed.
  • For menstrual cramps, simply massage the rosemary oil into the lower abdomen and then cover with a towel and heating pad.
  • Rosemary serves as a great massage oil for chronically cold feet as it helps circulation!
  • Use Rosemary for cooking to add more flavor, powerful antioxidants, and when you need a little pick me up.
  • If you do not have access to fresh Rosemary, simply add a few drops of Rosemary essential oil per ounce of carrier oil and use topically. Start with one drop per ounce and then increase per your skin sensitivity. Do not ingest essential oils internally, or apply without diluting as they will burn your skin!

How to make “Rosemary Memory & Mood Tea”

  • 1 Tbl dried Rosemary or 3 Tbl Fresh
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • Allow to steep, covered for 15 minutes.
  • Strain, and enjoy plain or with lemon, stevia or agave syrup.

“ADHD, Memory & Brain Fog Tea”

  • 1 Tbl Rosemary
  • 1 Tbl Ginkgo
  • 1 Tbl Gotu Kola
  • 2 Tbl Spearmint (or more I recommend using at least double the amount of mint to cover up the Rosemary flavor when working with Oregano or Thyme.) 
  • 2 Cups boiling water

Add Rosemary to the 2 cups of boiling water bring to a brief boil and then turn the heat off. Add your Gingko, Gotu Kola, and Spearmint, and let infuse covered for 30-45 minutes. Strain and drink 1 cup twice daily for memory, mood, depression, or ADHD. 

How to Cook with Rosemary

Try my favorite salmon recipe: “Dr. Nicole’s Rosemary Memory Salmon” great for anyone with ADHD, poor concentration, or poor memory!

I also love to add rosemary to cooked meats, soups, and baked goods. Rosemary is delicious with chicken, lamb, and seafood. If you have a bread machine you can easily make Rosemary Bread by adding a few tablespoons of fresh chopped rosemary.

Learning how to add “tonic” herbs such as rosemary into your meals will give you that added stamina as you become that much stronger and healthier. Cooking with herbs full of antioxidants such as Rosemary is a simple trick to add to any anti-aging program.

Who doesn’t need to be focused, strong, hardy, and durable like a Rosemary plant right now?

Rosemary Anti-Aging Oil:

  • 1 cup of Olive Oil
  • 1 Capsule of Vitamin E Oil
  • 1/4 cup of Rosemary Oil
  • 1-5 Drops of Rosemary Essential Oil

Mix all ingredients together and place in a pump container to apply frequently to your skin. I like to add 1-2 pumps of Rosemary Anti-Aging oil to my moisturizer to help my skin be less dry in the Arizona desert. Studies show that Rosemary is Anti-Aging as is olive oil and vitamin E so this is the secret behind why I don't look 46 years old and many of my patients think I am too young to be a doctor!

Household uses for Rosemary

Sometimes a simple afternoon pick me up isn’t a big cup of coffee but the luxury of grabbing a big handful of Rosemary needles from my garden, crushing it between my fingers to release the essential oils (just don’t huff too hard and get a needle up your nose). I like to rub the bruised needles right on to my temples. Sometimes I pick a small sprig and eat it on the way to work to help wake up.

You can also simmer a couple lemons in water on the stove and add a sprig of Rosemary to freshen up your house in need of fresh air. Rosemary is also antiviral and useful for cleaning the air when people are sick in your home . The essential oils of citrus and rosemary are a great uplifting treat for anyone sick, shut in, depressed, or just in need of a little pick me up!

Herbal Medicine Safety Tips

Be careful using any new herbs as medicine, especially if you already take medications such as blood thinners or heart medications you should use Rosemary under the supervision of your Naturopathic Doctor. While Rosemary technically does not interfere with blood thinners it is very anti-inflammatory and by reducing inflammation my patients on blood thinners generally need less blood thinners so it is important that you work with someone such as myself that specializes in complex Women’s Health and Integrated Medicine! I have a lot of experience mixing blood thinners and herbs.

Thank you for sending me postcards with the questions you want me to blog about!

I love getting something in the mail that is not a bill and love your questions about Women’s Health, Hormones, and Herbal Medicine. Remember if your question is too big to fit on a postcard then you need to make an appointment with me by popping over to my SCHEDULE page!

Dr. Nicole Sundene

Dr. Sundene is a Naturopathic Doctor in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is considered a Female Hormone Expert in Women's Health and Bioidentical Hormones. She specializes in Holistic Women's Health for MenopauseThyroidHashimotosPMS, Perimenopause, Autoimmune, Postpartum Depression, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Food Allergies, Digestion, Dermatology , Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema and Adrenal Hormonal Conditions. In 1999 she began working for a Hormone Doctor prior to starting Naturopathic Medical School. With over 22 years of experience in both Prescription and Natural women's health and hormones, she presents to women the best-integrated health solutions for their Chronic Disease. She has been an Herbalist for over 27 years and enjoys teaching women how to use herbs to balance their hormones, nutrition and optimize their health. Dr. Sundene relies on blood testing for her hormone metrics. The hormone testing is covered per the patient's insurance plan and conducted at certain points in the woman's menstrual cycle. To learn more about Hormone Testing for Women Visit: Bioidentical Hormones. Follow Dr. Sundene on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for more tips on Women's Health, Female Hormones and Naturopathy!


  1. Moss M, Cook J, et al, Essential oils of rosemary and lavender essential oils differentially affect cognition in healthy adults.

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Blvd Ste 124
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Ph: 480-837-0900
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