Dr. Nicole Sundene, NMD

Scottsdale Naturopathic Doctor

Liver disease symptoms often start out with mild symptoms such as fatigue, lethargy, and itchy skin. As the damage progresses it can cause hormone imbalance, perimenopausal estrogen dominance, heartburn, chronic fatigue, brain fog, difficulty concentrating, poor memory, ADHD, High Blood Pressure, Rosacea, easy bruising, sweating, hot flashes, night sweats, headaches, yellow nails, weight gain, bloating, abdominal pain, gallstones, pain in the right upper quadrant, constipation or diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and diabetes.

Mental health issues such as anxiety and depression are also common. As liver damage progresses it can result in Fatty Liver, Cirrhosis, Liver Failure, and jaundice or yellow eyes.

Patients with Liver Failure will require a Liver Transplant.

Drinking too much alcohol, and eating fried foods, fast foods, processed foods and sugary desserts all impair liver function. NSAID medications such as advil, tylenol, naproxen, and certain medications can also tax the liver and elevate your liver enzymes.

If your liver enzymes are elevated that means that the cells in your liver are actually DYING and releasing their enzymes into your blood stream in the process.

Our livers are responsible for filtering out all the environmental toxins that we are exposed to as well as those that we ingest. Consult with your physician to decide what kind of liver support protocol is best for you. The following is a sample approach to optimizing the liver’s ability to detoxify the body from pollutants and toxins.


Beet juice (1/2 cup) mixed with carrot juice (1/2 cup) once a day.

Dandelion root tea – steep 1 tsp. in 1 pint boiling water for 20 minutes, take once a day.

Nettles leaf tea at 1Tbl per 8oz of boiling water is an excellent anti-inflammatory.

Red Clover tea as a mild sedative and gentle detox aid at 1Tbl per 8 oz cup of water 2-3 times daily.


Foods to Eat for a Health Liver – Artichokes, endive, cucumbers, garlic, onions, sprouted seeds, grains, tahini, vegetable products (raw or juiced). No condiments except lemon juice and only a little salt. At least 60-80 ounces of water a day, or the liver and kidneys simply do not function properly. Not drinking enough water is similar to running your garbage disposal without the water turned on. It does not work! Green juice (can be mixed with some carrot juice). Liquid chlorophyll or chlorophyll tablets can be helpful for those with heavy metal toxicity.

Foods to Avoid for a Healthy Liver – all processed and refined foods, salt, sugar, aspartame, splenda, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, drugs, synthetic vitamins, fats, oils, non-organic meats and dairy (due to hormones), coffee, heavy starches (processed versions of potatoes, rice, bread, cereal), milk or milk products. Do not use aluminum cookware.

Deep Breathing Exercise for Liver Support: "Square Breathing" and deep breathing will help your liver.

Exercise: Walking 30 minutes twice a day, or exercise with impact such as on a rebounder to also move lymphatics. Strength training also helps drain the lymphatics which become clogged with liver disease.

Sweating through exercise or sauna to eliminate toxins through the skin and alleviate stress on the liver.

Many herbs such as Milk Thistle have been shown to protect the liver as well as aid its natural detoxification process. Consult with your Naturopathic Doctor to determine if you need to start a supplement routine to support your liver.

If you need help getting your liver back on track Naturopathic Medicine and Herbal Medicine can be very helpful for detox support. There are few medications that can be helpful for liver disease. Most medications should instead be avoided as they have to be processed through the liver. Simply pop over to my SCHEDULE page, I would be happy to help.

Dr. Nicole Sundene

(480) 837-0900

Dr. Sundene is a Naturopathic Doctor in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is a Female Hormone Expert in Women's Health and Bioidentical Hormones. She specializes in Holistic Women's Health for Menopause,  Thyroid,  Hashimotos,  PMS, PerimenopauseAutoimmunePostpartumChronic Fatigue, DepressionAnxiety, Food Allergies,  DigestionDermatology, AcnePsoriasis Eczema, and Adrenal Hormonal Conditions. In 1999 she began working for a Hormone Doctor prior to starting Naturopathic Medical School. With over 23 years of experience in both Prescription and Natural women's health and hormones, she presents to women the best-integrated health solutions for their Chronic Disease. 

She has been an Herbalist for over 28 years and enjoys teaching women how to use herbs to balance their hormones, nutrition and optimize their health. Dr. Sundene relies on blood testing for her hormone metrics. The hormone testing is covered per the patient's insurance plan (not Medicaid) and conducted at certain points in the woman's menstrual cycle. To learn more about Hormone Testing for Women Visit: Bioidentical Hormones. Follow Dr. Sundene on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook for more tips on Women's Health, Female Hormones, and Naturopathy!

Dr. Nicole Sundene, NMD

Naturopathic Dermatology

"Should I do a Food Sensitivity Test, a Food Allergy Test, or an Elimination Diet for my skin rash? I know my hives are triggered by something I am eating and I need to know the best way to figure out the source of the allergy."

Jennifer J Scottsdale, AZ

In Naturopathic Dermatology it's all about the diet! I actually recommend ALL OF THE ABOVE as the best option to determine which foods are irritating the skin. Sometimes it is difficult for patients to follow an Elimination Diet and that is when Food Allergy testing is helpful. Hives, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, and skin rashes can result from both food allergies and food sensitivities.

Usually, when a reaction is very severe and requires an epipen it is an IgE reaction which can be determined through standard blood work at a lab via insurance. To determine Food Sensitivities we have to eliminate all suspicious and likely foods and/or test the blood for an IgG reaction via a Food Sensitivity Test.

I simply cannot help patients that are not willing to change their diet to whatever I tell them their skin needs them to eat. If you are researching natural treatments for skin issues and looking only for an herb to fix everything you will fail. I am not trying to sound negative, I just want everyone to have realistic expectations and not sign up for a service they cannot do on their end.

My other pet peeve is when a Naturopathic Doctor or Functional Medicine doc tells you to eliminate your food sensitivity for the rest of your life. While with some foods this is mandatory, the real problem with food sensitivities is "Leaky Gut Syndrome," so if we do not address and treat the inflamed gut and heal it with herbs, correct yeast overgrowth in the microbiome or other unwanted organisms then the patient just continues to react to whatever new foods they eat and eventually ends up "Painted in a corner" with 3 "Safe Foods" they can eat. If this has happened to you, it is imperative you schedule a visit with me so we can work to heal your gut so you do not continue to develop reactions to foods that should be safe.

If you are unwilling to change your diet and heal your gut I cannot help you with your skin issue.

How can I say this? Because I have worked in both Traditional Dermatology and Naturopathic Dermatology since 1999. So I have seen many different skin problems every day for over 23 years. I have seen what prescription drugs can cure with medications, and I have seen what Naturopathic Medicine can heal when a patient does everything I ask them to do to the letter in my Holistic Dermatology practice.

Patients that cannot or will not change their diets do not improve with Naturopathic Dermatology. So when patients ask me if I can help their skin question, it is never a question in my mind IF Naturopathic Medicine will help my patient's dermatology condition. But my question to the patient is can you do the Naturopathic work? Can you change your diet to what we determine your skin needs you to eat? Can you take supplements and herbs in the forms of capsules, teas or tinctures? Are you serious about getting better? If you answered no to any of those questions my service will not be a good fit for you.

