Holistic Dermatology: Pine, Anti-Aging and Immune

January 2, 2025

Holistic Dermatology: Pine, Anti-Aging and Immune

Dr. Nicole Sundene, NMD

Scottsdale Naturopathic Doctor

Did you know pine needles are a rich source of vitamin C, beta carotene and antioxidants? Sometimes Naturopathy indeed sounds crazy but I thought I would share one of my favorite anti-aging rejuvenating herbs today with everyone feeling blah after a long winter.

A delicious way for women to get more anti-aging antioxidants is with a simple cup of pine needle tea! Pine needles are a year round readily available nutrition source. 

I have learned from prescribing pine needles to my patients over the years that it is an either “LOVE IT or HATE IT” type of flavor. Either you love it like me or wrinkle up your nose and feel like you are drinking floor cleaner....I get it! So warning this is not for everyone just like a lot of other strong flavors such as cinnamon, ginger, star anise, and licorice.

Personally I love the aroma of pine, as it reminds me of mountain biking or skiing on a clear sunny day. That smell of sunshine on pine is a perfect mental health afternoon pick-me-up for a healthy  “Happy Hour.” 

I like to make my pine needle tea in a big cup with one bag of organic pine needles, one bag of organic cinnamon and 2-3 packets of stevia. It is the perfect cozy cocktail for a rainy day. 

If my sinuses are blocked I will inhale the steam from my tea to help clear them. 

Naturopathic Doctors use pine needles for pain and to treat sinus infections, colds and flus. So I bring up this simple pine needle tea today as many patients are complaining of post-viral fatigue,  stuffiness, cough, phlegm, and that annoying post nasal drip after sickness that keeps lingering.

Pine essential oil can help clear the sinuses for Seasonal Allergies. So I thought I would remind everyone of the benefit from my favorite anti-aging decongestant! Between the pollen and all the germs flying around we need some new healthy tea rituals. Don't forget the nettles for allergies!

Pine needles have amazing expectorant properties that actually help patients cough OUT the sickness so it leaves quickly, rather than in traditional medicine we instead suppress the cough and keep the sickness IN with a codeine cough syrup for instance. Which is when sickness can tend to linger longer from too much suppression. The body is naturally ridding itself of sickness by coughing it out.  A cough longer than two weeks is not normal which is when you should contact your Naturopathic Doctor.

Rejuvenating herbs such as pine needles are very important to include in the diet after a long dreary winter. Especially those feeling sluggish and phlegmy with a lingering cough will benefit from the alpha and beta-pinenes, that help make pine a natural decongestant!

Pine needles internally and topically can also be soothing for pain. Remember anything that is an antioxidant will generally be helpful for chronic pain and autoimmune disease.

For more tips on how to add herbal medicine to your diet and lifestyle pick up my complete Naturopathic program here: www.PGE-2.com 

In my Mind-Body-Spirit Naturopathic program I teach how you how to cook with herbal medicine so you can get more plants in your body for antioxidants, anti-aging, pain relief, balanced female hormones, and energizing fuel, as well as review the best choices of aromatherapy for meditation and yoga.

There are easy fitness classes designed for women. And the Body Pump is MANDATORY for preventing and treating Osteoporosis! So there are no excuses your bones will thank you someday!

The best part of my Naturopathic Diet program is women say it is an easy program to follow, their families will eat the most of the meals with them,  and they feel and look amazing eating my Naturopathic diet chock full of my favorite herbs and superfoods all designed to balance female hormones!

Need my help feeling your best? Simply visit my schedule page to set up your Naturopathic visit or give us a call (480) 837-0900. I would be happy to help!

Dr. Nicole Sundene, NMD

Dr. Sundene is a Naturopathic Doctor in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is a Female Hormone Expert in Women's Health and Bioidentical Hormones. She specializes in Holistic Women's Health for Menopause,  Thyroid,  Hashimotos,  PMS, PerimenopauseAutoimmunePostpartumChronic Fatigue, DepressionAnxiety, Food Allergies,  DigestionDermatology, AcnePsoriasis Eczema, and Adrenal Hormonal Conditions. In 1999 she began working for a Hormone Doctor prior to starting Naturopathic Medical School. With over 23 years of experience in both Prescription and Natural women's health and hormones, she presents to women the best-integrated health solutions for their Chronic Disease. 

She has been an Herbalist for over 28 years and enjoys teaching women how to use herbs to balance their hormones, nutrition and optimize their health. Dr. Sundene relies on blood testing for her hormone metrics. The hormone testing is covered per the patient's insurance plan (not Medicaid) and conducted at certain points in the woman's menstrual cycle. To learn more about Hormone Testing for Women Visit: Bioidentical Hormones. Follow Dr. Sundene on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook for more tips on Women's Health, Female Hormones, and Naturopathy!

Location: 14300 N Northsight 
Blvd Ste 124
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Ph: 480-837-0900
Fax: 480-409-2644
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