Dr. Nicole Sundene, NMD

Scottsdale Naturopathic Doctor

"What causes my eye to twitch? Is it related to my hormones"

Annie S, Scottsdale, AZ

With many things causing everyone's eyes to twitch right now, it could just be stress.

This may be a sign we need to turn off the news and focus on stress management. Mineral deficiency in women is also commonly to blame.

I will review the most common cause of eye twitching that I find and what works best to treat it by first adjusting your diet and nutrition.

Most muscles twitch due to calcium and magnesium deficiency, especially the eye muscles.

Although our eyes might twitch a bit when we are annoyed, stressed, or tired... a twitchy eye is typically the initial warning sign of calcium deficiency.

As women age they naturally require more minerals. Perimenopause and menopausal changes can increase a woman's requirement for certain minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and iron.

Human Physiology 101: Calcium helps our muscles contract and when deficient the muscles begin to spasm in “tetany." Magnesium helps our muscles relax. Deficiency in one mineral, another, or both can cause this annoying eye problem.

Excellent sources of calcium are yogurt, kefir, almond milk, raw nuts, nettles and leafy greens. If you do not drink milk, eat cheese or yogurt please check your calcium intake numbers because most of my patients that are Vegan are deficient in calcium unless drinking 3 glasses of fortified nut milk per day.

The good news if you are Vegan, is that most of the new dairy-free options are wisely fortified with calcium. I plan my calcium rich foods as snacks and parts of my main meals 3-4 times daily.

If you are unable to achieve this with diet, I would recommend a calcium supplement.

Magnesium is found in green vegetables, nuts, and whole grains. A cal/mag supplement of 500mg cal/250mg mag can easily be taken if you are worried you are not reaching the 1000mg of necessary calcium each day. I recommend taking this at bedtime as it will also help for insomnia in women.

Do not take more than 500 mg of calcium at a time as the body can not utilize more than that and it may cause digestive upset such as constipation. We once were giving women very high doses of supplemental calcium back in the 90's. The Osteoporosis doctor I worked for prescribed women 1200mg-1500mg each day. We have now found this may cause premature hardening of the arteries or "athlerosclerosis" from calcium deposits into the arteries that causes High Blood Pressure.

Therefore I now recommend that women count their daily consumption and supplement until it reaches 1000mg between diet and supplements. Please do not assume you are getting enough calcium from your diet without first putting everything you eat into a nutrient tracking app.

Perimenopausal and Menopausal women need 1000mg of calcium daily between food and supplement sources. I don’t think calcium carbonate (found in over the counter antacids) is the best form of calcium for those with osteoporosis as it is not as readily absorbable as calcium citrate or calcium hydroxyappetite.

Calcium carbonate from Tums and inexpensive calcium supplements actually neutralizes the stomach acid and need stomach acid to digest minerals. If you are on a medication for acid reflux such as Prevacid, Ranitidine, Omeprazole, Tums, etc this may be contributing to your inability to properly absorb minerals. Tums are therefore a HORRIBLE source of calcium that I find horrifying for women to take as a Biochemist and Naturoapthic Doctor!

The calcium carbonate form of calcium in Tums does not absorb well, is not good for building bone, and has a high risk of getting kidney stones associated with it. So please invest in your bones to prevent painful fractures later in life, and buy a decent bottle of calcium citrate and magnesium citrate. Please throw your Tums in the garbage where they belong.

If you have heartburn or acid reflux you really just need a Food Allergy Sensitivity Test to determine the trigger foods upsetting your digestion. Inflammation from Irritable Bowel Syndrome in the digestive track can also cause poor mineral absorption.

Adequate vitamin D levels are also imperative for calcium absorption.

If you get painful leg cramps or “Charlie Horses” at night be sure that you are not dehydrated and that you are consuming electrolytes such as potassium and sodium to replete deficiencies after exercise. Take your cal/mag a few hours before bed. Sports drinks, emergen-C, and natural sea salt are excellent sources of these minerals.

To make a natural electrolyte replacement beverage simply dilute your favorite juice by about 25-50% (be sure it doesn’t contain high fructose corn syrup) and add a big pinch of sea salt to about every twenty ounces or so. Most sports drinks are full of unnecessary high fructose corn syrup and artificial flavors and colors.

If you still continue to get cramps or muscle twitches on a mineral rich diet you should ask your Naturopathic Doctor to run labs to determine the cause. While the most common cause I find is a vitamin or nutrient deficiency, there is always the rare possibility it is something more serious such as a thyroid eye condition like Hashimoto's, Grave's disease, Sjogren's or another autoimmune disease that can affect the eye. Sometimes hormone imbalance in women such as Testosterone deficiency can also adversely impact the eyes. If correcting nutrition basics does not fix your twitching eye then you need to pop over to my appointment page and BOOK A VISIT.

Read: "Magnesium Deficiency in Women" and "Osteoporosis Prevention"

~Dr. Nicole Sundene

(480) 837-0900

Dr. Sundene is a Naturopathic Doctor in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is a Female Hormone Expert in Women's Health and Bioidentical Hormones. She specializes in Holistic Women's Health for Menopause,  Thyroid,  Hashimotos,  PMS, PerimenopauseAutoimmunePostpartum DepressionChronic Fatigue, DepressionAnxiety, Food AllergiesDigestionDermatology , AcnePsoriasis, Eczema and Adrenal Hormonal Conditions. In 1999 she began working for a Hormone Doctor prior to starting Naturopathic Medical School. With over 23 years of experience in both Prescription and Natural women's health and hormones, she presents to women the best integrated health solutions for their Chronic Disease. She has been an Herbalist for over 28 years and enjoys teaching women how to use herbs to balance their hormones, nutrition and optimize their health. Dr. Sundene relies on blood testing for her hormone metrics. The hormone testing is covered per the patient's insurance plan and conducted at certain points in the woman's menstrual cycle. To learn more about Hormone Testing for Women Visit: Bioidentical Hormones. Follow Dr. Sundene on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook for more tips on Women's Health, Female Hormones, and Naturopathy!

By Dr. Nicole Sundene

Scottsdale Naturopathic Doctor

Menopause is a common often frustrating Women's Health condition caused by a woman's permanent cessation of her menstrual period for more than 12 consecutive months. The sudden drop in estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels from menopause result in hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, insomnia, weight gain, stomach aches, joint pain, hip pain, vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, bladder infections, anxiety, depression, anger, agitation and sadness.

While progesterone and testosterone begin to decline for women around age 35 as seen in Perimenopause, Menopause is primarily associated with the deficiency of the hormone estrogen. Menopause typically occurs between 40 and 50 years of age, with the average age of menopause being 52 years old. As women's estrogen levels drop they notice changes in their body temperature, hair, skin integrity, vision, vaginal dryness, sleep and concentration.

In the United States, studies reported that women at the age of 51 often experience menopause. Further, every year 1.3 million women report menopausal symptoms in the United States. Women with menopause have lost the ability to become pregnant naturally. Early menopause, also known as "Premature Ovarian Failure" occurs when women are in their early 40's or 10 years or more prior to the average age of menopause.

Medical studies report that hormonal disturbances are common in later stages of life. Depletion of estrogen level leads to the high concentration of follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone in the body that significantly disrupt the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis. As a result, endometrial development failures disrupt the regular menstrual cycles and finally develop various menopausal symptoms. Moreover, different surgical procedures such as hysterectomy with bilateral oophorectomy may also cause surgical menopause. Other health conditions such as cancer, cancer treatments such as chemotherapy can cause early menopause and affect a woman's hormone and thyroid. Endometriosis medications such as antiestrogen medication can also lead to the development of premature menopause. [1, 2]

It is important for women not to confuse Perimenopause, Menopause, and Postmenopause. With so many different labels how can the patient even know which one applies to them? Knowing the correct diagnosis when working with your hormone doctor is important as different treatments, herbs and hormones are appropriate for these 3 different stages of a woman's normal life span. Perimenopause generally occurs 10 years prior to menopause or ages 41-51 if we were to predict based upon the average age of menopause and is characterized by irregular periods with heavier or lighter menstrual flow before menopause. Menopause is the complete absence of menstruation and often the most difficult time for women to get adjusted to as their body and brain adjust to their new low hormone levels. This is when women commonly need the most hormonal support as even tapering a patient slowly off BHRT is often more gentle than just the sudden cessation of estrogen. Some of my female patients need bioidentical hormones around menopause for a few years and then discontinue them when no longer needed and some patients will prefer to be on hormones at all times. Once a woman has gone through menopause she then becomes labeled with "Postmenopause."

Signs and Symptoms of Menopause

Menopausal symptoms are divided into the following three main categories. [1, 3]

Vasomotor Symptoms: Studies reported that 75% of menopausal women experience vasomotor symptoms. The vasomotor symptoms include: 

Hot flashes are the prominent symptoms of menopause experienced by almost 85% of menopausal women. A menopausal hot flash episode often remains for at least three to four minutes. Moreover, different factors such as alcohol, emotional stress, and diet may aggravate hot flashes. Studies reported that the average age of menopausal hot flashes is around 5.2 years. 

Note that the intensity and severity of migraine changes over time. Studies also reported that the migraine without aura commonly occurs during menopause. Remember that although migraine with aura is less common in menopausal women and is highly associated with the risk of stroke. [3, 4]

Urogenital Symptoms

Urogenital symptoms occur in approximately 60% of menopausal women. These symptoms include:

Vaginal dryness, pruritus, lichen sclerosis and dyspareunia (painful intercourse) results from vaginal atrophy. In contrast, urethral atrophy leads to urgency, frequent urination, dysuria, and stress incontinence. Women have more bladder infections, more kidney infections, more yeast and vaginal infections with menopause as the vaginal flora is impacted by pH changes and lack of hydration from diminished goblet cells producing mucous that can protect bacteria from adhering to the tissues.  [3]

Psychological Symptoms

Around 45% of menopausal women report psychological symptoms. These symptoms include:

Studies also recommend checking and evaluating weight, blood pressure and overall health at a check up when women become menopausal or begin to notice changes. The Latin rood word for Uterus comes from "Hysteria" and that is how we ended up with the word hysterectomy. Most likely because a doctor made the observation that women go hysterical with menopause. As much as I hate this judgement label, I would agree it is true for some of my patients and have sadly seen many women struggle with menopause and their mood. My great grandmother was "accidentally given a hysterectomy after the birth of her last child" and she suddenly went in to severe depression and hot flashes. Back in 1911 the only cure her doctor was aware of for menopause was to "Drink beer." The church lady was told to illegally brew beer during Prohibition so she had medicine for her menopausal symptoms. She had to shutter her house once a month to make the beer she needed for her hot flashes. Thankfully we have much better treatments for menopause thanks to bioidentical hormones, nutrition and Naturopathy! I do not want any of my patients to feel like they have to break the law to treat their menopause. Brewing beer for menopausal symptoms illegally seems barbaric. I did learn in Naturopathic school at Bastyr University that Hops are a natural phytoestrogen that help with menopausal symptoms. Fortunately we have tinctures and capsules so women do not need to rely on drinking beer!

The key indicator that a woman's depression or anxiety is related to menopause or perimenopause is a sudden onset of anxiety or depression later in life when no previous mental health disorder occurred. Most women with anxiety will have a lifetime pattern that they describe to me as always feeling anxious since childhood, teens or 20's but when women that are 40-50 experience a sudden adverse shift in their mental health we should be extremely concerned about their hormone balance whether we are treating the menopause with hormones or herbs it is vital for it to be addressed and properly diagnosed or women can often feel they are going crazy, "I feel like I am suddenly going crazy!" has been a comment I have heard time and time again as a menopause doctor. I then ask whether they have experienced any mental health disorder previously in their life and when they tell me no, I counsel them that it is their hormones impacting their mental health and they are not crazy.

Nearly every single work day I get a new female patient that is depressed or anxious struggling with their mood and frustrated that they are not getting any results from their anti-depressants or anxiety medications. When we get their hormones properly fine tuned it can help stabilize the patient and oftentimes I have seen patients be able to discontinue the antidepressants whether I taper them off myself, their psychiatrist tapers them off or they just suddenly stop taking it because they tell me they no longer need it. Obviously I do not recommend women suddenly stop their antidepressants but instead gradually taper them down once their treatment is working effectively and they no longer need the anti-depressant or valium, Ritalin, Vyvance, etc. Hormones can impact mood, memory and concentration. It is possible for women to be taken off these common medications once their concentration, peace and sense of joy is restored by addressing the imbalanced endocrine system with Functional Medicine, Bioidentical Hormones and Naturopathy.

Did you know I once had a patient sent to me by a Psychiatrist that was on 5 mental health drugs? She is no longer taking any of those medications thanks to her decision to get her hormones checked and treated. Once we had all her levels adjusted properly she completely returned to normal. All of her symptoms started at 35 and she had never had anxiety or depression before until her hormones began to suddenly shift. The psychiatrist was of course shocked to see how much better she was with the hormones as we worked together to taper her down from everything. It was a very powerful mental health lesson for both of us.

While many Naturopathic Doctors are intimidated by complex patients, my background in prescription family medicine makes me a bit more fearless...especially since I know my treatments are generally harmless compared to the side effects of antidepressants, anti-psychotics and the addiction potential for patients at risk of becoming hooked on benzodiazepines like valium and xanax when really their hormones are just off and not compatible with feeling happy.

Perimenopause which begins as early as 30 for some women that will enter menopause early can be extremely hard on a woman's mental health as they battle estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency or "Permanent PMS" as I like to call it as my mental health patient nods and says "That is exactly what is wrong with me. It does feel like permanent PMS because I am gaining weight, I am super bloated, I feel agitated, and I am constantly fighting with my husband and crying over nothing!"

Many marriages can be pushed to the brink of marriage counseling when women are struggling with their hormones. In order for men to have more empathy and understanding I would love to perform an experiment where I give someone's husband 6 x 1mg estradiol tablets with no progesterone to oppose it and see how bitchy and evil the husband becomes. So far I have not been able to find any men to participate in my "PMS Experiment" and I won't be holding my breath waiting for someone's husband to volunteer, although I would like to make a a video of a man crying and raging on imbalanced hormones. So that we can have more understanding and support with PMS and PMDD. I believe many marriages could be saved, families could stay together and not be broken with better understanding and more support for women. Many women bring their husbands in to the appointment so they can learn how to keep a period tracker app, know what window in the month is best to be kind, silent, keep things simple, or even better maybe just leave us alone and go on a fishing trip and return when it is all over.