If I can't use the tools in my Naturopathic Toolbox on you, Nauropathic Medicine will fail, and you will need prescription drugs for your itchy skin. Please do not enroll in my practice if you are not open to changing your diet to the diet your skin needs you to eat, or if you cannot remember to take supplements as both are generally required in the first few months of care.

My detective process often results in making changes we don't want to make. But we also must listen to the skin because it is telling us something is seriously wrong with our body. In Chinese Medicine imbalances begin on the skin. When we fail to listen to them the imbalance drives in the body deeper and precipitates as an even worse chronic disease.

I have never seen a patient in fifteen years that did not need a dietary change to fix their skin issue with lasting results. Food is the trigger and hormone imbalance is often the underlying reason the skin is aggravated.

Whether it be Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema, Dyshidrotic Eczema, Dandruff, Seborrheic Dermatitis, hives or itchy skin I cannot help you be successful in achieving beautiful skin if you cannot change your diet. If that scares you but you are open to making gradual changes, I promise that I am the same exact way and will coach you through the process. Eventually you will learn what triggers your skin and want to avoid it through a process of trial and error.

Sometimes the food triggers is not even a food my patient likes to eat but is only eating "to be healthy." Such as my own soy intolerance I discovered from Food Sensitivity Testing. I developed eczema in college when I switched to a Vegan diet! So we cannot heal your skin if you do not want to change your diet. My most successful Dermatology patients already know this and hire me to help them figure it out. Let me explain why today.

Food allergies and food sensitivities are the #1 factor driving the common skin conditions I treat such as Eczema, Acne and Psoriasis. I am leaving this Food Elimination Diet from Bastyr University here for those of you that cannot afford a Food Sensitivity Test.

While I recommend testing, eliminating AND challenging to understand skin triggers, digestion, fatigue, joint pain and so forth, I do understand it is simply not affordable for some patients. The limitations of food sensitivity eliminations are that most of my patients cannot last 3 weeks on this diet and appreciate the ease of simply having their finger poked to determine the cause of the food sensitivity or allergen.

If you or your physician suspect that you might have a food allergy you can follow these basic guidelines to best determine the food that is the culprit.

Symptoms of food allergies can be insidious or immediate and include symptoms such as: skin rashes, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, fatigue, suppressed immune system, autoimmunity, rheumatoid arthritis, depression, brain fog, neurological symptoms and much more.

Because 70% of our immune system surrounds our gut in the form of GALT (Gut Associated Lymphatic Tissue) it only makes sense that food allergies and intolerances easily place a burden on our immune system.

Blood testing for food allergies may be helpful for children or patients that are unable to follow this regimented of a diet such as those with a history of eating disorders. However, blood testing for allergies is truly only 70% accurate and is helpful for determining which foods should be elminated and tested.

The immune system can create IgG and IgE responses to food. IgE reactions are immediate and typically result in anaphylactic shock whereas IgG allergies are insidious and most patients only notice improvement once the food has been eliminated for at least four days. Generally two full weeks is needed to determine the impact. IgG tests for sensitivity. Intolerances are possible without true allergy. Lactose intolerance for instance is a classic example of a food like milk causing a problem such as diarrhea without the presence of allergy.

The gold standard for determining food allergies/intolerances is therefore the Elimination Diet. Be sure to follow the specific diet prescribed to you by your physician. I have been using Bastyr University's elimination diet with patients since 2005 and not every patient can do it. Please look at it below to determine if you can realistically follow it, otherwise you need to schedule yourself for allergy and sensitivity testing.

As with any health care suggestions given here be sure to check with your own Naturopathic Doctor before attempting a food allergy elimination diet. Those with history of eating disorders whether active or dormant for instance are not candidates for this regimented of a diet. If you are suffering from any chronic health complaints you absolutely should not attempt this on your own and should be under the supervision of a licensed health care provider.

To identify foods that may be causing some or all of your symptoms. During the elimination period, foods that commonly cause symptoms are completely eliminated from the diet for one to two weeks. After your symptoms improve, foods are added back one at a time to determine which foods provoke symptoms. The following is a basic template used by many health care providers and may need to be modified to suit your specific needs.


Cereals:Hot: cream of rice, quinoa cereal (Quinoa Flakes).
Dry: puffed rice, puffed millet

Grains: Rice: no wild rice but all kinds of other rice including rice products such as pasta (Brands: Pastariso, Lundberg), plain rice cakes, rice bread without yeast (Brand:Energy), mochi (found frozen or fresh in Asian stores), buckwheat (kasha), millet, quinoa (a quick cooking grain), amaranth, and teff

Flours: Rice, millet, quinoa, amaranth, teff, bean flours, and tapioca

Fruit: All fruits except citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit)

Protein: Meat: lamb and wild game meats such as venison
Beans/legumes: all beans and legumes, except soy and peanuts. Check labels of canned beans, dips and soups for sweeteners, spices and additives (Brand: Taste Adventure dried refried beans and split pea soup). Do not eat canned beans with chemical additives (EDTA)

Vegetables: All vegetables except tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, potatoes, and corn

Nuts/Seeds: All nuts and seeds except peanuts

Oils/fats: All oils except peanut oil, corn oil and soybean oil

Sweeteners: Maple syrup (pure) and brown rice syrup

Beverages: Water (plain, mineral or sparkling), rice milk (plain or vanilla – check labels for ingredients, gums are allowed but barley malt or corn syrup are not allowed), all fruit juices except citrus juices are allowed and all herbal teas are allowed

Condiments: All condiments are allowed except for chocolate, tomato products (catsup), pepper products (Tabasco, hot peppers), and vinegars that contain malt or other ingredients requiring elimination. Black pepper is allowed. Check all condiments to make sure that the ingredients are allowed.

Elimination Diet Guidelines

1. Do not eat any food that you suspect is causing symptoms even if it is on the list of acceptable foods.

2. Use only those foods allowed unless you check with your health practitioner. READ LABELS! “Flour” usually means wheat flour, “vegetable oil” may mean corn oil or soybean oil, casein and whey are dairy products, and potato and soy flour is in some gluten free foods.

3. Withdrawal symptoms may occur during the first few days or week on the diet. Some or all of your symptoms may increase temporarily. You also may experience symptoms that you do not usually experience. The symptoms usually subside within 10 days. The following may help you feel better: drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day, buffered vitamin C, baths with Epsom salts or baking soda, naps and mild exercise such as walking.

4. The elimination diet may be followed for up to 4 weeks. When you have had 5 days in a row, without symptoms or your symptoms have decreased you are ready to challenge.

5. If no improvement occurs in 4 weeks, then the food substances were probably not the cause of your problem and you can gradually return to a normal diet. However, it is possible that you are eating something in the Elimination Diet that you are actually allergic to, and therefore testing should be conducted before assuming there are no food triggers. Testing must be conducted while the patient is on the food. Testing for Celiac Disease or gluten sensitivity will not be accurate unless the patient has eaten the food in the past 4 weeks. Occasionally patients are allergic to cashews and beans in this diet. If you cannot stomach beans, eat lamb for your protein source during elimination as fish, eggs, cheese, beef, and chicken are common protein allergens.


