Dr. Nicole Sundene, NMD
Scottsdale Naturopathic Pain Doctor
Chronic Pain: What is a Holistic Pain Specialist?
As a Naturopathic Doctor that has survived fifteen years of varying levels of severe pain from an Autoimmune disease causing Fibromyalgia and Neuropathy the first and most important thing I will do is BELIEVE you, and provide you with empathy and compassion. I have been to too many doctors that thought I was a whiner, a hypochondriac, or just a bored depressed woman that had nothing better to do with her time but go from doctor to doctor, specialist to specialist, and simply needed an antidepressant to cure all that was ailing me. Please watch my 30 minute free presentation, “Hormones, Metabolism & Pain” on my free class page for the full story.
Many chronic pain patients do improve from taking anti-depressants, simply because being in constant pain is depressing. As I tell the story of my own Fibromyalgia journey, I went from being an avid mountain biker that could mountain bike for eight hours a day and ride the STP- Seattle to Portland bike ride with my Dad to being completely bedridden. I lost connection with a lot of my friends because I was too sick to go to parties or social events. I was too tired to talk on the phone with anyone…and simply getting through a regular day of work or going to the grocery store was more exhausting to me than actually doing an actual Triathlon. As a former endurancd athlete, I was used to being in constant pain but it was “Good Pain.” My legs were weak and like Jell-O from riding my bike for 8 hours on the weekends. I loved that feeling.
But when I developed Fibro, my legs burned and felt weak when I had done nothing. I could barely climb the 8 steps out of my condo and walk to my car. Nobody knew what was wrong with me and I wasted many years of my life not getting the right treatments. Because we NEED to know what the diagnosis is in order to provide the chronic pain patient the correct treatment. When I was in Naturopathic school at Bastyr University, I learned a pain protocol for Fibromyalgia: Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Malic Acid. I literally graduated from Naturopathic school thinking this was what Fibro patients need and that is all we needed to do for them. Very sad right? And precisely why pain patients need to hire an expert such as myself that specializes in pain management.
In 2006 God gifted me with the Fibromyalgia label by a well-meaning doctor that tried to help me but simply did not know enough to order the correct tests, and my understanding of chronic pain shifted dramatically. As I graduated from school I was gifted this "Internship" by Life in Fibromyalgia and although I have felt very angry and frustrated with my body over the years.... Fibromyalgia has been my #1 Biggest Teacher. When the correct women in constant pain find my practice and finally feel heard and understood I get goose bumps and tears well up in my eyes because I realize that although Fibromyalgia was a brutal teacher... it taught me very well. Fibromyalgia has taught me many lessons that are important I share with my patients and the medical community so that we can shift how we perceive Fibromyalgia and we can stop failing all of our Fibromyalgia patients.
First of all, I tell my patients with Fibromyalgia to stop using the “F Word,” and I don’t mean the actual F word because I know people in pain often can ONLY say the F word, because they are hurting so badly that they really DO need to use that word. However, the F word I want them to stop using is Fibromyalgia. The reason for this is that as a Fibromyalgia Doctor with Fibromyalgia I believe with my whole heart that it is an utterly useless diagnosis that means nothing and allows your pain specialist or family doctor to continue to doctor you in a somewhat lazy way because it sounds like you finally have a diagnosis right? I remember calling my Mom in 2006 and saying in a state of shock, "They said I have Fibromyalgia!" And that is when my journey down the Fibromyalgia rabbit hole first began. That is why I hate and detest the word Fibromyalgia and that is why I encourage my patients to use more descriptive words like burning, stabbing, aching and so forth so that we are focused on the actual problem. Treating patients with Fibromyalgia is a lot like looking at snowflakes, while they may look similar from a distance there is quite a difference between the hundreds of Fibromyalgia patients in my practice. Should you be happy to be diagnosed with Fibromyalgia? Does this help you as a patient get the correct "Fibromyalgia" treatment or care? Fibromyalgia actually means something, doesn't it?