In conclusion, its a massive hormone red flag when women suddenly develop anxiety or depression later in life yet also cite no current stressors such as work stress, death, loss, finance, parenting or relational stress yet cannot figure out why they continue to remain unhappy, moody, agitated, on edge and constantly anxious or stressed. We all know when we are going through a tough time that we can expect not to feel fabulous. But if there is no actual trigger for a woman's mental health condition then I need to put on my Detective cap and look for possible hormone, vitamin and nutritional imbalances that can be the actual underlying cause of the moodiness. "Tolle Causam" means "Treat the Cause" and is my favorite Naturopathic Principle because unless we understand the cause we cannot treat the cause. Until we treat the actual cause whether it be with natural medicine or prescription medicine... the patient will fail to improve because we are not addressing the actual problem and simply trying to mask each symptom of hormone imbalance rather than treat it at its source.[3] 

Causes of Hot Flashes during Menopause

Hot flashes are the first thing everyone thinks of when they hear the word menopause. But what actually is causing this hot flash? A hot flash is a feeling of sudden warmth in the upper body parts, experiencing high in the chest, face, and neck region. Sometimes it is accompanied by sweating, followed by chills. Medical research studies are still working to explore the exact mechanism of menopausal hot flashes. Multiple research studies attribute the hot flashes to hormonal changes during menopause. Such as the fluctuations in the estrogen or progesterone level, less estrogen production, and modulation of the thermoregulatory system that results in the development of hot flashes. With less estrogen the hypothalmus that is in charge of setting the body temperature is now telling the body to run hotter. The sudden drop in estrogen triggers the serotonin receptors in the brain to turn the temperature up via vasodilation. As a reflex the woman then becomes too cold and is having hot and cold flashes or hot flashes followed by sudden chills.[3, 5]

Research studies have found a connection between hot flashes estrogen and serotonin and have attributed the hot flashes to the estrogen withdrawal and imbalance between estradiol and follicle-stimulating hormone levels. Recent studies reported the association between hot flashes and a high concentration of serotonin that triggers changes in the set-point temperature. A low estrogen level modulates the activation of serotonin receptors in the hypothalamus that change the set-point temperature sensitivity and results in hot flashes. [3, 5, 6]

Complications of Menopause

Studies reported that women with menopause are at greater risk of developing certain medical conditions. These conditions include heart and blood vessel diseases, urinary incontinence, osteoporosis, sexual problems, and weight gain. [1, 2]

Menopause Diagnosis and Hormone Tests

The diagnosis of menopause involves the evaluation of clinical symptoms and lab tests. Generally, there is no need for lab tests to confirm menopause. However, there is never a more important time for a woman to get her check up and make sure her thyroid, cholesterol and blood chemistry are normal. While not all women require treatment for menopause having the full profile of hormones tested and balanced can help women to feel more optimal. [1, 2]

Menopause Treatment History

Menopausal treatments from opium to acupuncture were used for the management of menopausal symptoms till 1942. Then Wyeth pharmaceutical introduced Premarin containing synthetic estrogen obtained from "Pregnant-Mare urine" for the treatment of menopause. Despite the fact collecting urine from pregnant mares trapped in stalls all day is animal abuse, the sales of Premarin spiked until the 1970s. Reports linking synthetic estrogen with a high risk of breast cancer. During that time, the formulation was modified with the addition of progestin to ensure safety and efficacy. But the 1984 National Institutes of Health assertion backed that estrogen is an effective agent for hot flashes, bone loss prevention, night sweat, and other menopausal symptoms. [7]

Moreover, by the 1990s, the American Heart Association, the American College of Physicians, and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommended estrogen for both heart conditions and bone loss. As a result, estrogen use soared up again among menopausal women until the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) in July 2002. The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) conducted a study on around 17,000 postmenopausal women. The study revealed that the combination of estrogen and progestin increased death rate in postmenopausal women due to increased risk of blood clotting, heart attack, stroke, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer. This report changed the whole scenario of hormone replacement therapy for more extended periods. Later, multiple research studies confirmed the WHI reports and found a high incidence of heart conditions and cancer with hormone therapy. The risk of these morbidities is prevalent in women older than 60 years. Moreover, women who abruptly stopped the hormone therapy intervention also showed a significant risk of death or comorbidities. Thus, the prescription of hormone therapy depends on the patient medical condition, duration of therapy and previous history. In 2002 we had to call 100's of women to take them off of their Premarin and Prempro without bioidentical hormones as widely available at the time, most patients were transitioned to soy and black cohosh although we have seen advancements in Women's Health since then and have much better natural treatment options for menopause. [7]

How Long Should Women take BHRT Hormones After Menopause?

Hormone experts generally prescribe BHRT hormone therapy for a 3-5 year window after menopause. Once a woman turns 55 her cancer risk is naturally going up which is when I generally taper the hormones down. An irresponsible hormone doctor leaves patients on the same dose, while a responsible hormone doctor will taper the dose down as is considered biologically normal for the woman's age group. Yes, hormones are effective drugs of choice in the treatment of menopausal symptoms, but treatment goals must be safe and realistic as the patient ages.

Do BHRT Hormones Cause Cancer?

It is important to work with an ethical hormone doctor to determine if BHRT is safe. The doctor should first evaluate the patient's entire family history of blood clots, heart disease, stroke, breast cancer, uterine cancer and ovarian cancer risk when considering any hormone use whether natural or synthetic. Women without a family history of reproductive cancer are excellent candidates for BHRT. A good menopause hormone doctor will provide alternative remedies to BHRT when family history of breast cancer exists. The hormone doctor should case by case weigh the benefit-risk ratio of hormone therapy and recommend a symptomatic approach to treat menopausal symptoms. For safety reasons women should not use hormones without a doctor continuously monitoring and checking hormone levels. Hormones should not be given to patients with cancer. After a reproductive cancer an Oncologist would need to approve if BHRT will be safe or harmful for the patient to use. While some cancers are hormone driven, patients that have had cancer will need to follow their Oncologist's instructions. Naturopathy and herbs can still be used even when hormones cannot be used. While BHRT hormones generally do not cause cancer a woman should always get their mammogram, pap smear and pelvic exam every year as a safety measure. Should a woman naturally develop cancer while taking BHRT these important cancer screenings will help Reproductive cancers are generally very slow to grow and thus the hormones would be removed immediately. [7]

Treatment of Menopause

Various treatment interventions help the management of menopausal symptoms and prevent the risk of severe medical conditions. These treatment options include:

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) encompasses both natural and synthetic hormone therapy for menopause and is considered the most effective approach to treat menopausal symptoms. It helps prevent both vasomotor symptoms, urogenital symptoms, improves lipoproteins level, and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. The hormonal agents include systemic estrogen, estrogen-progestin combination, progestin alone, estrogen-bazedoxifene combination, or progestin combined with oral contraceptives. Although many hormone formulations are currently available, I only prescribe BHRT from a compounding pharmacy or natural estrogen and progesterone from a regular pharmacy. Synthetic preparations are associated with worse side effects than a woman's own natural hormones or "bioidentical."[1-3]

Hormonal replacement therapy helps treat hot flashes, improves sleep disturbance, prevents bone loss, and helps urogenital atrophy. It is important to know that estrogen alone is not recommended in women with a uterus as it can cause uterine hyperplasia and cancer in such women. It is usually recommended for menopausal women with hysterectomy. The combination of estrogen and progesterone were mainly prescribed to menopausal women with an intact uterus. Now with the latest research we know women without a uterus still need progesterone for their mental health, sleep, vaginal lubrication, vision, weight and overall wellness. [1-3]

Whether natural or synthetic, hormones should be used for a short-term duration at their lowest therapeutic doses. Because the long-term use of hormone replacement therapy is associated with a high risk of coronary heart diseases, thromboembolism, breast cancer, stroke, and ovarian cancer. Side effects of hormones involve bleeding between periods, gastrointestinal symptoms, and breast tenderness. [1-3]

Alternative to Oral estrogen

Medical research studies reported the following alternative to oral estrogen formulations. [3, 7]

Localized Estrogen Therapy

Estrogen intended for vaginal administration helps urogenital symptoms, including vaginal dryness, vaginal atrophy, painful intercourse, and other urinary symptoms. Different dosage forms such as creams, rings, and suppositories deliver estrogen to the vaginal tissues. The localized estrogen therapy is associated with a bit of risk of venous thromboembolism. Alternative to vaginal estrogen, hormone-free remedies, including plant oils and lubricant, are also helpful in managing vaginal dryness. [1-3]

Non-Hormonal Treatment

Non-hormonal treatment involves using antidepressants, anti-seizure, and antihypertensive agents for a short duration, usually up to a few months. The antidepressant, including both serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) in low doses, helps the management of both vasomotor (hot flashes) and psychological symptoms (poor mood). Paroxetine is the only FDA-approved SSRI for the treatment of hot flashes. Besides, Gabapentin, an anti-seizure agent, also helps reduction of menopausal hot flashes. Clonidine is an antihypertensive agent that might help both high blood pressure and hot flashes during menopause. [1-3]

Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs)

Selective estrogen receptor agents modulate the estrogen action without interfering with the endometrial growth. These agents include raloxifene, ospemifene, and bazedoxifene that help prevention of osteoporosis and improve lipoprotein level. Also, estrogen combined with these modulators significantly helps vasomotor symptoms and prevent hot flashes. Among these modulators, the ospemifene is highly effective in the management of vaginal dryness. [1-3]


Osteoporosis-specific treatment in menopausal women involves the intervention of the administration of denosumab, bisphosphonates, and supplementation of calcium and vitamin D. Both denosumab and bisphosphonates inhibit the activity of osteoclasts and resorption of bones that increase bone density and prevent the risk of fractures. The supplementation of Vit D and calcium strengthen the bones and improve bone mineralization. [1-3]

Nonprescription Remedies

Complementary and alternative treatments include phytoestrogens, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids. Vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids have been used to treat the vasomotor symptoms of menopause. They are generally safe; however, studies have shown that they are no better than placebo. [1-3]

Certain plants contain a high concentration of plant-based estrogen, known as a phytoestrogen. These plants include soybeans, whole grains, lentils, legumes, flaxseed, chickpeas, and various fruits and vegetables. They are rich sources of the main types of phytoestrogens, including Isoflavones and Lignans. [1-3]

Role of Bioidentical hormones in the management of menopausal symptoms

Bioidentical hormones are referred to the manmade hormones obtained from plant sources that share a similar chemical structure with the human testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen hormones. Examples of bioidentical hormones include 17 beta-estradiol, estrone, progesterone, and estriol. They are available in different dosage forms, including patches, oral pills, topical gels, vaginal capsules, and topical creams. Bioidentical hormones are either made by pharmaceutical companies or by pharmacies according to a physician's order. They help treat various menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, mood disturbances, night sweats, sleep problems, low libido, and weight gain.The bioidentical hormones made in a pharmacy, known as compounded bioidentical hormones, are not approved by FDA. They are marketed as safe and effective bioidentical hormones, but they may possess serious health risks. The side effects of bioidentical hormones include fatigue, excessive facial hair growth, bloating, mood swings, and acne. It is important to mention that FDA recommends low doses of hormone replacement therapy for short-term use. 

My hormone philosophy is to use the least amount of bioidentical hormones needed to keep women in a normal physiological range for their age group as some women will continue to make hormones from their adrenal glands and body fat while other women will have zero hormones in their tank and need a little bit of a hormone cream, troche or lozenge containing natural estrogen, progesterone and testosterone to restore skin integrity and aging, improve vaginal dryness, aid with mood, decrease hot flashes and improve sleep at night. It is important to work with a skilled hormone doctor that understands how to properly test bioidentical hormones via blood work (not saliva) and adjust them while also ensuring their safety. Women undergoing treatments for menopause, perimenopause and PMS will need to have their hormones checked and adjusted 1-2 times per year at minimum to ensure they are functioning optimally and that their hormones are at optimal levels. I have seen a lot of careless prescribing of hormones over the years and it is dangerous to not have these levels monitored and adjusted. Women should always be given progesterone with their estrogen regardless of if they have a uterurs because progesterone is also needed for vaginal hydration, mood, sleep and vision. Women will generally feel better on a low dose of combined hormones.

My practice style is to continuously test the hormone levels to ensure they are safe and being metabolized properly as genetics such as COMT mutation can cause estrogen pooling and increased risk of side effects and adverse outcome in women that are not having their hormones regularly checked.

The recommended schedule for hormone testing in menopausal patients is every 3 months the first year that bioidentical hormones are started and then every 6-12 months after that. Hormone testing is covered per the patient's insurance plan and it is imperative the patient goes to the correct lab either Labcorp or Sonora Quest whichever is contracted with the insurance plan is where the blood is drawn for testing. Whether a prescription product from the pharmacy is being used and states no testing is required or whether a compounded pharmacy is being used to make the BHRT the levels should tested as women metabolize hormones very uniquely and high levels of estrogen that women cannot eliminate can cause sudden weight gain.


Natural treatment of menopause

Medical research studies reported a significant positive impact of the following herb on menopausal symptoms. 

Lifestyle modifications:

Various lifestyle interventions can also ease the menopausal signs and symptoms. [3] These include:

Need help with menopause symptoms? Simply pop over to my SCHEDULE page to treat yourself to a Naturopathic visit!

Dr. Nicole Sundene

(480) 837-0900

Dr. Sundene is a Naturopathic Doctor in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is considered a Female Hormone Expert  in Women's Health and Bioidentical Hormones. She specializes in Holistic Women's Health for Menopause, Thyroid, Hashimotos, PMS, Perimenopause, Autoimmune, Postpartum, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Food Allergies, Digestion, Dermatology , Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema and Adrenal Hormonal Conditions. In 1999 she began working for a Hormone Doctor prior to starting Naturopathic Medical School. With over 22 years of experience in both Prescription and Natural women's health and hormones she presents to women the best integrated health solutions for their Chronic Disease. She has been an Herbalist for over 27 years and enjoys teaching women how to use herbs to balance their hormones, nutrition and optimize their health. Dr. Sundene relies on blood testing for her hormone metrics. The hormone testing is covered per the patient's insurance plan and conducted at certain points in the woman's menstrual cycle. To learn more about Hormone Testing for Women Visit: Bioidentical Hormones. Follow Dr. Sundene on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for more tips on Women's Health, Female Hormones and Naturopathy!