Start: Begin challenging when you have been on the elimination diet for at least 2 weeks and when you have had at least 5 days in a row without symptoms or at least your symptoms have decreased.

Challenge: Challenge one food or food group at a time, eating the recommended amount of food for 3 days in a row. For instance if you are challenging dairy you should have a glass of milk three times a day for three days. Try to use the purest form of the food possible. Cream of wheat is a better choice than bread when testing wheat for instance in order to ensure that the problem is the wheat in the bread and not the yeast or any other additives.

Stop: If symptoms occur, stop the challenge. Do not start the next challenge until you have had 1 full day free of symptoms.

When you challenge, keep a record of both your physical and behavioral symptoms.

Be patient, reactions can take up to 48 hours to begin. If you hurry your challenges, you are likely to end up getting confused and having to start again. If a reaction is doubtful, wait until the end of the challenge period and repeat the challenge to confirm a reaction.

Food Challenges: When challenging individual foods, eat one serving three times a day along with the elimination diet foods. Challenge for at least three days. Stop the food immediately if reacting.

Occasionally some patients will have severe “anaphylactic” reactions to a food they are challenging. If you experience extreme symptoms such as shortness of breath, sensation of your airway closing, swollen tongue or lips, redness or swelling of your entire body, or any other symptoms of an urgent nature do not hesitate to call 911. These symptoms can come on quite suddenly and it is better to be safe than sorry.

Meal Planning
Breakfast Ideas
• Mochi with cashew butter, peeled pear or apple
• Rice toast with cashew butter, pear
• Rice cereal and rice milk
• Rice pudding with soy milk

Lunch and Dinner Ideas
• Lamb, rice and green beans
• Lentil soup and rice crackers
• Cabbage soup and rice bread toast
• Beans and rice, lettuce salad
• Rice cakes with cashew butter, celery sticks
• Lamb, cabbage and rice soup
• Lettuce salad with cashews, celery, shallots and mung bean sprouts
• Rice pasta with parsley and green beans
• Bean soup and rice cakes
• Split pea soup and rice bread toast

Helpful Hints:
Eat as much as you want.
Add cold pressed oil to vegetables and rice for flavor and calories.
Read a good book (not a cookbook!)


Combination Cereals

Hearty Morning Cereal
1/2 cup amaranth
1/2 cup millet
1/2 cup teff
1/4 cup cashews

Sweet Rice Cereal
1 cup brown rice
1 cup sweet brown rice

Cashew Millet Cereal
1 cup millet
1 cup brown rice
1 cup cashews

Millet and Quinoa Cereal
1 1/2 cup millet
1 cup amaranth or quinoa

Place all grains and nuts in a fine strainer; rinse and drain. Toast grains in one of two ways:

Oven toasting:
Preheat oven to 350? F. Spread grains on a cookie sheet and toast in oven until they give off a nutty aroma (12-15 minutes).

Skillet toasting:
Place washed grains in a large skillet on burner and toast on medium heat, stirring constantly, until grains give off a nutty aroma (5 - 8 minutes).

Let toasted grains cool and store in sealed container. You can toast a big batch of several different grains at one time and store them in separate jars.
For the best nutrition, grind grains just prior to using in a small electric grinder or food processor. Once a grain is ground it begins to lose nutritional value within 24 to 48 hours. Store the whole toasted grains in labeled, sealed containers and grind the amount you need before cooking.

To cook ground grains into cereal use 1/3-cup ground cereal and 1 cup water per person. Combine cereal and water in a pot; bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer, covered, for 10-12 minutes. Using a flame-tamer or heat deflector on the burner while simmering the cereal helps prevent scorching or sticking.

Top plain cooked cereal with a little fruit sauce topping.

Amaranth Breakfast Cereal
1 cup amaranth
2 cups water
1 pear, peeled and chopped

In a small saucepan, bring the amaranth, water and pear to a boil. Lower heat to simmer, and cook for 20-30 minutes, or until all water has been absorbed. Garnish cereal with maple syrup, vanilla or rice milk.

Rice Waffles
2 cups rice flour
4 tsp. baking powder
2 cups rice milk
3 tbsp. safflower oil

Sift the dry ingredients together. Add the milk and oil gradually, stirring the mixture constantly until smooth. Bake in a hot oiled waffle iron. Serves 4

Rice Pancakes
1/2 cup ground cashews
1 1/2-Cup amaranth, quinoa or rice flours 1 1/4-cup water
1 tsp. baking powder 2 tbsp. oil

Combine dry ingredients, mix well. Combine liquid ingredients in small bowl, mix well. Stir into dry ingredients. Cook pancakes on preheated, un-greased, non-stick griddle or fry pan. When bubbly and brown, turn. As batter thickens, add water, a tablespoon at a time to keep cakes thin.

1 head cabbage, chopped
3-4 cloves garlic
2 tbsp. sunflower oil
16 oz can white beans, drained

In a large pot, steam cabbage with a small amount of water. Cook until soft. Remove cooked cabbage from pot and add oil and garlic. Sauté garlic for 2-3 minutes. Add the cabbage back to the pot with enough water to cover the cabbage by 1 inch. Add bean to cabbage and let cook for 30 minutes on low heat. Add salt to taste.

Nutty Drizzle (serve over grain, vegetables or pasta)
1/4 cup cashew butter
1/3 cup water

Place all ingredients in a small saucepan on low heat. Stir with a whisk until mixture is smooth and warm. Serve over your favorite grain, vegetables or pasta.

Quinoa Pilaf
1 cup quinoa
1/2 cup red lentils
1/4 cup chopped parsley
3 cups water

Combine all ingredients in a medium saucepan on high heat. When quinoa comes to a boil, lower heat to simmer and cook for 20 minutes. Fluff with a fork. Option: This mixture can be eaten warm as is or cold as a salad with added chopped vegetables.

Lentil Stew (6 servings)
1 lamb leg bone or 4 oz lamb blade steak, trimmed of fat and chopped (optional)
2 tsp. canola oil
1/2 green cabbage, chopped
6 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped
2 cups green lentils, washed and checked for stones
chopped parsley

Heat canola oil in large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add lamb bone or steak (optional). Sauté until brown on all sides. Add cabbage and garlic. Sauté until soft and just beginning to brown. Add lentils and water. Bring to a boil. Turn heat to low and simmer with a lid on until lentils and lamb are very tender, 1-2 hours. After cooking, add parsley to taste.

3-4 cups cooked garbanzo beans
5 cloves minced garlic
1 cup parsley
2-3 tbsp. safflower oil
3-4 tbsp. water
1 tsp. cashew butter
garbanzo bean flour

Mix all ingredients in food processor except the flour. When smooth, add flour until a thick batter/thin dough consistency is reached. Fry in oil in skillet until browned/crisp on both sides. Top with tofu dressing.