Fibromyalgia means you have pain aka “myalgia” in your “Fibro” which is your joints and muscles. What good does this diagnosis do for you as a chronic pain patient? While I understand some patients are very attached to their Fibro label and I know thousands of Fibro Warriors between my Fibro practice and the online groups I participate in....personally as a Fibromyalgia Doctor I would encourage you to work to get your label undone. Personally, because I have a caregiver's heart and care about people, especially those also in pain, I want you to hate the word Fibromyalgia as much as I do as a chronic pain specialist for women. Mainly because the word Fibromyalgia tells me ZERO about what is actually wrong with you, and it provides the doctor ZERO help to provide you with the correct treatment plan.
I feel for some over-booked busy doctors and pain specialists, using the label Fibromyalgia allows them to take off their thinking caps and stop working to determine the ROOT CAUSE of your pain. My job as a chronic pain specialist is to ask the following questions like a detective, to look to find the actual cause of your chronic pain. Fibromyalgia is a description and not a diagnosis!
What is the cause of the patient's fibromyalgia or chronic pain?
When the adrenal glands burn out as I discuss in my Adrenal Gland Blogs: 1) “Adrenal Hormones: Are you Running from the Bear?” 2) “Adrenal Fatigue: Fight, Flight, and Fright?” When these adrenal glands become depleted, the patient feels exhausted, depressed, and has pain in their joints and lower back, with joints that are constantly cracking or popping. This is a picture of the adrenal fatigue patient. Constant stress and anxiety about a condition with no known cause and no known cure can cause adrenal fatigue and living with constant pain while people have unrealistic expectations because they may look completely healthy on the outside, as I do, yet are miserable and struggling with serious pain on the inside.
Your adrenals will likely need some treatment, which only exists in herbal medicine and naturopathic medicine, because other than prescribing a beta-blocker medication and telling you to take a vacation or do yoga, your MD has little to offer you for your adrenals, that are under constant stress from being in constant pain.
You can probably see there are already a bunch of tests that you likely have not been offered as a Fibromyalgia or Autoimmune patient. It is imperative you commit yourself to this process of working with me as a team so that we can unearth the cause or the causes of your pain. Often it is a combination of a few things on my list above. Seldom am I unable to help patients with their chronic pain. I may not be able to make it go away completely, but I can take the level of pain down once we target the correct herbs and nutrition to the correct chronic pain diagnosis.
Aside from listening and providing compassion, the second and more important thing we will do together as a team when you treat yourself to a Naturopathic pain consult with me, is to rely on lab metrics to determine the cause of your pain. Together we will order the proper labs to determine the cause of your pain. If you have decent insurance then your labs are covered per your insurance plan. There may be a few Naturopathic Specialty tests I will need to do for your pain, but I prefer to start with the testing that insurance will cover (Naturopathic Doctors cannot order labs in Arizona for patients on Medicaid or AHCCSS) but can order tests via most insurance plans such as Cigna, BCBS, Aetna, Ambetter, United Healthcare and so forth. Medicare labs are only covered if you go to Labcorp and some tests will simply not be paid for as the government could seriously care less about your vitamin levels although hormone testing for women is covered and patients with good secondary insurance generally receive a final bill under $100 for thousands of dollars worth of chronic pain testing. It is not realistic to expect 100% of anything to be covered by your insurance. But the initial Lab detective work is critical to the chronic pain patient's diagnosis and prognosis. Patients with Fibromyalgia that lack a diagnosis generally will have a worse prognosis because we are just throwing spaghetti noodles on the wall for your pain management plan and not targeting it towards an actual solid diagnosis. It is critical that you know what lab is contracted with your insurance plan for Fibromyalgia testing as it is the insurance’s preference of Labcorp vs Sonora quest that is more important than the ordering doctor.
More times than not, my fibromyalgia and autoimmune patients have not had the proper battery of tests that should be conducted. While hormone imbalance is not always the cause of chronic pain in my women’s health practice it is more commonly the problem, which is exactly why more women have fibromyalgia than men. Rarely if never do I receive adequate hormone testing or chronic pain testing done by a previous doctor. Many patients think they have had their hormones checked and I get one piece of paper with a TSH and progesterone level.