  1. Peacock K, Ketvertis KM. Menopause. [Updated 2021 Feb 4]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK507826/
  2. Cologne, Germany: Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG); 2006-. Menopause: Overview. [Updated 2020 Jul 2]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK279311/
  3. Santoro, N., Epperson, C. N., & Mathews, S. B. (2015). Menopausal Symptoms and Their Management. Endocrinology and metabolism clinics of North America, 44(3), 497–515. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecl.2015.05.001
  4. Johnson, A., Roberts, L., & Elkins, G. (2019). Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Menopause. Journal of evidence-based integrative medicine, 24, 2515690X19829380. https://doi.org/10.1177/2515690X19829380
  5. Bansal, R., & Aggarwal, N. (2019). Menopausal Hot Flashes: A Concise Review. Journal of mid-life health, 10(1), 6–13. https://doi.org/10.4103/jmh.JMH_7_19
  6. Freedman R. R. (2014). Menopausal hot flashes: mechanisms, endocrinology, treatment. The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology, 142, 115–120. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsbmb.2013.08.010
  7. Jennifer Wolff, AARP the Magazine, “A Brief History of Treating Menopause;”How estrogen therapy got a bad name — and why doctors now say it shouldn't have”. August/September 2018. https://www.aarp.org/health/conditions-treatments/info-2018/menopause-symptoms-treatment-estrogen-hrt.html

Dr. Nicole Sundene, NMD

(480) 837-0900

Dr. Sundene is a Naturopathic Doctor in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is considered a Female Hormone Expert  in Women's Health and Bioidentical Hormones. She specializes in Holistic Women's Health for Menopause, Thyroid, Hashimotos, PMS, Perimenopause, Autoimmune, Postpartum, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Food Allergies, Digestion, Dermatology , Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema and Adrenal Hormonal Conditions. In 1999 she began working for a Hormone Doctor prior to starting Naturopathic Medical School. With over 22 years of experience in both Prescription and Natural women's health and hormones she presents to women the best integrated health solutions for their Chronic Disease. She has been an Herbalist for over 27 years and enjoys teaching women how to use herbs to balance their hormones, nutrition and optimize their health. Dr. Sundene relies on blood testing for her hormone metrics. The hormone testing is covered per the patient's insurance plan and conducted at certain points in the woman's menstrual cycle. To learn more about Hormone Testing for Women Visit: Bioidentical Hormones. Follow Dr. Sundene on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for more tips on Women's Health, Female Hormones and Naturopathy!

Dr. Nicole Sundene, NMD

Author of "The Hormonal Acne Diet"

Psoriasis is one of the most challenging autoimmune dermatology conditions I can successfully treat. Naturopathic Medicine is absolutely the best way to go, but it does require quite the team approach between doctor and patient as we will discuss today with my psoriasis case, Pamela. I always like a good challenge and when I see a psoriasis patient on my schedule, I get really excited because I know from my twenty five years of working in Dermatology that nothing but Naturopathy is going to eliminate psoriasis permanently. There is no cream or biologic that will permanently make psoriasis go away the way addressing it at it's "Root Cause" will.

So I would like to explain how I do this, so that anyone seeking my help for their psoriasis understands first and foremost all the things we will need to be doing together to resolve it, and is highly motivated and excited to do the things we will talk about today.

First we will discuss the worst case of psoriasis I have ever resolved.

Then I will explain how I have permanently resolved many cases of psoriasis naturally by balancing female hormones in perimenopause, menopause, hypothyroidism, and Hashimoto's using my 5 Step Natural Psoriasis System.

Pamela had the absolute worst case of psoriasis I have ever seen in my twenty five years of experience working in conventional and Naturopathic dermatology. Ironically, Pamela was also my very first official patient after I graduated from Bastyr University.  I remember thinking at the time, “Really God, you couldn’t have sent me an easy case of hormonal acne, eczema or dandruff for my very first patient?"

The patches of psoriasis all over her body had become so bad that they began connecting together into giant inflamed sections with little to no normal skin surrounding the inflamed areas. When the psoriasis began to spread to her scalp and face she panicked and sought me out as her Naturopathic Doctor.

I was truly feeling overwhelmed, shocked, and somewhat horrified by the severity of her psoriasis, and I thought to myself, “she needs to get to a dermatologist immediately.” 

Pamela read my mind and said, "I have already tried everything, you are my last hope ."

The truth was, Pamela had already been to a dozen different dermatologists over the past 30 years of battling her psoriasis. The only thing that seemed to help her, was a very expensive cream that cost $400 per month, unfortunately, her insurance was not paying for the cream. 

Even worse, the psoriasis that began on her elbows and knees, began to spread to her arms, legs, and the rest of her body. 

It was getting so bad Pamela now needed two prescriptions of the $400 cream every month, and she could no longer afford to keep up with this expense. Pamela mentioned, she just wanted to take her grandchildren to the community pool in her neighborhood and swim “without feeling like a leper.” (she and I both know that psoriasis is not contagious, however, other people swimming don’t know this.)

When the psoriasis began to spread to her scalp, ears and then her face, she contacted me for help. We began my "Hormonal Acne Diet" as it is anti-inflammatory, removes common food triggers for psoriasis, and helps balance hormones which is why women oftentimes develop psoriasis with perimenopause and menopause.

After hearing Pamela tell me about everything she had tried in conventional dermatology that did not work, I realized we truly had nothing to lose by trying a naturopathic solution. I knew from my eight years of working in traditional dermatology, that naturopathy would not harm her. I knew from years working for the hormone doctor that balancing hormones can reduce inflammation in the skin, as can improving nutrition.

But I also knew it would take a lot of work on Pamela's end with changing her nutrition. So I made it clear to Pamela that nothing I could do for her psoriasis was going to change overnight, and she would need to stay committed, to giving this a solid THREE months to see improvement, and that I would need to work with her monthly to get it under proper control. Pamela agreed, promised she would do "whatever it takes" and said she had no other choice but to try Naturopathy.

We discussed my simple 5 Step Natural System for Psoriasis

1. Balance Hormones

2. Reduce Inflammation

3. Test and Correct the Dysbiotic Microbiome

4. Identify and Remove Food Triggers with Food Sensitivity Testing

5. Treat "The Root Cause"

Pamela's hormones came back imbalanced. I diagnosed her with perimenopause, adrenal fatigue, and hypothyroidism. She was low in progesterone thyroid hormones, and cortisol which explained the sudden spike in inflammation to me and why her skin was dry and cracking. I saw her skin was already improving on my diet program and removing her food triggers, we treated her hormone imbalance and we agreed to let her plan take some time to work and then follow up again in a month to reassess her plan.

A week before her next follow-up visit, Pamela called to cancel her appointment. 

I immediately panicked at the beginning of her voicemail message, I worried that something had gone wrong.  But as I listened, she told me “I am completely better now, and I don’t have the slightest itch while on your nutrition program. My skin is glowing and I have never looked or felt better! I love my new diet you put me on, feel amazing, and don’t even want to learn how to moderate it at this point but, I just wanted to thank you for everything you have done for me."

Pamela went on to say, "I am actually in my bathing suit right now, and headed to take my grandchildren swimming at the pool, and be the fun Grandma I always wanted to be with them. I could not have done this without you.” 

She also mentioned that her homemade psoriasis medicine costs her only ten dollars a month to make and that she doesn’t even need to use it anymore as long as she follows her naturopathic diet plan and results of her Food Sensitivity Test. When women's hormones change such as in menopause and hypothyroidism this can also cause the skin to become more dry and susceptible to psoriasis.

If you need a caring Naturopathic Doctor I would be glad to help. To treat yourself to a Naturopathic visit simply pop over to my SCHEDULE page, so you can be my next Dermatology success story! Nothing makes me happier than helping women feel good in their skin!

If you or your child are not sure if you can be successful with my Holistic Dermatology methods please first read my post on "How to Be Successful with Naturopathic Medicine" and at least get started with my complete Dermatology Mind-Body-Spirit Program "The Hormonal Acne Diet" so we are feeding your skin the proper nutrients it needs to be healthy and glowing as well as identifying potential trigger foods, eliminating them, and working to remove all inflammatory foods from the diet.

Additionally my program teaches meditation and yoga as stress can flare many chronic dermatology conditions, and therefore is an important "Root Cause" to address for women with skin issues.

So that is how I help my psoriasis patients as a Naturopathic Hormone Doctor in a nutshell. If you are excited to make nutrition changes then we will work well together as a team to execute your Holistic Dermatology Glow Up!

Dr. Nicole Sundene, NMD

(480) 837-0900

Dr. Sundene is a Naturopathic Doctor in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is considered a Female Hormone Expert in Women's Health and Bioidentical Hormones. She specializes in Holistic Women's Health for Menopause,  Thyroid,  Hashimotos,  PMS, PerimenopauseAutoimmunePostpartum DepressionChronic Fatigue, DepressionAnxiety, Food Allergies, Digestion, Dermatology , Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema and Adrenal Hormonal Conditions. In 1999 she began working for a Hormone Doctor prior to starting Naturopathic Medical School. With over 23 years of experience in both Prescription and Natural women's health and hormones, she presents to women the best-integrated health solutions for their Chronic Disease. She has been an Herbalist for over 28 years and enjoys teaching women how to use herbs to balance their hormones, nutrition and optimize their health. Dr. Sundene relies on blood testing for her hormone metrics. The hormone testing is covered per the patient's insurance plan and conducted at certain points in the woman's menstrual cycle. To learn more about Hormone Testing for Women Visit: Bioidentical Hormones. Follow Dr. Sundene on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook for more tips on Women's Health, Female Hormones, and Naturopathy!

By Dr. Nicole Sundene

Author of "The Hormonal Acne Diet"

Eczema is a skin condition characterized by redness, dryness, itching, and irritation. Mainly it occurs on the arms, inner elbows, knees, back, and head area, but remember that it can affect any skin area. The eczema symptoms may flare up, subsides, and repeat at different intervals. Studies reported that eczema is 15-30% prevalent in children and 2-10% in adults. [1]

Moreover, eczema is highly prevalent in children compared to males. It is estimated that eczema affected approximately 9.6 million children under the age of 18 in the US. Plus, around 31.6 million people in the United States have eczema. Note that eczema occurs in all types of skin, colors, and ethnicities.

Both genetic (mutation in gene Filaggrin) and environmental factors (Irritants and Allergens) are involved in eczema development. Moreover, research studies categorized eczema into seven types based on the area of the skin and symptoms. These include atopic dermatitis (most common form), contact dermatitis, Neurodermatitis, Dyshidrotic eczema, Nummular Eczema, Seborrheic Dermatitis, and Static Dermatitis. [1]

Signs and symptoms of Eczema

Studies reported the following signs and symptoms of eczema that may vary from person to person. [1, 2] These include:

It is important to know that eczema increases the risk of various skin infections caused by bacterial, viral, and fungal pathogens. Also, it negatively impacts daily life activities via sleep disturbance, asthma, and hay fever. [1, 2]

Eczema Diagnosis 

There are no specific lab tests and diagnostic techniques for eczema confirmation. The diagnosis involves the evaluation of clinical symptoms such as rash appearance and history. Plus, in some cases, allergy testing and patch testing are also considered for eczema diagnosis. [1, 2]

Eczema Treatment

The treatment of eczema involves the intervention of different therapeutic agents to ease symptoms, prevent a flare-up and improve skin conditions. Both systemic and topical agents are indicated over months or years, depending on the severity of the eczema condition. 

Medical research studies reported three treatment approaches for eczema management. [2, 3]

Basic Treatment

Basic treatment involves the application of emollients for the management of skin dryness and pruritus. Emollients restore cutaneous hydration that reduces flaring up the eczema symptoms. Topical emollient decreases dependence on topical steroids. It is important to know that apply emollient on the skin within three minutes of bathing with lukewarm water. The patient can use 250 g of emollients per week as per national institute for health and clinical excellence [NICE] guidelines. The selection of moisturizers depends on the patient's symptoms, skin physiology, and season. [2, 3]

Moreover, always consider other protective measures before the application of emollient. These include a detailed history, allergy tests, and careful evaluation of clinical manifestations to rule out the aggravating factors. Plus, always prefer wool clothing over nylon dressings as wool quickly absorbs sweat and prevents skin scratching. Remember that certain perfume ingredients can also aggravate eczema symptoms. Basic treatment also involves the intervention of psychological support and proper counseling for effective management of eczema complications. [2, 3]

Standard Treatment

Standard treatment includes the intervention of both systemic and topical agents. It is important to know that topical agents are preferred over systemic agents.  

Topical agents: 

Topical agents include corticosteroids, anti-infective agents, and calcineurin inhibitors. Topical steroids for eczema management are prescribed based on the severity of symptoms, the extent of disease, and distribution skin lesion distribution of lesions. Short-acting corticosteroids are usually preferred over long-term use of corticosteroids due to multiple side effects. Remember that potent corticosteroids are recommended for highly lignified skin conditions. Corticosteroids such as fluticasone 1- 2 times a week are recommended for eczema symptoms. The potential side effects of topical steroids include the development of acne rosacea, striae, perioral dermatitis, skin atrophy, and adrenal suppression. [2, 3]

Topical calcineurin inhibitors such as Tacrolimus ointments 0.03% and Pimecrolimus cream 1% are used as a secondary drug of choice for eczema management. They act as immunomodulators that inhibit the production of cytokines from activated T-cells and inflammatory cells. It is important to mention that these drugs do not possess health risks for 2-4 years and benefit eczema patients having age ≥two years. [2, 4]

The interventions of anti-histaminic agents such as Chlorpheniramine, Hydroxyzine, and Cetirizine help the concomitant urticaria or concurrent allergic rhinitis associated with eczema. Plus, these agents also ease itching during the night and promote a good night's sleep. The side effects of oral histaminic include drowsiness, impair driving ability, and learning capability. Topical infective agents involve applying antibacterial, antiviral, or antifungal formulations that prevent both aggravations of symptoms and skin infections at the site of itching. The potential adverse event includes the growth of resistant pathogens, including methicillin-resistant S. Aureus, with irrational use of topical antibacterial agents. Medical research studies recommend using fusidic acid/mupirocin ointment for local infections and cephalosporin/ penicillinase-resistant penicillins for extensive superinfections without S. Aureus. In comparison, in the case of viral infections, use systemic antiviral therapy with great care. Moreover, it is advised to use antifungal agents for dermatophyte infections as it aggravates the eczema symptoms. [2, 3]

Systemic Therapy: 

Standard systemic therapy has opted when the eczema symptoms are recurring and do not respond to the topical agents. The overview of systemic therapeutic agents is given below.