Black Bean Garlic Stir Fry
4 cloves garlic, minced
chopped vegetables (cabbage, scallions, leeks, celery, green beans)
chives and parsley, to taste
2 cups cooked black beans
4 cups cooked rice

Sauté garlic in a wok or large skillet. Add chopped vegetables and sauté until soft. Add chives and parsley and black beans and cook until heated thoroughly. Serve over rice.

Bean Dip
2 shallots
1/2 cup chopped leeks
2 cloves garlic, minced
16 oz cooked beans (Garbanzo, black, kidney or white)
1 tbsp. cashew butter
3 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley
1 tbsp. oil

In a small skillet, heat oil on medium heat. Add leeks, shallots and garlic. Sauté for 5-10 minutes or until leeks are soft. While vegetables cook, add remaining ingredients to a food processor. When vegetables are cooked, add to bean mixture in food processor. Process until all ingredients are well mixed and texture is creamy. Allow to cool before eating.

Split Peas and Rice (serves 4)
3 tbsp. oil 2 cups brown rice
1 leek chopped 6 cups water
1 clove garlic minced 1 cup yellow split peas
2 tsp. chopped chives
2 tsp. chopped parsley

In a large heavy pot, heat 3 tbs. oil and sauté leeks, garlic, chives and parsley until leeks are tender. Stir in rice and cook for 5 minutes or until rice begins to turn white. Add water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and cook covered for 20 minutes. Add split peas to the cooking rice and cook 30 minutes more.

Split Pea Delight
1/4 cup dried green split peas
1/4 carrot, sliced
1 1/4 cups water

Wash peas and scrub carrot. Put peas, carrot, and water in a small pan; bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 20-30 minutes. Puree in a blender.

Bean Salad
2 cups cooked beans (lentils, black, kidney, chick peas)
1/2 cup celery, chopped
1/2 cup parsley, chopped
2 shallots chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1-2 tbsp. oil

Combine the beans and chopped vegetables in a large bowl and toss until well mixed. Add oil and salt to taste and mix until beans and vegetables are evenly coated.

Rice Pasta and Vegetables
1 package rice pasta cooked according to package directions
2 leeks, chopped
3 shallots, chopped
2-3 cloves of garlic, minced
2 tbsp. fresh parsley, chopped
2 tbsp. fresh chives, chopped or 2 tsp. dried
2 tbsp. safflower oil

Heat oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add leeks, shallots and garlic and sauté for 5-7 minutes until leeks are soft. Add fresh parsley and chives and cook 1 minute longer. Remove vegetables from heat. Add rice pasta to vegetables, mix well. Add salt to taste.

Rice Salad
4 cups cooked brown rice
1 cup celery
2 tbsp. fresh chives
1 cup chopped red cabbage
1 cup chopped parsley
1/3 cup cashews
2 tbsp. oil

Toss brown rice with chopped vegetables and cashew nuts until evenly mixed. Add oil and salt to taste. Optional: add 1/2 cup to 1 cup canned beans or lentils.

Rice Pudding
* this recipe can be made with cooked leftover rice or uncooked rice
1 cup cooked rice
1 cup rice milk
1 tsp. vanilla

Place cooked rice in a pan with the rice milk. Heat on medium heat until most or all of the rice milk has been absorbed. Remove pan from heat. Add vanilla. If consistency is too hard, add more rice milk and return to stove.

To make this recipe with uncooked rice, add I cup uncooked rice with 2 cups rice milk and 1 cup water. Cook like ordinary rice. When rice is cooked, add vanilla.

Millet and Pears
1 cup millet
2 cup water or rice milk
1 pear, peeled and chopped

In a pan, bring millet, water and pear to a boil over high heat. Lower heat to simmer and cook for 30 minutes. remove from stove top. Mix well. If desired, add some rice milk for a creamier texture.

Fruit Sauce
Use 1 cup water per 1/4 cup cut-up pear or apple. Peel and slice the fruit. Place cut-up fruit and water in a pot; bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer until the fruit is tender and water has cooked off (about 15 minutes). Puree in a blender.

As you can see from the limited diet options this may be difficult for many patients to follow for a minimum of three weeks and therefore testing is helpful. If you are in need my help and support while on a food elimination diet or need Food Sensitivity Testing feel free to BOOK A VISIT with me. I am happy to help you feel happy in your skin again!

~Dr. Nicole Sundene

(480) 837-0900

Dr. Sundene is a Naturopathic Doctor in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is a Female Hormone Expert in Women's Health and Bioidentical Hormones. She specializes in Holistic Women's Health for Menopause,  Thyroid,  Hashimotos,  PMS, PerimenopauseAutoimmunePostpartumChronic Fatigue, DepressionAnxiety, Food Allergies,  DigestionDermatology, AcnePsoriasis Eczema, and Adrenal Hormonal Conditions. In 1999 she began working for a Hormone Doctor prior to starting Naturopathic Medical School. With over 23 years of experience in both Prescription and Natural women's health and hormones, she presents to women the best-integrated health solutions for their Chronic Disease. She has been an Herbalist for over 28 years and enjoys teaching women how to use herbs to balance their hormones, nutrition and optimize their health. Dr. Sundene relies on blood testing for her hormone metrics. The hormone testing is covered per the patient's insurance plan (not Medicaid) and conducted at certain points in the woman's menstrual cycle. To learn more about Hormone Testing for Women Visit: Bioidentical Hormones. Follow Dr. Sundene on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook for more tips on Women's Health, Female Hormones, and Naturopathy!


On this page patients can Enroll in Naturopathic Care, Refill Hormones, Request a Lab Slip, Report Adverse Reactions, Upload Documents/Labs securely, and Book Naturopathic sessions Online. Please allow 3-5 seconds for the booking widget to appear on the SCHEDULE page. The information below explains each form in steps.


My Naturopathic FAQ page addresses how to schedule your visit, the conditions I treat and specialize in as a Naturopathic Doctor, How to Request a Labslip if you have not been seen recently, and how to request a Hormone Refill (30 Days only) until your hormone testing is finalized.


Naturopathic Medicine, Hormone Management, and Hormone Med Checks are conducted by appointment only. Please visit the SCHEDULE page to receive Naturopathic care. Care is not conducted outside of appointments, except in the event of an adverse reaction there is no charge to receive a substitute hormone, herb, or supplement you cannot take.

To treat yourself to a Holistic Women's Health, Natural Endocrinology, Natural Dermatology, Natural Rheumatology, Natural Cardiology, Natural Gastroenterology, Natural Urology, or BHRT visit please visit my SCHEDULE page and allow 3-5 seconds for the booking widget to load. If you need assistance please call (480) 837-0900.


Naturopathic Doctor's spend a great deal of time with their patients via a detective process to understand the "Root Cause" of symptoms and are quite different than the standard MD version of Endocrinologist, Dermatologist, Rheumatologist, Gastroenterologist, Urologist, and Cardiologist. Naturopathy is a complicated process that uses Functional Medicine, Nutrition, Natural Hormones, Herbal Medicine, Vitamins, and Supplements to address the "Root Cause" of these conditions, rather than just prescribing the antiquated failed "Sick Care" American Medical Model that we use X drug to suppress X symptom. This is why Naturopathic Doctors do not accept insurance and do not run their appointments on a five to ten minute schedule like most doctors that accept insurance. While some patients do receive reimbursement for their visits from their insurance we do not work with any insurance companies as it is too time consuming and the payment system is based on the typical 1-5 minutes an MD spends with a patient not the 30-60 minutes I reserve for each patient.