Often my new pain patient thinks they have been tested for autoimmune disease and just an ANA with reflex test was conducted with a CBC. I cannot help any pain patient that does not let me do my detective process properly and my #1 pet peeve is having someone's primary care doctor or another specialist that does not know what I know mess up my lab tests. Keep in mind I worked in regular Family Medicine for eight years and processed the lab letters for 20 doctors, so I already know what your Family Doctor is going to do for you, and since hormone testing is super complicated 9/10 times another doctor just screws it up and your valuable lab dollars are wasted and my hands are tied because the wrong doctor ordered the wrong tests and now we have to wait 6 weeks before your insurance will allow me to re-conduct the testing I need to help you. So please take your labslip directly down to the lab that is contracted with your insurance plan if we are working together so your time and money are not wasted.
Even if your pain is not caused by hormone imbalance, we will need to cross the hormone testing off your “Chronic Pain Bucket List.” As your holistic pain specialist, I will look at the big picture of your nutrition, stress, exercise, hormones, and blood tests.
My skills as a Female Hormone Specialist are extremely important to my chronic pain patients because oftentimes pain for women is related to hormone imbalance. If you notice fluctuations in your pain with your monthly cycle and get migraines or pain flares with PMS then there is likely a hormonal component to your pain. For women that have always been healthy and develop pain when they become menopausal, this is a very important reason to work with a holistic pain specialist. When estrogen levels decline inflammation goes up and that can cause women to have more pain in their hips, hands, and joints.
Too much estrogen such as in perimenopause, PCOS, and PMS can also cause joint pain and inflammation. So working with a doctor that understands optimal ranges for estrogen is extremely important. Estrogen is like water, and too much causes pain, inflammation, and weight gain, and too little causes joint pain, thyroid issues and inflammation.
The third most important thing I do for you as your integrated chronic pain specialist is prescribe medications, herbs and supplements to help you with your pain. I cannot do this properly and can only guess at what you need until we have gone through the process of testing your pain labs and hormones. There is no magical herb from the rainforest that will cure all of your fibromyalgia symptoms. If there was, I would be on it!
The treatments I provide as a naturopathic doctor will fail if we are not targeting the correct diagnosis.
I want to always treat the root cause, and while I am knowledgeable from working 8 years in conventional Family Medicine and know how to prescribe these meds, I am comfortable doing this for you. Prescribing pain meds is somewhat boring to me. Pretty much anyone can slap you on a bunch of vicodin, gabapentin, amitriptyline, gabapentin, Naproxen, and cyclobenzaprine and then quarterly test your liver and kidneys to ensure they do not fail.
If that is the route you prefer for your chronic pain then I am not the right doctor for you. I prefer to only prescribe pain medications for the purpose of tapering you down from them, which saves the pain patient from going to multiple specialists, as I personally know how exhausting that is. My goal is to taper you down from these meds that can be toxic to your liver and kidneys once your Naturopathic protocol begins to take effect.
As a chronic pain patient with Neuropathy, when I finally received that diagnosis, the supplements I used to treat the neuropathy were a huge game-changer for me. I was now targeting my treatment plan to heal and repair nerve damage, whereas before I was taking herbs and supplements for muscle pain. This is why it is critical to me that I know what the diagnosis is as a pain specialist otherwise I cannot get a good result for my patient and then I don’t get the “Joy of fixing you,” which is what puts a smile on my face every day as a doctor knowing that my patient is better and that the riddle of their Fibromyalgia has been solved.
Many chronic pain patients cry in my office because they realize quickly that my own horrific experience as an autoimmune patient has gifted me with a vast set of skills they could never find anywhere else prior to working with me. I am not trying to sound arrogant but unless you have lived severe pain you simply do not understand what it is like. I admit that I worked with autoimmune and fibro patients for eight years without fully understanding.
Due to my own medical mysteries causing my pain I have a lot of experience in specialties that are necessary to help chronic pain patients: Endocrinology, Pain Management, Gynecology, Urology, Family Medicine, and even Psychiatry. Because at one point I fell victim to a Psychiatrist actually convincing me that everything that was wrong with me was all in my head and I took five psychiatric meds that just made me and my chronic pain much much worse. So I know a lot about antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications as a result. I understand the anxiety and depression related to chronic pain too well and can easily help you with that.
Finally and maybe even the most important, what I can promise you as your holistic chronic pain specialist, is to oversee the big picture of your chronic pain treatment plan. This includes your referrals to Neurology, Rheumatology, or Infectious Disease, to make sure what we are doing for you is helping and not making you worse. Often my pain patients have bounced around from specialist to specialist and nobody is talking to each other. What I promise to do as your personal nerdy little detective, is to look at all your tests and make sure we have left no stone unturned.