Cyclosporine: It is an immunomodulator that inhibits cytokine transcription and helps manage severe, refractory atopic eczema. The common disadvantage of cyclosporine is the rapid relapse after abrupt cyclosporine discontinuation. Plus, it can cause kidney or liver impairment, tremors, headache, nausea, myalgias, hyperlipidemia, paresthesia, gingival hyperplasia, and high blood pressure. [2, 3]

Systemic Glucocorticoids (Steroids): It helps temporary suppression of eczema symptoms. They are temporarily prescribed for short-term use to control eczema flares. It is advised to gradually discontinue the systemic steroid use once the symptoms subside. Don't stop the steroids use abruptly to prevent the risk of eczema flare-up or rebound. Side effects of glucocorticoids are gastric ulcer, Cushing syndrome, diabetes, osteoporosis, hypertension, and glaucoma. [2, 3]

Antimetabolites: Antimetabolites include Mycophenolate mofetil, Methotrexate, and Azathioprine that help the management of refractory eczema. They are also recommended for resistant pathogens and improve eczema symptoms. It is advised to carefully monitor herpes retinitis, and dose-related bone marrow suppression with antimetabolites use. Side effects of antimetabolites include Liver dysfunction, headache, fatigue, gastrointestinal complaints, gastrointestinal disturbances, pulmonary toxicity, liver dysfunction, and leucopenia. [2, 3]

 Interferon-γ: Interferon-γ reduces IGE levels and decreases the expression of th2 cells that help manage severe eczema conditions. They are usually safe for twelve weeks, but they can cause certain side effects, including fever and headache in the initial stage of administration. [2, 3]

Phototherapy: It involves the intervention of natural sunlight as a secondary option in eczema symptoms management. Phototherapy helps both acute and chronic cases of eczema. It uses UVA-1 of 340-400 nm wavelength light for acute cases and UVB of 311 nm wavelength light for chronic cases. UVA radiation may target the epidermal Langerhans cells and eosinophils. In comparison, the UVB radiations act as immunosuppressants and support eczema management. It is advised to carefully consider the phototherapy intervention for skin pain, pigmentation, cutaneous malignancies, pruritus, and erythema. [2, 4]

Allergen immunotherapy: It is another approach toward eczema management that involves the intervention of subcutaneous and sublingual immunotherapies. However, there are not enough studies about its effectiveness. Also, patients show poor compliance with allergen immunotherapies. [2, 3]

Biologics: Studies also reported the beneficial effects of various biologics in the management of eczema symptoms. These include Rituximab, Omalizumab, Pitrakinra, Dupilumab, Infliximab, Mepolizumab, and Tocilizumab or Atlizumab. However, future studies are needed to conclude final remarks about their safety and efficacy in eczema treatment. [2, 3]

Adjunct Treatment

Adjunct treatment involves the use of natural remedies, including herbs and supplements, to ease eczema symptoms. These remedies include primrose oil, omega-3, Vit D, Probiotics, and Korean red Ginseng. Different studies reported significant positive effects of these remedies in eczema symptoms management compared to placebo. However, extensive studies are needed to define their roles and effectiveness in eczema treatment. [2]

Studies also reported the use of following natural remedies for eczema symptoms management. [5, 6] 

Long term Use of Steroids for Eczema Symptoms:

The long-term use of steroids, both topical and systemic formulation, possesses harmful effects. It is advised not to use steroids for a more extended period in the treatment of eczema symptoms. The long-term use of topical steroids increases the risk of skin discoloration, thin spidery blood vessels, bruising and may develop permanent stretch marks (striae).

Plus, they can also aggravate the symptoms of other skin conditions, including acne, perioral dermatitis, and rosacea. Moreover, the use of systemic corticosteroids for the long term favors the development of morbidities, including local skin atrophy and other side effects. These side effects include Cushing syndrome, diabetes, high blood pressure, glaucoma, gastrointestinal symptoms, and osteoporosis. Thus, the corticosteroids use for a longer term is not safe in the management of eczema symptoms. [3, 7]

Need my help treating your eczema beyond the anti-inflammatory and hormone balancing nutrition in my "Hormonal Acne Diet Program"? Simply visit my SCHEDULE page to treat yourself to a Holistic Dermatology visit!

Dr. Nicole Sundene, NMD

(480) 837-0900

Dr. Sundene is a Naturopathic Doctor in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is considered a Female Hormone Expert  in Women's Health and Bioidentical Hormones. She specializes in Holistic Women's Health for Menopause, Thyroid, Hashimotos, PMS, Perimenopause, Autoimmune, Postpartum, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Food Allergies, Digestion, Dermatology , Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema and Adrenal Hormonal Conditions. In 1999 she began working for a Hormone Doctor prior to starting Naturopathic Medical School. With over 22 years of experience in both Prescription and Natural women's health and hormones she presents to women the best integrated health solutions for their Chronic Disease. She has been an Herbalist for over 27 years and enjoys teaching women how to use herbs to balance their hormones, nutrition and optimize their health. Dr. Sundene relies on blood testing for her hormone metrics. The hormone testing is covered per the patient's insurance plan and conducted at certain points in the woman's menstrual cycle. To learn more about Hormone Testing for Women Visit: Bioidentical Hormones. Follow Dr. Sundene on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for more tips on Women's Health, Female Hormones and Naturopathy!


  1. Nemeth V, Evans J. Eczema. [Updated 2020 Nov 20]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK538209/
  2. Lee, J. H., Son, S. W., & Cho, S. H. (2016). A Comprehensive Review of the Treatment of Atopic Eczema. Allergy, asthma & immunology research, 8(3), 181–190. https://doi.org/10.4168/aair.2016.8.3.181
  3. Megna, M., Napolitano, M., Patruno, C., Villani, A., Balato, A., Monfrecola, G., Ayala, F., & Balato, N. (2017). Systemic Treatment of Adult Atopic Dermatitis: A Review. Dermatology and therapy, 7(1), 1–23. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13555-016-0170-1
  4. Ring, J., Alomar, A., Bieber, T., Deleuran, M., Fink-Wagner, A., Gelmetti, C., Gieler, U., Lipozencic, J., Luger, T., Oranje, A. P., Schäfer, T., Schwennesen, T., Seidenari, S., Simon, D., Ständer, S., Stingl, G., Szalai, S., Szepietowski, J. C., Taïeb, A., Werfel, T., … Global Allergy and Asthma European Network (GA2LEN) (2012). Guidelines for treatment of atopic eczema (atopic dermatitis) part I. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV, 26(8), 1045–1060. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-3083.2012.04635.x
  5. https://www.healthline.com/health/natural-remedies-to-reduce-eczema-symptoms
  6. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324228
  7. InformedHealth.org [Internet]. Cologne, Germany: Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG); 2006-. Eczema: Steroids and other topical medications. 2017 Feb 23. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK424899/

Dr. Nicole Sundene

Naturopathic Cardiology and Female Hormones

Cardiology is one of my favorite subjects! Especially because hormones and the heart go hand in hand. What don't hormones impact? Check out my blog on Hormones and High Blood Pressure if you are curious about the potential connections. As a women's health Doctor, I take my patient's cardiology symptoms very seriously, and I am not posting this as a substitute recipe for your heart so you can skip seeing an actual Cardiologist! That is horrifying. No. No. No.

All of my patients with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, palpitations, chest pain, heartburn and even anxiety related chest pain are ALL sent to a board certified MD Cardiologist, and oftentimes prescribed medication.

Sometimes there is a "Grey zone" in blood pressure, my patient is tracking their blood pressure, they are hovering around 140/90 and occasionally go above the number, which is when I instead send them for baseline Cardiology testing that most women should have conducted anyways around fifty (also the age I see the heart go haywire thanks to menopause.) But we need to rule out any big bad nasty diagnostic issues before I prescribe my patients "flowers" for their high blood pressure, otherwise I would be super incompetent, and I share this if you are looking for a good someone with experience in Holistic Cardiology and Women's Health they should not be making any false promises.

I have used this tea recipe in hundreds of high blood pressure patients over the years, have found it to be efficacious, delicious, and easy for my patients to add to their routine. The most important thing with with using Natural Medicine in place of or in conjunction with Cardiology drugs (do not do this without a seasoned Naturopathic Doctor such as myself that knows how to combine these safely, my experience is most MD's do not know the proper safety measures and will tell you simply to "avoid all herbs and supplements" which is quite a grave disservice to my poor heart patients!

Enter stage left we have Hibiscus to help bring blood pressure down, and it also works as a mild anti-anxiety herb. I recommend starting with a low dose and monitoring blood pressure with an Omron BP machine twice daily to confirm the dose is correct as perfect blood pressure is 120/70. Too much higher or lower than that can have consequences. Some of my anxiety patients in my "Holistic Psychiatry" practice have had stop using Hibiscus because it made them feel dizzy from too low of blood pressure. So we know it certainly works. Now what?

Hibiscus High Blood Pressure tea or "Hibiscus BP Tea" as my patients call it is simple, delicious, and effective. The funny thing to me as a Women's Health Doctor, is that of all the things I blog about this tea recipe constantly gets some of the most random traffic to my blog! Only second to Pomegranates and PCOS.

This also makes me happy because this recipe for blood pressure tea is easy, delicious, AND beautiful! Women deserve something indulgent at the end of the day and this rosy tea can be the perfect treat!

My Scottsdale Naturopathic patients are always shocked they have a blood pressure and anxiety remedy growing naturally in their yard! Hibiscus grows very well in Arizona and can totally take over an entire fence as it loves to climb! I pick the flowers one at a time and dry them for tea. Once my newest hibiscus flower does not open and bloom that makes her perfect for harvest and an excellent Cardiology herb for the heart!

Hibiscus has been found just as beneficial as the common blood pressure medications, Captopril and hydrochlorthiazide. Hibiscus also did not disrupt electrolyte levels while lowering BP as HCTZ did, and is effective and safe for blood pressure, and even aids weight loss per the research studies listed below.

Hibiscus was combined with olive leaf to provide benefits similar to the medication Captopril.

Hibiscus is not curative for BP though as the blood pressure lowering benefits quickly wear off when patients stopped using it in the research study.

Many patients have high blood pressure because they are overweight, so a BP treatment that addresses both at the same time is something doctors should consider using on their patients. Especially since many high blood pressure patients have anxiety driving their blood pressure up and Hibiscus is also a nervine or calming herb.

The polyphenols or red pigments found in the hibiscus flower are what have been studied by research so I am not sure whether or not white, yellow, or pink varieties of hibiscus will be as powerful. These same polyphenols are in pomegranate juice which is why I recommend adding a splash for added color and flavor.

This easy high blood pressure tea recipe generally resolves blood pressure in a mild to moderate range over time. Keep in mind that herbs work more slowly than medications, so if you need something to quickly stop your blood pressure you should use medication or work with a Naturopathic Doctor with stronger blood pressure herbs and a holistic approach that investigates the "Root Cause" of the high blood pressure.

In my Holistic Women's Health practice the root cause of high blood pressure is often Insulin Resistance, Estrogen Dominance, Diabetes, Anxiety, Insomnia, Hashimotos, Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Disease, Graves, Hyperthyroidism, Weight Gain, and/or lack of daily exercise in the cardio zone as I discuss in my blogs on High Blood Pressure and Seasonal Depression.

Patients with severe or malignant hypertension should be on medications and should be working with a skilled Naturopathic Doctor, such as myself, that knows how to safely combine blood pressure herbs and cardiac medications.

My patients with mild high blood pressure report improvement in their numbers when in a mild state of high blood pressure ie numbers running around~ 140/90.

Women should never ignore high blood pressure simply because they refuse to take blood pressure medications. I have seen this too many times in my twenty three year career in Women's Health, and this can result in kidney failure, eye damage, and really damage to every organ as the pressure the organs are receiving is very important and too high of blood pressure is like watering your garden with a hose spraying on HIGH.

So I do recommend that women check their BP twice daily at 6am and 6pm, and also whenever they feel stressed. Oftentimes we ignore "White Coat Hypertension" thinking that its just happening at the doctor's office. But recent research is demonstrating that patients are having this severe high blood pressure at other times of the day when they are stressed and that we should no longer assume it just happens 1-2 times per year as it may be happening several times a day with chronic anxiety and stress.

Those with higher blood pressure numbers, or on blood pressure lowering medications should always work with a skilled Naturopathic Doctor when combining herbs with cardiac medications.

If not working with me as your Naturopathic Doctor, I recommend calling the new Naturopathic Doctor's office first to confirm they are comfortable working with you on your blood pressure, as I know many Docs that constantly are texting me what to do about blood pressure medications. Many Naturopathic Doctors are not comfortable on this subject and prefer to defer to Cardiology or Primary Care.  

Many ND's I know simply do not have the Integrated Medicine background I have from the eight years I worked in prescription Family Medicine and blood pressure matters are not something they are comfortable managing.

Whatever you do with your blood pressure don't do it alone. Please get expert help and never ever self-treat your own blood pressure! 

Since I commonly prescribe this Hibiscus Blood Pressure recipe, I wanted to share it today as it is delicious, easy, and efficacious. Especially for women that love to drink tea! You can drink this hot or iced.

First, go to your local herb shop or an organic herb retailer such as Mountainroseherbs.com or Starwest Botanicals. Be sure to only purchase organic herbs from a reputable source when treating something as serious as blood pressure. I would not trust random herb companies on Amazon, you need to purchase from a local herb shop or the above trusted sites or just don't even bother making this recipe as poor quality herbs may be dangerous or not work.