Instead of handing a patient a prescription after 60 seconds of listening to their symptoms, we are looking at the symptom set as a whole to understand which Functional Medicine systems need to be addressed to reduce inflammation, and aid healing of the affected tissues. Please read the blogs associated with the conditions you seek treatment for to better understand how my medicine is more of a "detective process" and not just a "prescription." This is why the new patient visit is 60 minutes and follow up appointments are 30 minutes. Time is required to solve the symptoms which cannot be conducted outside of a scheduled appointment.


I want every patient enrolling in my practice to be a success story, and only accepting new female patients with Women's Health conditions such as female hormone imbalance, thyroid, breast pain (not breast cancer), Urology, Rheumatology, Psychiatry, Gastroenterology, and Dermatology conditions. Women with these conditions can enroll into my practice. If your health chronic disease health condition is not listed, I can most likely help you with my seventeen years of experience working as a Naturopathic Doctor, but you should call my assistant to first confirm that we will be successful working together. Please ensure your NEW PATIENT PAPERWORK is submitted at least 48 hours prior to your appointment for me to review prior to meeting you! I am very detail oriented and ask a great deal of questions.


Hormones Labs, Functional Medicine Labs, and relevant imaging can be faxed to us at (480) 409-2644 by calling your lab, previous doctor, or by calling your doctor's office and requesting the tests, not the notes are sent to Dr. Sundene. Please do not send your labs by text message as this is not secure, or labs from your patient portal as this is not a normal lab report that any doctor wants or finds useful as oftentimes there is one lab test per page which actually makes it more difficult for me to help you.

Or use the secure document upload form at the top of this page, or mail the labs to our clinic.


I only want the past 1-2 years of your labs, Functional Medicine Labs performed by your previous Naturopath, and anything pertinent that is abnormal related to your chronic disease condition. Providing too much information ie: more than 20 pages will require multiple visits. Please stay problem focused so we can achieve results and I am not wasting your new patient visit sifting through three boxes of chart notes over the past twenty years.

For assistance with scheduling your Naturopathic Hormone visit or for questions if my Women's Health and Hormone practice can be help your specific health chronic health condition if it is not listed as the doctor's specialty, please call (480) 837-0900. We can also obtain copies of your lab reports from Labcorp and Sonora Quest by calling us to request this.


We always refill your bioidentical hormones until you are legally due for a lab and follow-up visit. Please check with your pharmacy first before submitting refill requests. If you need a 30 day courtesy refill of your hormones to ensure your labs are accurate, please submit the REFILL REQUEST form. For accurate hormone testing, I need patients taking the hormones regularly without disruption for at least two weeks prior to the testing for it to be accurate. Do not take any AM hormones or caffeine the morning of your testing. Please stop biotin (hair loss supplement) two weeks prior to having your hormones test as it interferes with thyroid tests and female Hormone tests masking the hormone imbalance and making the labs appear as if they are completely normal, despite the patient exhibiting multiple symptoms.


To request a hormone lab slip please fill out this form: HORMONE LAB SLIP. Please read my NATUROPATHIC HORMONE TESTING page to confirm your testing is performed at the correct time of day and in the proper window with your menstrual cycle.

All lab slips are given directly to the patient at their appointment, or via a portal email. We never send your lab slip to the lab. Please ensure you are at the correct lab that is contracted with your insurance company. While some companies do not care which lab you are at, some policies may deny 100% of your charges should you be at the wrong lab. Labcorp is our preferred lab, due to fewer errors and wait times than Sonora Quest.


EOB's are not bills. Hormone lab testing may look very expensive upon receiving your EOB or "Estimate of Benefits" until your insurance adjusts the lab's bill with their allowed amount. Most of my patients with decent insurance have their labs covered per their insurance plan. Patients with high deductibles usually end up having to pay around $100-200 dollars toward their deductible. I have never seen a patient in my practice receive an actual bill from the lab for $2000 unless the diagnostic codes are missing, or the patient failed to give the lab their insurance card. If none of the labs are covered it is either because #1 The phlebotomist did not enter the diagnostic codes on the lab slip or #2 The patient did not give the lab their insurance card, or #3 The Patient gave the lab their old insurance card that is the wrong card. These are the scenarios that cause mass hysteria in hormone testing that can be avoided by properly educating yourself about the hormone testing process up front.


Hormone patients should check in at the lab no later than 8 am. Hormones must be tested while the patient is fully hydrated with water but fasting (no food, caffeine, or AM hormones) during days 21-23 of the menstrual cycle unless otherwise stated on your lab slip. PM hormones should be taken the night prior.

Please do not get your hormones checked when you are not on the hormones consistently the two weeks prior to testing, or if you have accidentally taken any AM hormones as this will cause erroneous hormone labs and potential hormone safety issues. If you have not performed the hormone testing within the 30 day "courtesy refill" please do not waste your precious lab dollars getting hormones tested when you are not on them. This is an utterly useless waste of everyone's time and taking hormones does not "magically change" hormone numbers. I will just receive totally useless labs that looked exactly as they did prior to treatment. The purpose of the follow up hormone testing is to ensure your hormones are safe for the long run. Patients that perform their labs incorrectly will be legally required to return to the lab at their own expense (as most insurance plans only allow testing every three weeks.) So please read the hormone testing blog to confirm you are doing everything correctly and using your insurance to reduce if not eliminate the cost of your hormone testing.

Our hormone lab results take a minimum of 3 weeks to become final. Sometimes they come in sooner, at which point we will call you. We recommend you wait for the doctor to inform you the labs are final and correct before scheduling a follow up to avoid multiple appointments.

For more information on hormones and Hormone Testing, please visit our Bioidentical Hormone page.


Our clinic uses Fullscript for all prescription grade supplements, vitamins, and herbal medicines the doctor needs to balance your hormones. Once you have set up your account, you can continue to order the supplements and refill them as needed. Patients do not need a prescription to order prescription grade supplements, and we need you to continue taking the supplements to ensure the treatment plan continues to work once the your symptoms are resolved.

While we recommend every patient has an annual hormone check up, this is optional for patients that have resolved their symptoms of hormone imbalance.


Patients should plan to be seen monthly until their symptoms improve. Generally Naturopathic Hormone Doctors need to work with patients monthly until they have improved and then every 3-6 months after that. I always recommend an annual hormone check up to ensure women's hormones are optimal and not just "In the normal range." Especially for women with hypothyroidism, perimenopause, Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, PMS, and menopause.

Existing patients can request a lab slip at any point if they are concerned their hormones are not correct by filling out the lab slip request below.

Visit notes with the doctor are required to get your hormones covered per your plan, if you have not been seen prior to the labs, your labs may be denied without filling out the proper request form so I have documentation for medical necessity.