This way, we have you at the RIGHT specialists and we are not wasting your precious energy on being a “Professional Patient.” Which I have wasted much of my time doing, and know exactly how emotionally exhausting these appointments can be. I understand how frustrating it is to keep telling your story to a new doctor over and over again, and what it feels like to be judged, criticized, and sadly I know also what it feels like to be yelled at by some MD’s.
I never want to enroll a patient into my practice that I cannot help. I don’t want to waste anyone’s time with fibromyalgia, chronic pain, or autoimmune that I cannot help. While I have a great success rate improving my patient’s chronic pain and my pain patients are constantly referring me new pain patients it is always important to me that the correct patient matches up with the correct doctor
Below are the patients I 100% CANNOT help as a holistic pain specialist. Please do not sign up to work with me if you match any of the following scenarios:
To learn more about my Naturopathic process treating pain, inflammation, and hormones you are invited to watch my free presentation, “Metabolism, Hormones & Pain” on my Free Class page. There is no charge to watch the presentation and the purpose of it is to educate you on the exact simple three-step Naturopathic Process I have used to help hundreds of women achieve relief from their chronic pain. If you already KNOW that I am the right doctor for you and that you are the PERFECT Naturopathic Patient then simply pop on over to my SCHEDULE page and treat yourself to a Naturopathic Consult immediately. We need to get to work on you before you have permanent damage to your body like I have. I found out my diagnosis ten years too late. I could have had answers sooner. I don't ever want anyone to suffer like I did when I just didn't have the right testing done. I was frustrated, my parents were frustrated and we simply lacked the proper blueprint to follow that could have saved me years of misery.
I am able to help you in my clinic and by telemedicine phone consultation. If you do not live in Arizona I can still help relieve your pain by doing the detective process work of diagnosing your pain, I simply cannot prescribe medications for you if you live out of state. Many Family Doctors and Pain Doctors are happy to work with me remotely in the event you need hormones or medications so if you do not live in the Phoenix area but have a supportive doctor that is open to Naturopathy we can still work together to help you feel better with your Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia or Autoimmune Disease. Did you know I have patients in ALL 50 states? A lot of what I do is easy to help you with via telemedicine!
I look forward to helping you get back on track and feeling awesome again!
Dr. Nicole Sundene, NMD
Dr. Sundene is a Naturopathic Doctor in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is considered a Female Hormone Expert in Women's Health and Bioidentical Hormones. She specializes in Holistic Women's Health for Menopause, Thyroid, Hashimotos, PMS, Perimenopause, Autoimmune, Postpartum, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Food Allergies, Digestion, Dermatology , Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema and Adrenal Hormonal Conditions. In 1999 she began working for a Hormone Doctor prior to starting Naturopathic Medical School. With over 22 years of experience in both Prescription and Natural women's health and hormones she presents to women the best integrated health solutions for their Chronic Disease. She has been an Herbalist for over 27 years and enjoys teaching women how to use herbs to balance their hormones, nutrition and optimize their health. Dr. Sundene relies on blood testing for her hormone metrics. The hormone testing is covered per the patient's insurance plan and conducted at certain points in the woman's menstrual cycle. To learn more about Hormone Testing for Women Visit: Bioidentical Hormones. Follow Dr. Sundene on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for more tips on Women's Health, Female Hormones and Naturopathy!
[…] have many pet peeves as both a Naturopathic Doctor and Holistic Pain Specialist. I could probably go on and on for hours and hours but in honor of "Useless Stuff Day," I will dial […]
[…] please just throw them straight into the garbage. Bad fats become BAD HORMONES, inflammation, pain, acne, PMS symptoms, and […]
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קמגרה הוא אחד מתחליפי הויאגרה הנפוצים והאיכותיים ביותר, אשר נמכר בעשרות מיליוני יחידות בכל רחבי העולם. מדובר בתכשיר המטפל בבעיות השגת זקפה אשר מקורן בגורמים שונים, וזאת על ידי הרחבת כלי הדם ובעיקר באזורים הקשורים ליחסי המין. ההרחבה מאפשרת זרימת דם משופרת לאיבר המין, ומכאן להשגת זקפה מלאה וממושכת יותר.