Hibiscus Blood Pressure Tea

#1 Combine equal parts of Hibiscus Flowers, Hawthorne Berries, and Cinnamon pieces

#2 Add about 1 Tbl of heaping herbal tea blend per 8 oz H2O

#3 Bring to a low simmer and then turn off the heat and cover

#4 Let steep 45 minutes. 

#5 Add ⅛-¼ cup of pomegranate juice per 8 oz cup of tea for Polyphenols

#6 Add stevia for sweetener (optional) not honey or agave syrup

#7 Drink 2-3 times daily hot or iced. 

#8 Monitor BP twice daily to watch for any changes

To make a big batch at once use 1/4 cup of herb mix with 4 cups of hot water. This will make 2 cups per day. Discard herbal infusions after 48 hours in the refrigerator. To learn more about natural remedies for high blood pressure check out my blog on 21 natural remedies, foods, and treatments for High Blood Pressure.

Please do not self-treat your blood pressure, especially if you are already taking prescription medications as this is the #1 most dangerous Naturopathic scenario that can occur between prescription drugs and natural medicines I have observed after twenty-eight years as an herbalist!

While Hibiscus Tea is generally safe, and helps work as a nervine or calming herb for those with anxiety, and cinnamon is basically just a food.... I still don't recommend doing this alone. Hawthorne berries can be pretty powerful and you need to be working with a Naturopathic Doctor and/or a Cardiologist that knows how to taper the blood pressure medications down as the Hibiscus Tea gradually takes effect.

If you need my help treating your blood pressure with natural remedies simply pop over to my SCHEDULE page to treat yourself to a Naturopathic Cardiology visit. I would be happy to help!

Dr. Nicole Sundene

(480) 837-0900

Dr. Sundene is a Naturopathic Doctor in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is a Female Hormone Expert in Women's Health and Bioidentical Hormones. She specializes in Holistic Women's Health for Menopause,  Thyroid,  Hashimotos,  PMS, PerimenopauseAutoimmunePostpartumChronic Fatigue, DepressionAnxiety, Food Allergies,  DigestionDermatology, AcnePsoriasis Eczema, and Adrenal Hormonal Conditions. In 1999 she began working for a Hormone Doctor prior to starting Naturopathic Medical School. With over 23 years of experience in both Prescription and Natural women's health and hormones, she presents to women the best-integrated health solutions for their Chronic Disease. 

She has been an Herbalist for over 28 years and enjoys teaching women how to use herbs to balance their hormones, nutrition and optimize their health. Dr. Sundene relies on blood testing for her hormone metrics. The hormone testing is covered per the patient's insurance plan (not Medicaid) and conducted at certain points in the woman's menstrual cycle. To learn more about Hormone Testing for Women Visit: Bioidentical Hormones. Follow Dr. Sundene on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook for more tips on Women's Health, Female Hormones, and Naturopathy!


  1. Marhuenda J, Pérez-Piñero S, Arcusa R, Victoria-Montesinos D, Cánovas F, Sánchez-Macarro M, García-Muñoz AM, Querol-Calderón M, López-Román FJ. A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial to Determine the Effectiveness of a Polyphenolic Extract (Hibiscus sabdariffa and Lippia citriodora) for Reducing Blood Pressure in Prehypertensive and Type 1 Hypertensive Subjects. Molecules. 2021 Mar 22;26(6):1783. doi: 10.3390/molecules26061783. PMID: 33810049; PMCID: PMC8005037.
  2. Abubakar SM, Ukeyima MT, Spencer JPE, Lovegrove JA. Acute Effects of Hibiscus Sabdariffa Calyces on Postprandial Blood Pressure, Vascular Function, Blood Lipids, Biomarkers of Insulin Resistance and Inflammation in Humans. Nutrients. 2019 Feb 5;11(2):341. doi: 10.3390/nu11020341. PMID: 30764582; PMCID: PMC6412462.
  3. Boix-Castejón M , Herranz-López M , Pérez Gago A , Olivares-Vicente M , Caturla N , Roche E , Micol V . Hibiscus and lemon verbena polyphenols modulate appetite-related biomarkers in overweight subjects: a randomized controlled trial. Food Funct. 2018 Jun 20;9(6):3173-3184. doi: 10.1039/c8fo00367j. Erratum in: Food Funct. 2018 Jul 17;9(7):4037. PMID: 29862395.
  4. Elkafrawy N, Younes K, Naguib A, Badr H, Kamal Zewain S, Kamel M, Raoof GFA, M El-Desoky A, Mohamed S. Antihypertensive efficacy and safety of a standardized herbal medicinal product of Hibiscus sabdariffa and Olea europaea extracts (NW Roselle): A phase-II, randomized, double-blind, captopril-controlled clinical trial. Phytother Res. 2020 Dec;34(12):3379-3387. doi: 10.1002/ptr.6792. Epub 2020 Jul 29. PMID: 32725873.
  5. Herranz-López M, Olivares-Vicente M, Boix-Castejón M, Caturla N, Roche E, Micol V. Differential effects of a combination of Hibiscus sabdariffa and Lippia citriodora polyphenols in overweight/obese subjects: A randomized controlled trial. Sci Rep. 2019 Feb 28;9(1):2999. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-39159-5. PMID: 30816148; PMCID: PMC6395806.
  6. Nwachukwu DC, Aneke E, Nwachukwu NZ, Obika LF, Nwagha UI, Eze AA. Effect of Hibiscus sabdariffaon blood pressure and electrolyte profile of mild to moderate hypertensive Nigerians: A comparative study with hydrochlorothiazide. Niger J Clin Pract. 2015 Nov-Dec;18(6):762-70. doi: 10.4103/1119-3077.163278. PMID: 26289514.

Dr. Nicole Sundene

Female Hormone Specialist

Why is cinnamon one of my favorite herbs as a Naturopathic Hormone Doctor you ask? Cinnamon is not only super effective, but most women find it a delicious herb to incorporate in their daily diet. Today I will go over the latest women’s health research on cinnamon, and how to use cinnamon as a tea and in foods. 

The most important condition I think of using cinnamon for is PCOS. As cinnamon is one of the most helpful herbs for PCOS, especially when it is the insulin resistant or “metabolic type” as I discuss on my PCOS blog. 

Exciting new research shows diabetes and peripheral neuropathy pain improve with cinnamon! Cinnamon actually helps regenerate nerve damage [11].


Cinnamon research demonstrates benefit in Type 2 Diabetes, PCOS, Migraines, Cramps, improved nerve damage in Peripheral Neuropathy, and improved pain [1-11]. Cinnamon aromatherapy actually helped newborns in the ICU go home an average of 3-4 days sooner [12]. 

Diabetes: Researchers found that only 500mg of daily cinnamon was needed to improve Type 1 Diabetes [1, 7]. This is fantastic because I have most of my diabetics taking 2 x 500mg capsules of cinnamon twice daily with meals and see this dose helping lower the need for Metformin. Some can’t handle taking that much as I discuss in the contraindication section further, so it is amazing to know that even one capsule daily provides benefits!

Most capsules of herbal medicine are 500mg. Most of the research studies cited here were done with 500mg capsules. Make sure you check the product you are using so you know the dose and then always stick with the same brand to avoid dose variations especially for those with diabetes and high blood pressure relying on cinnamon as medicine. You don't want to unwittingly increase or decrease your dose of cinnamon. Check out my Diabetes Diet for more tips. 

I immediately prescribe 1000mg of cinnamon twice daily with meals to all of my diabetic patients and ask them to take as much as they can tolerate with food. Cinnamon is nature’s metformin and it works beautifully to support the pancreas and help stabilize blood sugar. With stable blood sugar my diabetics can mentally make healthier choices and have less episodes of low blood sugar causing them to crave carbs and fall off their diet. 

PCOS: Three x 500mg capsules of cinnamon daily were beneficial for both PCOS and Insulin Resistance [2]. In another study, 1500mg of cinnamon not only improved PCOS symptoms but also lowered insulin and cholesterol [17].

An herbal formula containing 1) Cinnamon 2) Licorice 3) Flaxseed 4) Vitex was found beneficial for improving menstrual flow in PCOS patients better than metformin [10].

Migraines: Cinnamon is commonly used to treat pain. Researchers studied fifty patients with migraine headaches given cinnamon, and found cinnamon to be beneficial for migraines [3].

Cramps: Hooray! Researchers found that “cinnamon can reduce the intensity of primary dysmenorrhea” or painful cramps. Cinnamon was given at onset of cycle for 72 hours for 2 cycles and found helpful [5].

Peripheral Neuropathy Pain: Cinnamon improved nerve damage in peripheral nerves [11]. Research demonstrated that cinnamon positively affects peripheral nerve restoration! Another study demonstrated it's ability to heal the sciatic nerve after crush injury [16]. This is amazing news for those with peripheral neuropathy from diabetes, long covid, or other causes. Unlike the central nervous system, the peripheral nervous system can actually heal and repair when we add herbal medicine and remove the “Obstacles to Cure” and address the “Root Cause."

Thrush: Cinnamon was found beneficial as a treatment against thrush and yeast species [4].

Nasal Spray: I fear to discuss this cinnamon nasal spray research and pray children on social media will not change the “Cinnamon Challenge” from eating cinnamon to snorting cinnamon! But,  since the research found cinnamon beneficial I will share that intranasal cinnamon solution improved seasonal allergies [6].  Keep in mind this was a nasal solution of cinnamon and nobody was snorting straight cinnamon!

Because cinnamon is anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antifungal I would be excited to see a commercially available cinnamon nasal spray to help prevent and treat chronic sinusitis. Especially for allergy sufferers as oftentimes seasonal allergies inflame the tissues and thus increase risk of infection. 

Bladder Pain: Cinnamon applied over the bladder as a patch was found beneficial for reducing bladder pain in those with "Overactive Bladder" [13].

Lip Plumper: Cinnamon when combined with menthol and capsaicin was found to be a safe and effective lip plumper [14].

Mouth Ulcers: Cinnamon was an effective topical agent for mouth ulcers or apthous stomatitis [15].

Cinnamon Safety Research: Cinnamon was found to be extremely safe by researchers that concluded they found no significant side effects or toxicity with cinnamon including “hepatoxoxicity or anti-coagulation properties” [8] Meaning cinnamon is non-toxic, and does not actually interfere with blood thinning medications.  Cinnamon was also found not to cause electrical changes to the heart via ECG [17].

Researchers also concluded no side effects for cinnamon at doses that also “demonstrated anti-hyperlipidemic and blood pressure lowering effects among healthy adults” [9] 

So cinnamon is generally safe and non-toxic at therapeutic doses, while working to lower both cholesterol and blood pressure. Considering how effective cinnamon is for diabetes it should be considered as a first line treatment doctors can trust when treating diabetes, cramps, high cholesterol, seasonal allergies, thrush, and peripheral neuropathy. Especially in a mild range where diet and exercise may be sufficient to control the pre-diabetes or diabetes. 

I have personally reversed many diabetics A1c levels with cinnamon from 6.5-7% into the normal or just prediabetic range with cinnamon, carb counting, and exercise! 


The most dangerous thing about using cinnamon as an herbal medicine is when patients buy grocery store garbage cinnamon. This is generally not real cinnamon just like how most vanilla extract is synthetic chemicals and not actual vanilla… which is why real vanilla is more expensive as is real cinnamon. To counteract this simply buy real cinnamon as I buy from either Mountain Rose Herbs or Starwest botanicals, or at the very least buy organic cinnamon at the grocery store from a reputable brand. 

Otherwise the worst side effects I generally see with cinnamon are nausea from its tannins. Tannins stop up the intestines. This is why cinnamon is a helpful antiviral herb against diarrhea and stomach flu symptoms. 

When implementing therapeutic levels many of my PCOS and Insulin Resistant patients become nauseated from the tannins. This tends to be alleviated by cutting the dose in half and slightly increasing carbs in the diet until the stomach has adapted to the treatment plan after a few weeks. Your stomach can get adjusted to the tannins, I promise. Rarely is it a long term side effect.

Suddenly dropping carbs and/or adding in high amounts of blood sugar herbs will cause side effects. These drastic sudden changes to blood sugar can cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and fatigue and thus it is best to implement the dose gradually. 

Patients on medicines for heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure should work with their Naturopathic Doctor to determine if cinnamon is a good choice. Often the interaction effect with cinnamon is improving these conditions as it provides a synergistic benefit, and therefore medications need to be monitored with labs and vitals and adjusted down over time as the herb begins to help.  

Do not use cinnamon at therapeutic levels if you are already overheated, having hot flashes or night sweats as it is a heating herb and it may make you feel warmer. As one of my diabetics on 2 capsules of cinnamon three times a day once described, “I can stand out in the snow with just shorts and a tank top on and feel warm. This much cinnamon gives me superhero powers against cold!”

While some women appreciate the gentle warming effect, and not all of my overheated patients are made worse by cinnamon, not every herb is the best fit for every woman as we have unique hormone patterns and constitutions like snowflakes. 


Cinnamon pairs really well with berries, bananas, oats, apples, peaches, and chocolate for those that prefer to use it as “food as medicine.”

Cinnamon can be made as an herbal tea, added to smoothies, added to high fiber oat muffins, sprinkled over smoothie bowls, stirred into melted dark chocolate with stevia and walnuts for a lower carb therapeutic treat, or stirred into ¼ cup of applesauce. 

When using cinnamon therapeutically the typical dose is around 1 tsp of real organic cinnamon twice daily with meals. I recommend starting with ½ tsp and working up to that.  Do not take cinnamon on an empty stomach as it will cause vomiting from its blood sugar lowering properties and tannins effects on the stomach. This herb must be taken with food especially at high doses. 

Check out my Gingerberry Blaster, Elderberry Syrup, and Apple Bottomed Smoothie recipes to learn more ideas about how I like to use cinnamon in my daily diet. 

Need my help with your Women’s Health or hormone condition? Simply visit my SCHEDULE page to treat yourself to a Naturopathic visit. I would be happy to help.