Please do not listen to the phlebotomist at that lab that says 2-3 days. This is not a simple chem panel and cholesterol check ordered by most doctors. Hormone panels are specialty tests that must be sent out and require two to three weeks for our hormone specialty testing to be complete before scheduling your follow up appointment. The Total Estrogen, which is the most important test I need to help women with female hormone imbalance generally takes 3 full weeks.

To receive Naturopathic service, please book a visit on our SCHEDULE page or call (480) 837-0900 for assistance. We must see you annually at minimum to legally provide any hormones, advice, or medications per Arizona state hormone prescribing laws on thyroid hormones, and female hormones.

I am not legally allowed to prescribe medication by text message. Please do not text me copies of your labs as this is HIPAA compliant and I will immediately delete the text and ask my assistant to call you to schedule a meeting to review the labs.

For more information on how thyroid, adrenal, and female hormones are covered per insurance please visit our Naturopathic Hormone Testing page.

Dr. Nicole Sundene

Scottsdale Naturopathic Doctor

Organic Acids Testing (OAT TEST) can be helpful in establishing a proper diagnosis for complex chronic disease and women's health.


Organic acids are measured via urine testing. Organic acids are the chemical by-products of yeast, bacteria, vitamins, minerals, and neurotransmitters. Many organic acids are chemical irritants to the digestive tract and nervous system and are therefore directly responsible for making women feel sick.

The imbalance of organic acids can come from the microbiome causing a multitude of symptoms we will discuss today when the ratio of yeast to bacteria is out of balance, or the patient has pathogenic yeast, parasites, or bacterial organisms that need to be addressed with herbal medicine antifungals, antiparasitics, and/or antimicrobials.

OAT testing looks at the metabolites from yeast, parasites, and bacteria in the digestive tract. As well as the metabolism and production of neurotransmitters and vitamin byproducts.

Oftentimes I need the help of Organic Acid Testing when initial routine testing and hormone testing both come back normal, yet the patient does not feel well and is struggling with chronic disease symptoms. When I am unable to determine a diagnosis of hormone imbalance or standard medical diagnosis, then OAT Testing becomes imperative to help understand the cause of the symptoms.

The great thing about Organic Acid testing, is that via the urine we can now measure these markers to help determine THE ROOT CAUSE of the symptoms such as a diagnosis of yeast overgrowth, mold exposure, neurotransmitter imbalance, vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Organic acid testing also looks at levels of oxalates which are highly correlated with many chronic illnesses such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune Disease, and Chronic Pain.  

Symptoms Related to Organic Acid Testing: 

The abnormalities found on the Organic Acids test help your Naturopathic Doctor determine which specific dietary modifications, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants you may need. As well as foods you may need to avoid that are causing the production of these organic acids. 

Abnormally high levels of certain microorganisms secreting these organic acids can cause mental health disorders and behavioral issues, especially in children and teens that lack the impulse control we develop as adults. Organic acids can trigger angry outbursts, temper tantrums, rage, hyperactivity, movement disorders, fatigue, and chronic immune dysfunction resulting in frequent sickness. Those with chronic disease and/or neurological issues are likely secreting high levels of these organic acids that then irritate the nervous system.

Treating and removing the offending organism can oftentimes cause a temporary flare in the aggressive or abnormal behavior as the organisms will release more of their organic acids into the bloodstream as they begin to die off. This is referred to as a “Herxheimer Reaction,” and can be reduced by using proper binding agents and probiotics throughout the treatment course. 

As a Naturopathic Doctor I find Organic Acid testing extremely helpful for successfully treating my patients with chronic fatigue, digestive, dermatology, mental health, and ADHD

With the correct information, we can then improve bowel function, increase energy, improve alertness and concentration. I have even seen improved verbal skills and less hyperactivity in my ADHD and Autism spectrum disorder patients. 

When in doubt, the OAT test is extremely helpful in establishing a diagnosis and pointing us in the correct direction of the ROOT CAUSE of the patient’s chronic disease symptoms.

It is important to work with a reputable lab approved by your Naturopathic Doctor when relying on Organic Acid Testing. There is only one company I currently trust. While I will not say bad things about other lab companies, the testing is essentially worthless when not conducted by a trusted lab.

If you would like to have your Organic Acid test performed prior to your new patient appointment simply give us a call at (480) 837-0900 so we can have a test kit sent out to you. Please allow 5 full weeks from the date you mail your test kit out to schedule your new patient visit. I am able to help out-of-state patients via telemedicine with their Organic Acid Testing. 

Dr. Nicole Sundene

(480) 837-0900

Dr. Sundene is a Naturopathic Doctor in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is considered a Female Hormone Expert  in Women's Health and Bioidentical Hormones. She specializes in Holistic Women's Health for MenopauseThyroid, Hashimotos, PMS, PerimenopauseAutoimmune, Postpartum, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Food Allergies, Digestion, Dermatology , Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema and Adrenal Hormonal Conditions. In 1999 she began working for a Hormone Doctor prior to starting Naturopathic Medical School. With over 22 years of experience in both Prescription and Natural women's health and hormones she presents to women the best integrated health solutions for their Chronic Disease. She has been an Herbalist for over 27 years and enjoys teaching women how to use herbs to balance their hormones, nutrition and optimize their health. Dr. Sundene relies on blood testing for her hormone metrics. The hormone testing is covered per the patient's insurance plan and conducted at certain points in the woman's menstrual cycle. To learn more about Hormone Testing for Women Visit: Bioidentical Hormones. Follow Dr. Sundene on InstagramTwitter and Facebook for more tips on Women's Health, Female Hormones and Naturopathy!

Hormone Testing is generally covered per the patient's insurance plan as explained below. Visits with a Naturopathic Doctor are not covered, but can be applied to the plan's deductible and paid for by Health Savings Accounts (HSA) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA).

Proper hormone testing is important for conditions such as menopause, perimenopause, hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s, PCOS, Insulin Resistance, cystic acne, and hormonal acne. Getting the correct labs ordered is important for successful patient outcomes, therefore Dr. Sundene prefers no other doctor to order her hormone labs unless they are also a Naturopathic Doctor that specializes in Female Hormones.

Our clinic works hard to ensure that insurance covers hormone testing which would otherwise cost $800-$2000 if not paid by insurance for an initial hormone panel to determine the type of hormone imbalance. Many Naturopathic Hormone Doctors do not offer labs via insurance, and instead, require the patient to perform expensive saliva hormone testing. Please read the following information carefully to ensure we can process your labs accurately via your insurance. 

Patients with standard insurance plans such as Cigna, BCBS, United Healthcare, Aetna, etc should call their insurance provider to determine which lab is contracted with their plan. It will be either Labcorp (preferred) or Sonora Quest (more errors, greater wait time.) For these plans, it does not matter who the ordering doctor is. It matters that the doctor has the correct hormone imbalance diagnosis codes to match the labs that are being ordered and that the patient is at the correct lab that is contracted with their plan. If your PPO plan does not care what lab you go to we recommend Labcorp as less likely to cause errors at this time. 

Patients with Medicare are only covered at Labcorp. Vitamin testing and preventive tests are not generally paid by Medicare, such as Hemoglobin A1c for diabetes prevention. Women should expect their hormones to be covered but to receive additional small bills of $20-$40 for each test that Medicare deems "not medically necessary." Patients with Medicare should have their Medicare PCP order any imaging they require as imaging is not covered when ordered by a Naturopathic Doctor.

Medicaid/AHCCSS is not covered. Little lab coverage is allowed with Arizona Medicaid and most MD's can only order 1-2 tests as a result. Please refer to the cash pay pricing below. Naturopathic Doctors cannot order AHCCSS labs in Arizona.

Cash Pay Patients: For patients without insurance, we recommend cash labs at Sonora Quest as the most cost-effective option. The first panel is generally $500-$800 to determine the diagnosis of hormone imbalance, then follow-up spot checking of the imbalanced hormones is generally around $200. Patients receive the cash pay discount by paying at the time of their blood draw at the Sonora Quest draw station. 

Patients should be fasting and go to the lab around 8am with no caffeine or AM hormones taken the day of their blood draw. If you get to the lab and realize you have taken hormones, your lab tests will be inaccurate and need to be repeated. It is best to leave and not waste your insurance opportunity on incorrect labs. Please take any AM hormones after your blood has been drawn to avoid false elevations of thyroid and bioidentical hormones. If you take PM hormones such as BHRT, Bioidentical Hormones such as estrogen, progesterone or testosterone, please take these as you normally do before bed. Patients should not have a lapse in their medication the two weeks prior to their blood draw or their labs will be incorrect. Any caffeine the day of your labs will interfere with your hormone labs, as will any biotin taken the 2 weeks prior to testing. Biotin interferes especially with thyroid tests. 

Menstruating women: Should have their blood drawn days 21-25 of their menstrual cycle with day 1 being the first day that they start to bleed. 

Non-menstruating women: Can have their blood drawn at any point in the month

For more questions about Bioidentical Hormones and hormone testing, please visit our page on Bioidentical Hormones.  

To set up your new patient visit to receive a lab order, please visit our SCHEDULE page.

Dr. Sundene is a Naturopathic Doctor in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is a Female Hormone Expert in Women's Health and Bioidentical Hormones. She specializes in Holistic Women's Health for Menopause,  Thyroid,  Hashimotos,  PMS, PerimenopauseAutoimmunePostpartumChronic Fatigue, DepressionAnxiety, Food Allergies,  DigestionDermatology, AcnePsoriasis Eczema, and Adrenal Hormonal Conditions. In 1999 she began working for a Hormone Doctor prior to starting Naturopathic Medical School. With over 23 years of experience in both Prescription and Natural women's health and hormones, she presents to women the best-integrated health solutions for their Chronic Disease. 

She has been an Herbalist for over 28 years and enjoys teaching women how to use herbs to balance their hormones, nutrition and optimize their health. Dr. Sundene relies on blood testing for her hormone metrics. The hormone testing is covered per the patient's insurance plan (not Medicaid) and conducted at certain points in the woman's menstrual cycle. To learn more about Hormone Testing for Women Visit: Bioidentical Hormones. Follow Dr. Sundene on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook for more tips on Women's Health, Female Hormones, and Naturopathy!

Dr. Nicole Sundene, NMD

Scottsdale Naturopathic Doctor

"Why did mold make me sick and my husband was fine? Are women more susceptible to mold because of our women's hormones?" Julia Paradise Valley, AZ

Mold exposure can impact women more than men because men have more testosterone so their body's generally run at a temperature that is higher than ours. Therefore women with a lower body temperature in the 97 range are the perfect Petri dishes to make mold! I know horrifying, right?

I get asked this question a lot because the majority of my mold patients are women and I often hear the same tale where they found mold in their house and it affected them but not their husband. Men will naturally have an easier time burning mold out of their system thanks to their high hormone levels!

Mold exposure can also more easily result in overgrowth in the body when the patient has low body temperature from hypothyroidism, blood pressure or cardiovascular issues.

Mold exposure testing of the individual and the home is very important in Arizona as the first layer or our desert is mainly mold, and our temperature generally is perfect to host mold that never gets fully killed off.

Leaks in the home can quickly create a moldy environment due to warm temperatures that favor the growth of mold. Sometimes my patients never even know how they were exposed to mold, it could have happened at a hotel or foreign travel, it doesn't always have to happen in your home. However, if you are experiencing leaks or mold in your home, you should get not just the home tested, but a test for yourself as well.

Mold testing is expsecially important when the patient is experiencing the following common cluster of symptoms related to mold exposure. Generally my typical mold patient will tell a tale of being perfectly healthy and then suddenly feeling sick and tired all the time. Although some have been sickly for unknown reasons since they were babies.

Natural medicine, herbs, supplements, hormone balancing, binders, and antifungal medications together can help get your life back after mold exposure. While it does require a bit of work, today I want to go over the symptoms of mold, mold testing, the different types of mold and mildew, as well as how to prevent their formation around your home. The #1 most important thing I want you to know as a Women's Health Naturopathic Doctor that treats a lot of mold exposure patients and women with chronic yeast infections, is that a Mycotox test helps me understand what treatment we need to do the fastest, helps my patients adhere to their treatment when they see a positive tested, and is highly recommended for patients with the following mold symptoms:


Other diseases and symptoms linked to mold exposure are Fever, autoimmune disease, depression, ADHD, liver damage, anxiety, heart disease, palpitations, autism and ASD.

Patients with symptoms related to mold exposure should identify and treat the cause of the exposure which is generally environmental although it is possible for fungus to take root in the body in the lungs, digestive tract, kidneys, and sinus and begin to propagate. In this case, the patient must be treated with prescription or botanical antifungals, or the symptoms from the mold exposure will never resolve or may take years to resolve.  


Mold testing or “Mycotox testing” is not covered by insurance. This alternative test looks at the patient's urine to identify the type of mold or fungus causing the patient's sickness. This is especially helpful when previous treatments have not worked, the patient is extremely ill, and/or just wants to get better as fast s possible.

Mold treatment should be done by an experienced naturopathic doctor and involves first testing the patient for the presence of mycotoxins, and identifying the source of the exposure to the mycotoxins via environmental and home mold testing. We then treat the patient with botanical or prescription antifungals depending on if the exposure is internal or external. 


Patients testing positive for mold should do regular saunas and sweating to eliminate the mold and use supportive herbal medicine and nutrition. Adhere to a low-carb diet and eliminate foods that contain yeast and mold as well as consume binders such as clay and activated charcoal to help pull the mold and mycotoxins out of the system. Generally, a lifelong allergy to molds and yeasts happens after a significant exposure, especially to black mold.


If you are fatigued, with a chronic itchy nose, you may be reacting to hidden sources of mold in your home. Generally speaking, mold proliferates in dark, damp areas.

Older homes, and homes without ample sunlight will typically generate more mold.

If your entire family is constantly sick or sick with allergies, hire someone to test for mold and clean it up.