Dr. Nicole Sundene

(480) 837-0900

Dr. Sundene is a Naturopathic Doctor in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is a Female Hormone Expert in Women's Health and Bioidentical Hormones. She specializes in Holistic Women's Health for Menopause,  Thyroid,  Hashimotos,  PMS, PerimenopauseAutoimmunePostpartumChronic Fatigue, DepressionAnxiety, Food Allergies,  DigestionDermatology, AcnePsoriasis Eczema, and Adrenal Hormonal Conditions. In 1999 she began working for a Hormone Doctor prior to starting Naturopathic Medical School. With over 23 years of experience in both Prescription and Natural women's health and hormones, she presents to women the best-integrated health solutions for their Chronic Disease. 

She has been an Herbalist for over 28 years and enjoys teaching women how to use herbs to balance their hormones, nutrition and optimize their health. Dr. Sundene relies on blood testing for her hormone metrics. The hormone testing is covered per the patient's insurance plan (not Medicaid) and conducted at certain points in the woman's menstrual cycle. To learn more about Hormone Testing for Women Visit: Bioidentical Hormones. Follow Dr. Sundene on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook for more tips on Women's Health, Female Hormones, and Naturopathy!


  1. Zare R, Nadjarzadeh A, Zarshenas MM, Shams M, Heydari M. Efficacy of cinnamon in patients with type II diabetes mellitus: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Clin Nutr. 2019 Apr;38(2):549-556. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2018.03.003. Epub 2018 Mar 11. PMID: 29605574.
  2. Borzoei A, Rafraf M, Asghari-Jafarabadi M. Cinnamon improves metabolic factors without detectable effects on adiponectin in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2018;27(3):556-563. doi: 10.6133/apjcn.062017.13. PMID: 29737802.
  3. Zareie A, Sahebkar A, Khorvash F, Bagherniya M, Hasanzadeh A, Askari G. Effect of cinnamon on migraine attacks and inflammatory markers: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Phytother Res. 2020 Nov;34(11):2945-2952. doi: 10.1002/ptr.6721. Epub 2020 Jul 7. PMID: 32638445.
  4. de Araújo MRC, Maciel PP, Castellano LRC, Bonan PRF, Alves DDN, de Medeiros ACD, de Castro RD. Efficacy of essential oil of cinnamon for the treatment of oral candidiasis: A randomized trial. Spec Care Dentist. 2021 May;41(3):349-357. doi: 10.1111/scd.12570. Epub 2021 Jan 21. PMID: 33475184.
  5. Jahangirifar M, Taebi M, Dolatian M. The effect of Cinnamon on primary dysmenorrhea: A randomized, double-blind clinical trial. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2018 Nov;33:56-60. doi: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2018.08.001. Epub 2018 Aug 15. PMID: 30396627.
  6. Steels E, Steels E, Deshpande P, Thakurdesai P, Dighe S, Collet T. A randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study of intranasal standardized cinnamon bark extract for seasonal allergic rhinitis. Complement Ther Med. 2019 Dec;47:102198. doi: 10.1016/j.ctim.2019.102198. Epub 2019 Sep 24. PMID: 31780001.
  7. Lira Neto JCG, Damasceno MMC, Ciol MA, de Freitas RWJF, de Araújo MFM, Teixeira CRS, Carvalho GCN, Lisboa KWSC, Marques RLL, Alencar AMPG, Zanetti ML. Efficacy of Cinnamon as an Adjuvant in Reducing the Glycemic Biomarkers of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Three-Month, Randomized, Triple-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. J Am Nutr Assoc. 2022 Mar-Apr;41(3):266-274. doi: 10.1080/07315724.2021.1878967. Epub 2021 Feb 19. PMID: 33605836.
  8. Ranasinghe P, Jayawardena R, Pigera S, Wathurapatha WS, Weeratunga HD, Premakumara GAS, Katulanda P, Constantine GR, Galappaththy P. Evaluation of pharmacodynamic properties and safety of Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Ceylon cinnamon) in healthy adults: a phase I clinical trial. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2017 Dec 28;17(1):550. doi: 10.1186/s12906-017-2067-7. PMID: 29282046; PMCID: PMC5745724.
  9. Ranasinghe P, Jayawardena R, Pigera S, Wathurapatha WS, Weeratunga HD, Premakumara GAS, Katulanda P, Constantine GR, Galappaththy P. Evaluation of pharmacodynamic properties and safety of Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Ceylon cinnamon) in healthy adults: a phase I clinical trial. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2017 Dec 28;17(1):550. doi: 10.1186/s12906-017-2067-7. PMID: 29282046; PMCID: PMC5745724.
  10. Hameed L, Farooq AD, Qureshi T. Analysis of Unani coded formulation on the hormonal parameters of patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Pak J Pharm Sci. 2021 May;34(3):899-907. PMID: 34602412.
  11. The current research demonstrated that Cin positively affects peripheral nerve restoration. Therefore, Cin therapy could be considered as a potential treatment method for peripheral nerve regeneration and its functional recovery. 
  12. Cao Van H, Guinand N, Damis E, Mansbach AL, Poncet A, Hummel T, Landis BN. Olfactory stimulation may promote oral feeding in immature newborn: a randomized controlled trial. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2018 Jan;275(1):125-129. doi: 10.1007/s00405-017-4796-0. Epub 2017 Nov 8. PMID: 29119319.
  13. Chen LL, Shen YC, Ke CC, Imtiyaz Z, Chen HI, Chang CH, Lee MH. Efficacy of cinnamon patch treatment for alleviating symptoms of overactive bladder: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Phytomedicine. 2021 Jan;80:153380. doi: 10.1016/j.phymed.2020.153380. Epub 2020 Oct 12. PMID: 33091856.
  14. Boen M, Alhaddad M, Guiha I, Wu DP, Goldman MP. A Single Site, Open Label Clinical Trial, Evaluating the Duration, Efficacy, and Safety of a Novel Lip Plumper. J Drugs Dermatol. 2018 Sep 1;17(9):999-1004. PMID: 30235388.
  15. Molania T, Malekzadeh Shafaroudi A, Saeedi M, Moosazadeh M, Valipour F, Rostamkalaei SS, Salehabadi N, Salehi M. Evaluation of cinnamaldehyde mucoadhesive patches on minor recurrent aphthous stomatitis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. BMC Oral Health. 2022 Jun 14;22(1):235. doi: 10.1186/s12903-022-02248-5. PMID: 35701773; PMCID: PMC9199160.
  16. Jahromi Z, Mohammadghasemi F, Moharrami Kasmaie F, Zaminy A. Cinnamaldehyde Enhanced Functional Recovery after Sciatic Nerve Crush Injury in Rats. Cells Tissues Organs. 2020;209(1):43-53. doi: 10.1159/000507016. Epub 2020 May 11. PMID: 32392570.
  17. Pender DN, Crawford PF, Clark JM, Crawford AJ, Prats AA, Shah SA. Effect of water-soluble cinnamon extract on electrocardiographic parameters: An analysis of the CiNNaMON trial. Complement Ther Med. 2018 Dec;41:302-305. doi: 10.1016/j.ctim.2018.10.009. Epub 2018 Oct 21. PMID: 30477858.
  18. Hajimonfarednejad M, Nimrouzi M, Heydari M, Zarshenas MM, Raee MJ, Jahromi BN. Insulin resistance improvement by cinnamon powder in polycystic ovary syndrome: A randomized double-blind placebo controlled clinical trial. Phytother Res. 2018 Feb;32(2):276-283. doi: 10.1002/ptr.5970. Epub 2017 Dec 18. PMID: 29250843.

Dr. Nicole Sundene, NMD

Scottsdale Naturopathic Doctor

As a Naturopathic Doctor, my primary goal is always to “Find the Cause”.

I follow seven principles, but in my mind finding the cause is the most important and trumps things like “Docere: Doctor as Teacher”, “Prevention”, “Treat the Whole Person”, and “Remove the Obstacles to Cure."

When you really think about it, without treating the cause, the rest of those principles are basically useless.

Now of course the hippocratic oath tells us to “First do no harm”, but I have to argue with that a bit. If you don’t have a proper diagnosis established, if you don’t know what is CAUSING a certain symptom set then there is no way you can actually “do no harm”. The wrong diagnosis inevitably leads to harm. We have to find the cause to avoid harming the patient with the wrong medication or treatment that will always have the potential for side effects.

I have an enquiring mind that always want to know what is causing the patient's symptoms and am not a good fit as a doctor for patients that want to just mask their symptoms with medications or herbs. While I know how to do this, I am going to explain today why this is totally ineffective and sometimes dangerous.

What happens when you can’t find the cause?

You keep looking…

Recently I came home and something smelled REALLY bad in my house.


Now, I looked everywhere and could not find the cause. I have a child and four pets so the possibilities of where the smell could come from were seemingly endless in my mind.

Eventually, I realized that the smell was coming from the garbage can in the kitchen. It was a hot day, and earlier I had made some fresh cabbage and pear juice and the remnants were left in the trash to heat up and stink up my entire place.

No amount of incense, air freshener, oils, or candles can combat the smell of rotting cabbage!

Trust me! I tried.

And even after I “treated the cause” there was still a residual stench.

Occasionally the body sends us really stinky signals like acne, eczema, psoriasis, and skin rashes that will just NOT clear up. The typical medical “air fresheners” aka drugs, herbs, supplements and natural medicines are just suppressing the symptoms or “smells” and not treating the actual cause of the problem. The fact is we simply need to “take out the trash," or remove whatever is causing or triggering the symptoms as I commonly see in Chronic Bladder Pain and Chronic Yeast Infections in women.

A good doctor will always put on their medical detective cap and find the cause of the problem.

The REAL cause of the problem with acid reflux for instance, is NOT that your stomach is making too much aberrant acid at the wrong time of the day and so you need to be on some sort of proton pump inhibitor to decrease the levels of HCL produced.

The real problems I actually find are Food Sensitivities and stress.

Stress and diet is then what we need to treat while we also do something to soothe the acid reflux, and allow the ulcers on the stomach lining to heal.

If we don’t treat the real cause the body will just continue to over-ride the medications.

In most cases if you are on a medicine and the dose has to be increased, or a new med needs to be added on board to further manage new symptoms, then chances are you are ”spraying too many air fresheners” and not actually “taking out the trash”.

I say if you can’t find the cause, you always just have to keep looking. Maybe you have to do what I did with the stench in my home and spray air fresheners WHILE searching for the cause. Maybe you still need to “spray some air fresheners” AFTER treating the cause. Obviously there are diseases that have a strong genetic component that will not respond to diet and lifestyle. But, by all means, find and treat the causes that you can. I have yet to see a Chronic Disease in women that did not somewhat improve from my Naturopathic methods.

Most causes of disease boil down to poor diet, stress, and lack of exercise. When we bring someone’s health in to balance diseases and symptoms just naturally start to fall off. A balanced diet and lifestyle creates a balanced and healthy person.

However, I always tell all people with chronic disease to never give up.

I know the limitations of the kind of care I provide patients, and if I can no longer be of help, then I am busy looking for the person that can.

I don’t care who it is, I don’t care what they do. You have to never ever give up when it comes to certain medical mysteries. I refuse to be so arrogant as to think that I can facilitate the healing process perfectly in every single person I encounter. Also, not all patients are willing to do the kind of work I prescribe as I explain in my blog about "Why I Became a Naturopathic Doctor."

If you want to watch a very inspiring movie about two parents determined to save their chronically ill little boy, I would highly recommend the movie “Lorenzo’s Oil."

Oftentimes when I am not successful with adequately helping someone as a Naturopathic Doctor, it is because the patient is not willing to treat the underlying cause. Perhaps they are in denial about the cause, or perhaps they are suffering from depression, or lack of motivation, but regardless, I think it is tough for people to REALLY get better unless we are always working to address the cause.

Just my experience after 23 years working in Women's Health. Women that show up with a notepad and take notes during our visits always get better. I have learned this is a key sign that my patient is perfect for Naturopathy because they are committed to the process of finding the best things for their personal constitution, and want to actively learn how to avoid triggers that make them worse.

In Latin, Tolle Causum means “Find the Cause."

If you need my help finding your Root Cause, simply pop over to my SCHEDULE page to treat yourself to a Naturopathic visit!

Dr. Nicole Sundene

(480) 837-0900

Dr. Sundene is a Naturopathic Doctor in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is considered a Female Hormone Expert in Women's Health and Bioidentical Hormones. She specializes in Holistic Women's Health for Menopause,  Thyroid,  Hashimotos,  PMS, PerimenopauseAutoimmunePostpartumChronic Fatigue, DepressionAnxiety, Food Allergies,  DigestionDermatology, AcnePsoriasis Eczema, and Adrenal Hormonal Conditions. In 1999 she began working for a Hormone Doctor prior to starting Naturopathic Medical School. With over 23 years of experience in both Prescription and Natural women's health and hormones, she presents to women the best-integrated health solutions for their Chronic Disease. She has been an Herbalist for over 28 years and enjoys teaching women how to use herbs to balance their hormones, nutrition and optimize their health. Dr. Sundene relies on blood testing for her hormone metrics. The hormone testing is covered per the patient's insurance plan (not Medicaid) and conducted at certain points in the woman's menstrual cycle. To learn more about Hormone Testing for Women Visit: Bioidentical Hormones. Follow Dr. Sundene on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook for more tips on Women's Health, Female Hormones, and Naturopathy!

Dr. Nicole Sundene, NMD

Chronic Pain Specialist

Autoimmune disease, chronic pain, and arthritis were topics I discussed daily with patients for many years before I was challenged by my own chronic pain experience.

Many people do not know that I was bedridden for years from a very painful autoimmune condition that caused me a severe case of Fibromyalgia.

At one point a neurologist informed me that 70% of the nerves in my left leg were damaged and would not come back. I was shocked and stunned and kept asking questions to which he finally responded with, "Plan to be in a wheelchair." I was horrified and refused to believe that would be my fate and shifted courses away from treating my autoimmune disease with prescription drugs to Naturopathic Medicine.

I had already been treating my own autoimmune patients, and knew exactly what I needed to do.

I will admit, that when I was first diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, I was scared and I did exactly what my Rheumatologist said to do to the letter of the law. If I don't know what I am doing, I am going to follow the rules. The medications I had to take were disgusting and bitter. Plaquenil literally and figuratively was a "Bitter pill to swallow" and the pain drugs they gave me made me feel more tired while not even remotely relieving my pain. Doxycycline at high doses twice daily had me vomiting and frying up in the Arizona sun like a vampire. While the doctor callously described my inevitable dilapidated autoimmune wheelchair fate I had somewhat of a "Thelma and Louise" moment and thought, "What else do I have to lose? LET'S DO THIS!"