Here are five common hidden household sources of mold:

  1. Washing Machine- A great way to grow and breed mold in your clothes is to let them sit wet in your washing machine for days on end before drying them. The heat from the dryer will only further proliferate the growth of mold, especially if you don’t allow your clothes to dry completely. Transition clothes from the washer to dryer immediately. When not in use, leave the lid to your washing machine up.
  2. Shower-Any black or green discolorations in your shower are the warning signs of mold overgrowth. Kill the mold, caulk, and seal surfaces. Keep your shower clean on a weekly basis. For those with mold allergies or allergic asthma, showering in steamy aerosolized mold is surely contributing to breathing difficulties. Open windows and use your bathroom fan to decrease mold promoting water vapor in your bathroom.
  3. Kitchen -Not only is the kitchen sink a similar breeding ground for mold as your shower, but dishes left to soak overnight or for days on end are growing mold. Wash and dry dishes promptly. If you must allow something to soak, change the water daily. Dishwashers are also a great place to harbor mold especially when cups full of water sit with the dishes for more than a few hours. Get your dishes out of the dishwasher as fast as possible!
  4. Refrigerator- Leftovers and spoiled food are the leading causes of mold that we ingest. Throw out leftovers after 48 hours max, 24 hours is ideal. Stay on top of expiration dates, the more moldy foods in your fridge, the faster newer foods will spoil from traveling mold spores. Throw out breads and baked goods after a week. Do not “cut the mold off cheese” throw it away! Wipe down contents of fridge once monthly. I do not recommend consuming dairy, gluten, or yeast-containing foods.
  5. Plants and Humidifers- Although intended to improve our health, plants and humidifiers are also mini mold factories. Do not over water plants. Be sure your plants are not sitting in a trays of moldy water. Change humidifier water daily, and clean your humidifier often.

Although mold may be proliferating in other areas of your home, be sure to stay on top of the most common mold producing areas that we all interact with. Many people with allergies will improve just from these simple tips.

In naturopathic medicine, we address the “total load” of allergies. Food allergies, food sensitivities, and allergies to mold, will almost always worsen seasonal allergies. The less your immune system is required to react to, the healthier and less symptomatic you should ultimately be. Once patients have been exposed to mold they generally have a lifelong allergy to mold and yeast.

For those with severe allergies and respiratory problems, I would recommend the use of a HEPA air filtration system to further fight the war on mold and other household allergens.


Molds are a diverse group of fungi. Under optimal conditions, with organic matter and water, a single mold spore can germinate and produce a fungal colony with hundreds of thousands of spores in 4 to 9 days. Fungi thrive in the 65% to 85% humidity ranges, though most allergenic molds release their spores during dry conditions of humidity below 70%.


People who are allergic to molds may have symptoms that persist for long periods of time, recur several times throughout the year, or are associated with specific environments where molds flourish. Molds are so widespread in nature that total avoidance is quite difficult. There are, however, a number of precautions that can help limit your exposure.


Mildew, for example, is the common name for some of the more common molds that grow rapidly inside the home. Areas where mold flourishes include shower stalls, spoiling food, draperies, wallpaper, and its canvas backing, luggage, shoes, gloves, leather goods, damp linens or clothing, and locations where flooding has occurred, especially around leaky toilets, sinks, ceilings, refrigerators or dishwashers. Wood floors, baseboards, closed-up cabins or boats, poorly circulated storage areas, refrigerator drip pans, air conditioners, or dehumidifier reservoirs are other common mold sites. Anywhere dust or soil accumulates in the home is likely to provide a suitable area for mold growth. Stuffed furniture, pillows, mattresses, old stuffed toys, wool carpets, stored paper products, stored clothing, and bedding are likely to grow mold. Aquariums and indoor plants can also attract mold growth in the home.


Efforts should be made to create at least one allergen-free room in the home. Generally, it should be a bedroom where the mold-sensitive person can spend as much time each day as possible. It is particularly important that furniture covers be made of vinyl or synthetic material. Upholstered furniture, down comforters, stuffed toys, carpeting, and wall hangings should be removed. Hardwood, vinyl, or tile floors are suggested. Dust and soil should be frequently removed with a HEPA vacuum or a wet mop. Air filtration devices and dehumidifiers can help. Central air conditioning and heating generally generate less dampness in the home, as long as filters are cleaned regularly. Mold-resistant paints should be used in this room and throughout the home. A small electric light in poorly ventilated areas will help reduce humidity.

There are no safe, long-lasting fungicides for use within the home. Common germicides (Lysol, Tylex) can help kill many indoor molds. Ordinary bleach at 50% to full strength can kill molds (in areas where it won’t destroy furnishings or paint). In severe cases, ozone generators can be used to kill indoor mold during periods while the home is vacant.

Avoiding windy days outdoors is the #1 most important factor for patients suffering from mold exposure or mold allergy. Molds play an important role in the decomposition of organic matter, helping to return vital nutrients to the soil. Because of this factor, mold-sensitive individuals should avoid contact with decomposing leaves, grasses, and grains. Check your yard and surroundings for any decomposing plants or trees and have them removed as this is generating more mold spores in the air around your home.

This includes activities such as raking or mowing lawns, handling or harvesting grain, and working around haystacks and feed barns. Travel in rural areas, especially on dry, windy days during or after a harvest should be avoided. Dense vegetation around living and working quarters should be cleared. If exposure to molds cannot be avoided, a facemask should be worn to filter the airborne allergens. Fungicides can be used sparingly outside the home with the expertise of an organic landscaper.

If you need my help testing for mold exposure or treating for mold exposure I would be happy to help. The Moldex test is a simple urine test that helps us understand the strain of mold or yeast the patient has been exposed to. If you would like to perform the test prior to coming into the clinic simply call ahead and allow five full weeks for your Mold test to come back before booking your new patient visit over on my SCHEDULE page.

Dr. Nicole Sundene

(480) 837-0900

Dr. Sundene is a Naturopathic Doctor in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is a Female Hormone Expert in Women's Health and Bioidentical Hormones. She specializes in Holistic Women's Health for Menopause,  Thyroid,  Hashimotos,  PMS, PerimenopauseAutoimmunePostpartumChronic Fatigue, DepressionAnxiety, Food Allergies,  DigestionDermatology, AcnePsoriasis Eczema, and Adrenal Hormonal Conditions. In 1999 she began working for a Hormone Doctor prior to starting Naturopathic Medical School. With over 23 years of experience in both Prescription and Natural women's health and hormones, she presents to women the best-integrated health solutions for their Chronic Disease. 

She has been an Herbalist for over 28 years and enjoys teaching women how to use herbs to balance their hormones, nutrition and optimize their health. Dr. Sundene relies on blood testing for her hormone metrics. The hormone testing is covered per the patient's insurance plan (not Medicaid) and conducted at certain points in the woman's menstrual cycle. To learn more about Hormone Testing for Women Visit: Bioidentical Hormones. Follow Dr. Sundene on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook for more tips on Women's Health, Female Hormones, and Naturopathy!

Location: 14300 N Northsight 
Blvd Ste 124
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Ph: 480-837-0900
Fax: 480-409-2644
© Copyright 2024 | Scottsdale Naturopathic Hormones 
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