After all, I was only getting worse on a bunch of toxic drugs that had shut my kidney function down to an alarming rate for my young age group.

So in that very moment, with RECKLESS ABANDON, I chose Naturopathic Medicine and I dove 1000% in to working on my anti-inflammatory nutrition, perfecting hormones, and testing different natural pain supplements and herbs for pain.

I was determined to cure my pain, restore the nerve function, reverse the neuropathy, and decided it was time to prove "Debbie Downer Doctor" WRONG....no matter what I had to do, I was going to do it, and I was determined to get better and get my quality of life back.

Also as a mom, I knew the last thing I wanted was for my daughter to have to push me around in a wheelchair.

Thankfully, my joints improved with natural medicine, my pain was less, the swelling went down, and gradually I was able to taper off each medication that made me feel sick from side effects. My kidneys were once functioning at a frightening 50% and had sprang back up to almost normal without any of the toxic autoimmune drugs.

As a doctor, I know from a pharmaceutical standpoint that some of the cure in mainstream autoimmune treatment is actually worse over the long term for many women. Especially those in Arizona that get Valley Fever or West Nile Virus.

Chronic immune suppression while it certainly has its place, and need in the autoimmune community also impairs immunity. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction and the pendulum swings too far in the suppression of the immune system with some of the prescription drug options.

What I love about herbal medicine, is that we have so many different types of herbs and forms for women to try to treat their pain. I wish it was "one size fits all" or I would post a pain protocol, but ultimately it is more of a process my patients need to go through than a prescription, as I will describe in steps below, to be successful treating chronic pain naturally.

While I still battle chronic pain I truly owe my life to Naturopathic Medicine and would not have been able to recover without the healing power of nature and my own experience balancing and perfecting hormones is critical in understanding the causes of pain which are generally multifactorial for many of us "Fibro Warriors" challenged by a life of frustrating fibro and chronic pain.

Eighteen years ago I lost the ability to do my favorite sport…mountain biking. Back then, my muscles felt like jello, and all I could do was sit in bed.

My legs felt like they were completely out of gas and made of concrete. Something I had only experienced prior from finishing a long bike ride like the STP, (Seattle to Portland) 200 mile bike ride, or the MS 150 Bike Ride for Multiple Sclerosis I once volunteered at and could easily ride along while providing first aid. But still even back then my legs were still usable. I could walk around if I had to. This was much worse and not always optional.

Chronic pain suddenly set in and everything hurt as if I had just been riding my bike for eight hours. The pain never went away. It only continued to get worse. Just surviving every single day became such a challenge. I felt like going to work was an Ironman Triathlon. Just blow drying my Long hair was so painful I just gave up and wore it in a clip. The only clothes I could stand touching me were the softest scrub fabric. Anything itchy or tight just made the pain worse.

People expecting me to do things after work with them or after 7pm I suddenly deemed as "completely insane." When before I could meet friends for dinner at 9pm!

The fatigue from the constant pain and inability to sleep through the pain was something I cannot even describe to anyone so they fully understand, you have to live it.

Basically, what severe chronic pain feels like is that you are trying to do life like everyone else, except your are wading through heavy cement that starts sticking to you and becoming a new pain that then further ways you down. As time goes on you get slower and slower and in more and more pain. Everything just deteriorates and gets so much worse. My whole body hurt head to toe.

I could not read, ride, or run, I couldn’t even play my piano because of the severe arthritic pain and stiffness in my hands, wrists and elbows. My elbows hurt so bad I could barely hold them to play the piano let alone move my wrists or fingers.

My pain was so bad, I found myself exhausted walking up just 8 stairs, when before I could run 8 miles a day as part of my normal routine. My love of books was destroyed by debilitating migraine headaches the second I started reading more than a page. The headaches were so debilitating I stopped reading. I was extremely bored out of my mind with zero exercise, zero activities, zero reading, and zero people to talk to that seemed to understand what my "new normal" was like.

I went from training for and racing in triathlons, to feeling a simple trip to the grocery store was like an Ironman. Today I feel victorious for conquering this mountain. While I am still not able to bike for eight hours straight, I’m proud of myself and it feels good to be able to ride for 1-2 hours again.

I am so grateful to Naturopathic Medicine for my recovery. While the road has been bumpy and brutal, the blessings I have received as a doctor are dmpathy and wisdom.

My perception of Fibromyalgia and Autoimmunity have been shifted by my own personal experience and I will never view my patients the same.

I refuse to silently think my patients are “lazy or crazy” as many doctors have done to me. I’ve come to know, the lack of understanding from others can be more hurtful than the physical frustrations.

Fortunately I understand firsthand my patient’s “Silent world of hell.”

When patients in my office get tearful, it’s because they finally feel HEARD and UNDERSTOOD. They are not crying because I am giving them a prescription for Prozac and poo pooing everything wrong with them. It gives me goosebumps, I’m grateful for surviving my own harsh life lesson. I now have a firm understanding of how diet, nutrition, hormones and herbs can impact chronic inflammation.

So what do we do together if we are working on your autoimmune or arthritic pain?

  1. Identify trigger foods that specifically make your individualized pain worse.
  2. Reduce inflammation with eight weeks of anti-inflammatory recipes and meal plans.
  3. Test and balance your hormones so they are perfected for a pain patient and nobody in pain is suffering with suboptimal hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's, perimenopausal, menopausal, or adrenal hormone imbalance causing worse pain.
  4. Check vitamins and nutrients that when deficient cause pain.
  5. Ensure you are exercising the right amount for your pain condition so you are working out in a safe and sustainable manner. Otherwise most of my pain patients just NEVER exercise which is not good for chronic pain. The only thing worse than zero exercise is too much exercise, so we need to have some basic fitness goals in order not to lose mobility.
  6. Implement stress reduction techniques to look at people and activities in your life that are stressing you out and how to deal with them along with doing yoga, meditation, and aromatherapy.
  7. Look at individual causes such as family history of Ehler's Danlos Syndrome, or a chronic infection such as Valley Fever or West Nile virus if you live in Arizona, and depending upon travel and dates of disease onset.
  8. Evaluate markers for autoimmunity to determine if you indeed have an autoimmune disease or instead have "Fibromyalgia" or a cluster or labs showing you have massive inflammation and we have to do a massive inflammation overhaul with your gut,

It is critical to me as your Naturopathic Doctor that you understand what Naturopathic Medicine and Hormone Balancing will require of you before you sign up for my care. While I LOVE to help women in pain feel better I never want to waste anyone's precious time or money if I am unable to help them. Patients that are willing to trust my time tested process with investigating autoimmune conditions, hormone imbalances, nutrition and nutrient deficiencies always tend to improve if not completely resolve.

While many patients that refuse to change their diet, cannot remember to take vitamins, herbs and supplements or do not have insurance to pay for their hormone labs and cannot afford the detective process required for me to find the source of the Fibromyalgia....simply do not improve. Especially when there is no caregiver in place to help you follow this process. A husband or a BFF that can work with us is always appreciated when women are too sick or in pain to understand and follow their directions.

If you struggle to make dietary changes I promise you are not alone and I struggle myself but I am also a living breathing example of someone that was once bedridden and unable to work at all that can now work and function. While I am technically physically disabled and always will be from the permanent damage caused by my autoimmune disease, I know that just like every autoimmune patients I have good days and bad days. So naturally I have studied as a Doctor what makes my autoimmune disease better and what makes it worse.

I refuse to allow that to stop me from living my life. I refuse to not be healthy enough as a Mom to make amazing memories with my daughter. I refuse not to show up to work and try to help someone else in pain every day and offer my kindness and compassion. If you also refuse to give up on yourself please consider Naturopathy! I don't know how I would have gotten my quality of life back if I did not know what I know as a Naturopathic Doctor. In order to recover from my autoimmune condition I had to rely on my skills in BOTH Traditional Prescription Family Medicine (8 years) and over sixteen years working as a Naturopathic Doctor. Not to mention my thirty years working as an Herbalist.

Treating autoimmune disease is one of the best Naturopathic services I provide for many women in pain is to run them through the battery of chronic pain tests that I know how to do as a Female Hormone Specialist that has learned a lot about autoimmunity from her own battle. Having balanced hormones for pain patients is imperative. Why do more women have Fibromyalgia than men? In my opinion it is because a lot of female hormone imbalance naturally contributes to inflammation which simply makes any inflammatory disease such as an Autoimmune Condition: Lupus, Sjogren's, Hashimotos, Scleroderma, MCTD and so forth much worse.

So when you are working with me we may need to rely on other specialists to provide advanced testing options for your condition but I at least am capable of conducting the majority of the work so that the exhausted miserable achy tired Fibro patient has to bounce around from the least amount of doctors possible. At one point I was seeing multiple specialists: 1) Rheumatology 2) Pain Management 3) Endocrinology 4) OBgyn 5) Psychiatry 6) Infectious Disease 7) Orthopedics 8) Physical Therapy 9) Neurology. I know quite a bit about medications, hormone tests, pain tests, and treatment options for all of these specialties as they relate to chronic pain, autoimmune and fibromyalgia patients. If I need to send you to one of these places I will, but you certainly should not have to go to all of them regularly.

For those looking for a caring Naturopathic Doctor that understands Chronic Pain very well and promises to always believe you, never to judge you and always support you…I would be delighted to help! The last thing you need when you are in pain is someone that does not believe you or is judging you. The emotional hurt of that can truly feel worse at times than walking around as if, "Someone has beat me head to toe with a baseball bat," which is how many of my Fibro Warrior patients describe their pain.

Need my help feeling amazing again? Simply visit my SCHEDULE page to treat yourself to a Naturopathic Doctor visit with me! I would be happy to help.

Dr. Nicole Sundene, NMD

(480) 837-0900

Dr. Sundene is a Naturopathic Doctor in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is considered a Female Hormone Expert  in Women's Health and Bioidentical Hormones. She specializes in Holistic Women's Health for Menopause, Thyroid, Hashimotos, PMS, Perimenopause, Autoimmune, Postpartum, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Food Allergies, Digestion, Dermatology , Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema and Adrenal Hormonal Conditions. In 1999 she began working for a Hormone Doctor prior to starting Naturopathic Medical School. With over 22 years of experience in both Prescription and Natural women's health and hormones she presents to women the best integrated health solutions for their Chronic Disease. She has been an Herbalist for over 27 years and enjoys teaching women how to use herbs to balance their hormones, nutrition and optimize their health. Dr. Sundene relies on blood testing for her hormone metrics. The hormone testing is covered per the patient's insurance plan and conducted at certain points in the woman's menstrual cycle. To learn more about Hormone Testing for Women Visit: Bioidentical Hormones. Follow Dr. Sundene on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for more tips on Women's Health, Female Hormones and Naturopathy!

By Dr. Nicole Sundene, NMD and Rob Newbound, RN

Women's Health and Hormones

Bladder Problems and bladder pain, frequent urination, and UTI's or Urinary Tract Infections always flare up badly in the fall in my Women's Health practice. This is why after twenty five years running urinalysis tests on women, I always label October as "Bladder Infection Month."

Why do more bladder problems and infections happen in the fall?

From a Chinese Medicine perspective bladder problems occur when we are moving from a time of high heat to lower temperature and women drink less water than they were drinking during the summer months. Keeping the bladder and kidneys hydrated and flushed out with the correct amount of water can prevent bladder problems from seasonal changes. Most women need around 60-80 oz of water daily plus 8 oz per "vice" or serving of caffeine, alcohol, or 15 minutes of exercise.

Drinking too much water can irritate the kidneys and make bladder problems seem worse. In this scenario I hear women say "The water runs right through me," indicating to me it is more likely the early warning signs of a kidney problem and less of a bladder problem. Especially since I usually see women for bladder problems after they have already been worked up by a Urologist, had a cystoscopy which is a microscopic camera the doctor uses to examine the lining of your bladder and take a biopsy of it to determine if the bladder is inflamed and bleeding. Working closely with a Urologist helps me understand the exact diagnosis, as well as if it will be a condition I am confident I can resolve with Naturopathic Medicine.

All women with recurrent bladder problems should first visit a Urologist to insure nothing serious like bladder cancer is going on, and that this is a "Irritable Bladder," or "Overactive Bladder," or "Interstitial Cystitis," or Recurrent UTI problem for me to manage.

Bladder problems in Women's Health are all about prevention. So today I am sharing my #1 Naturopathic herbal bladder tip to keep your bladder healthy. Keep in mind, if you have interstitial cystitis, a common bladder problem referred to as "Irritable Bladder" the tannins in cranberry and blueberry fruit I am discussing today may actually inflame your bladder! So not every herb is good for every bladder situation. This is why working with a skilled Women's Health Bladder Specialist (such as myself 😉 that understands the proper use of herbal medicine and Natural remedies for the bladder. I also do not recommend combing any medications with bladder herbs without first discussing them with a Naturopathic Doctor as that can be dangerous since many bladder herbs and bladder formulas contain demulcent herbs that can block the absorption of medications. Causing the medication to not work. So we don't want to fix your bladder problem, only to cause your High Blood Pressure pill to stop working!

The other issue with herbs for bladder problems, is that some of them actually interfere with each other! This almost never happens in herbal medicine, but pH is critical for proper bladder health. Many herbs that are helpful for bladder problems work by altering the pH of the urine, causing it to become more acidic, like cranberry, which can negate the effects of other bladder infection herbs! So if you are not improving on my bladder problem basics there is something more complex going on that requires my help, please visit my SCHEDULE page so we can get a tight regime in place. Usually my bladder patients need 1-2 appointments to get a system down for them that works for their bladder.

I digress, back to bladder problems, as we move from a high level of hydration during summer to a lesser amount of hydration in the fall women naturally develop more bladder infections. Especially those wearing pantyhose and tight pants that are not breathable and therefore further irritates the vagina, bladder, and urethra causing bladder infections, yeast infections, bladder problems, and vaginal infections.

Women who suffer from recurrent bladder infections are already diligent about wiping front to back, drinking plenty of water, and peeing after sexual intercourse. Although antibiotics may be necessary once a full blown infection starts, prevention as with just about anything is key. Many herbs for bladder infections are known to be helpful, but I prefer to use foods as medicines whenever possible.

Most women know that cranberry juice is good for bladder infections. E. coli, the bacteria that causes most bladder infections is unable to adhere to the lining of the bladder thanks to cranberry. What most people don’t know is that there is not a therapeutic cranberry juice out there that really tastes that good! If you are drinking a “delicious” glass of cranberry juice every day then you are probably not doing much to prevent a bladder infection.

When shopping for cranberry juice, be sure to read the label and purchase only 100% pure cranberry juice. A juice loaded with grape juice, apple juice or heaven forbid high fructose corn syrup is simply not going to be effective, and may worsen bladder problems. Because blueberry juice is also beneficial to the bladder you can make cranberry juice more palatable by drinking a blend of equal parts. You can also experiment with different herbal teas and make an herbal ice tea with juice.

Although these pure berry juices are a bit more expensive than their artificial counterparts they are worth their weight in gold for bladder problems not just for their preventative properties but also because of their anti-oxidant value. Berries are a great part of an anti-aging program. So when you are drinking your daily juice to prevent bladder infections you are also doing a great service to your cardiovascular system and general health!

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” ~ Chinese Proverb

Here is more research about cranberries and bladder infections by my friend Rod Newbound that is a Registered Nurse and wanted to collab with me on his favorite UTI and anti-aging fruit:

Although it’s been known for several years that cranberries can prevent urinary tract infections, up until now, the exact mechanism has remained a mystery. But in a newly published study, scientists at Worcester Polytechnic Institute say they’ve discovered the secret.

They found that virulent bacteria, like the kind that create urinary tract infections, have hair-like projections called fimbriae that attach to the wall of the bladder. Their studies showed that even low concentrations of cranberry juice created a thermodynamic energy shield that keeps these nasty creatures from getting a foothold.

No Harm To Friendly Bacteria

Because the good bacteria don’t have these fimbriae, they aren’t affected. This is important, because our bodies have billions of good bacteria that provide protection from such gut wrenching disease organisms like Clostridium difficile.
Unpublished work also shows cranberry juice has potent effects on disease-causing bacteria, but that the effect is temporary. This suggests that in order to have continuous protection; you will need to consume some form of cranberry regularly – perhaps daily.

Cranberries, a Superfood You Should Enjoy Year Round

How to Get Your Cranberries Without Terrorizing Your Body With High Calorie Sugars

Action Plan: Add more cranberries to your weekly diet for bladder problems and prevention. Try them in salads, muffins, pancakes, breads, cheese spreads, on peanut butter sandwiches, etc. You can find unsweetened cranberry juice at some health food stores. Mix it with 1/4 cup blueberry juice and 1-3 packets of stevia to reduce the tartness. Or dilute it with 3/4 cup of water, add 1-2 packets of stevia for every 1/4 cup of cranberry juice.

I also like to make the Celestial Seasonings fruit teas iced and add about 25% cranberry per batch of iced tea. Estimate 1-2 packs of stevia per cup if you like your drink to taste sweet. Adding a splash of agave syrup can help reduce the bitterness of the stevia when drinking cranberry juice for UTI prevention and bladder problems.

Thank you to Rod Newbound a 58 year old Registered Nurse who teaches his patients how to live longer using natural medicine anti-aging tips for collaborating with me on all of this amazing cranberry research!

Need help with bladder problems, bladder pain, frequent UTI, or bladder prevention? I would be happy to help. Simply visit my SCHEDULE page to treat yourself to a Naturopathic visit.

Dr. Nicole Sundene, NMD

(480) 837-0900

Dr. Sundene is a Naturopathic Doctor in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is considered a Female Hormone Expert  in Women's Health and Bioidentical Hormones. She specializes in Holistic Women's Health for MenopauseThyroid, Hashimotos, PMS, PerimenopauseAutoimmune, Postpartum, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Food Allergies, Digestion, Dermatology , Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema and Adrenal Hormonal Conditions. In 1999 she began working for a Hormone Doctor prior to starting Naturopathic Medical School. With over 22 years of experience in both Prescription and Natural women's health and hormones she presents to women the best integrated health solutions for their Chronic Disease. She has been an Herbalist for over 27 years and enjoys teaching women how to use herbs to balance their hormones, nutrition and optimize their health. Dr. Sundene relies on blood testing for her hormone metrics. The hormone testing is covered per the patient's insurance plan and conducted at certain points in the woman's menstrual cycle. To learn more about Hormone Testing for Women Visit: Bioidentical Hormones. Follow Dr. Sundene on InstagramTwitter and Facebook for more tips on Women's Health, Female Hormones and Naturopathy!

Dr. Nicole Sundene

Female Hormone Specialist

Estrogen dominance symptoms caused by high estrogen and/or low progesterone are various and therefore often missed in women’s health. Women with high estrogen are commonly treated with a medication to suppress each individual symptom without addressing the "Root Cause." Many doctors often fail to identify and properly diagnose the estrogen dominance. A skilled women’s health doctor can identify the cluster of symptoms relating to estrogen dominance and order the proper hormone testing to diagnose the estrogen dominance. 


High estrogen symptoms include weight gain, bloating, fatigue, anger, agitation, rage, moodiness, dark mood, mood swings, anxiety, depression, panic attacksacne, cystic acne, oily skin, constipation, nausea, PMS, fluid retention, swelling, headaches, and a generalized feeling of unwellness. 

Women struggling with high estrogen levels often have heavy periods, painful menstrual cramps, light or absent periods, irregular periods, decreased sex drive, endometriosis, endometriosis pain, uterine polyps, adenomysosis, uterine fibroids, breast cysts, fibrocystic breasts, dense breasts, breast pain, and insulin resistance. Women with heavy bleeding from estrogen dominance often end up with anemia which worsens the fatigue and weight gain from high estrogen.

High estrogen levels tend to worsen if not cause many of these common women’s health conditions. Insulin resistance results from estrogen dominance and estrogen dominance then further worsens insulin resistance creating a vicious cycle of weight gain for PCOS and diabetic women with high estrogen levels.  It is nearly impossible for these women to lose weight when they are battling estrogen dominance and insulin resistance with herbal medicine and dietary changes.

With this many common women’s health conditions being adversely impacted by high estrogen levels it is imperative that women are educated about estrogen dominance for prevention and proper treatment. 


High estrogen symptoms or “estrogen dominance” when left untreated can result in high blood pressure, increased risk of stroke, heart attack, blood clots, ovarian cancer, and breast cancer. High estrogen levels will worsen patients prone to these conditions and increase their risk of developing them. Alternatively, having low estrogen can also increase a woman’s cardiac risk. So estrogen can be the hero or the villain in women’s health. It is all about the levels being at optimal levels and in proper balance with the other female hormones


Neither extreme high estrogen nor low estrogen is healthy for women. Low estrogen such as in menopause can cause a whole host of problems such as Osteoporosis, Hot Flashes, Insomnia, Anxiety, and Depression. We need to think of estrogen as if its water. Too much water can be just as dangerous as too little water. Just like with estrogen, women also need an individualized level of water as they metabolize it uniquely. Just like with water we need to hit “the sweet spot” with estrogen where the levels are not too high nor too low. Menopausal women suffer without any estrogen just as much as my estrogen dominant patients. Both high estrogen and low estrogen states cause insulin resistance causing weight gain so it is imperative women increase the fiber, good fat, and protein in their diets as otherwise the will gain weight when their estrogen level is not optimal.


Estrogen dominance diagnosis involves proper Hormone Testing with emphasis on the estradiol, progesterone, and total estrogen to determine if the estrogen to progesterone ratio is healthy. A healthy estrogen to progesterone ratio is under <60-100. When women have an estrogen ratio higher than this they are at high risk for disorders and diseases caused by estrogen dominance.

When the estrogen to progesterone ratio is above >60-100 women have estrogen dominance. This can be caused by a few different scenarios I will explain with the math I use to calculate the "E:P Ratio" or Estrogen to Progesterone Ratio:

Total Estrogen 600/ Progesterone 20= 30 Normal 

Total Estrogen 600/Progesterone 10=60 Normal

Total Estrogen 600/Progesterone 0.5=1200 High

Total Estrogen 300/Progesterone 0.5= 600 High

So we can see in the last calculation that the estrogen can be in the normal range yet if the progesterone is deficient then we can still have estrogen dominance despite a “normal estrogen level.” The first scenario is generally the progesterone level of a woman in their teens or twenties and as the progesterone level progressively deteriorates the high estrogen begins to cause symptoms. The last two calculations I commonly see in women in their 40's and 50's. Women that are overweight will maintain a high estrogen level at menopause produced by their body fat yet have very little progesterone to balance it out.

I hear every day from women how their doctor tested their hormones and said they were “normal,” yet often I receive incomplete labs that are not properly ordered. Many important hormone tests are missing, and there is a 99.99% failure rate their previous doctor calculated the ratios of the hormones to each other to ensure they are all in balance with each other.


Treating estrogen dominance involves a multifactorial approach between eliminating xenoestrogens from beauty products, plastic water bottles, and environmental sources as well as helping the liver detoxify estrogen, in addition to understanding why the estrogen levels are so high in the first place. 

Often in a woman's 40's this is somewhat "normal" as women that are Perimenopausal are experiencing often permanent PMS symptoms from constant estrogen dominance. Rather than having a few days each month that they feel "PMSy" they are now feeling PMS symptoms every day of the month with a few breaks from it as their hormones begin to shift towards menopause. Around 35 years of age a woman's progesterone and testosterone levels begin to decline while estrogen remains high or becomes even more elevated.

Estrogen dominance can be corrected with a solid long term nutrition and herbal medicine approach. The good news with estrogen dominance is that it can be easily treated naturally by a women's health Naturopathic Doctor that specializes in bioidentical hormone therapy, nutrition, and herbal medicine. While bioidentical hormones are not always required to correct the estrogen dominance, they can be helpful for correcting a scenario of low progesterone that is out of balance with a high or normal estrogen level. 


When women are in their teens and twenties their progesterone levels are generally around 20. Around 35 these levels begin to dwindle down to zero causing the symptoms of estrogen dominance to become more unbearable each year. The impact of this hormone imbalance can significantly impair the mental health of women and cause their psychiatric issues to worsen. Some women develop depression or anxiety during this time of severe hormone imbalance. 

When women suddenly develop mental health disorders in their 40's or 50's it is more likely related to their hormones impacting their neurotransmitter levels. Did you know that estrogen dominance, estrogen deficiency, testosterone deficiency, and progesterone deficiency can all impair a woman’s mental health? Around 35 most women begin to notice this decline in their natural hormones with various odd new symptoms they never experienced before. 


Many women's health conditions cause high estrogen such as hypothyroidism, Hashimotos thyroiditis, obesityperimenopause, oral birth control, synthetic hormones, and bioidentical hormones. When bioidentical hormones are not properly tested to match a woman’s individual hormone metabolism they can also cause estrogen dominance. On rare occasions, tumors secreting estrogen on the ovaries and adrenal glands can also cause estrogen dominance. 

Alcoholism causes estrogen to pool in the system as the liver fails to detoxify both the estrogen and the alcohol. PCOS, excess body fat, liver problems and even stress all cause estrogen dominance. Stress lowers progesterone levels referred to as “The Progesterone Steal” in biochemistry, causing estrogen dominance symptoms to worsen when there is not sufficient progesterone to balance the high estrogen levels. 

Some women do not excrete or metabolize estrogen due to genetic mutations such as COMT, MAO, and MTHFR, and therefore will need estrogen metabolizers and liver support in addition to bioidentical hormones. Bioidentical hormones such as progesterone and testosterone can be helpful in balancing high estrogen levels. When women are younger all three hormones are high. With the aging process, the progesterone and testosterone decline and the estrogen remains high until menopause officially sets in.  


Estrogen dominance causes weight gain and weight gain then ironically causes more estrogen dominance as the higher a woman’s body fat level the higher their estrogen level. Body fat constantly secretes estrogen independently of the ovaries.

Conversely, the less body fat a woman has the lower their estrogen. When women are estrogen dominant and they are losing weight even more estrogen is being released from the fat cells and this can actually slow if not stop weight loss completely until properly addressed with the appropriate estrogen detox measures. 

Women with estrogen dominance often end up stuck in a vicious weight loss cycle where they cannot lose the weight because when they start to lose weight their estrogen dominance worsens and causes more weight gain. High estrogen levels also smother thyroid function and therefore lower and suppress the metabolism even further. It is important to work with a skilled hormone doctor that understands all the other hormones that need to be tested for to properly identify and treat the high estrogen levels, and treat the thyroid and estrogen.

Just treating one hormone in the “web” will not be effective when we do not address the other imbalanced hormones in the web impacted by estrogen.


The liver is important in breaking estrogen down into an almost totally impotent form. It also converts estrogen into compounds that can be excreted from the body through urine and bile. The purpose of an estrogen lowering diet is to support the liver, to reduce sources of estrogen found in foods, and to support other glands such as the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland that influence estrogen. 

Women with Hashimotos Thyroiditis, Thyroid Disease, and Hypothyroidism will suffer from estrogen dominance until the thyroid levels are properly regulated. The thyroid is the "Mother of the Endocrine System," and in this case the estrogen dominance is caused by thyroid disease. A holistic women's health Naturopathic approach can work to balance the estrogen levels over time. 


Estrogen dominance requires patience and reasonable expectations. It generally can take three to six months for menstruating women to correct their estrogen dominance as the eggs that are being made today have not yet undergone Naturopathic hormone balancing treatment and will be released in three months. These unhealthy eggs will also then secrete imbalanced hormones along with them. 

Therefore it is important for women to understand this takes time, and it is important we never ignore estrogen dominance. Many of my estrogen-dominant patients that were unable to follow their estrogen lowering program and remember to take their supplements have ended up with breast cancer, uterine cancer, and ovarian cancer due to the high uncontrolled estrogen levels in their systems. Therefore working on your high estrogen levels for mood or weight loss now may save your life someday in the future!

The following estrogen dominance diet and lifestyle recommendations should be implemented as soon as possible to prevent stroke, blood clots, breast cancer, uterine, and ovarian cancer in estrogen-dominant women.


• Eliminate sugar, white flour, and refined foods. Sugar increases estrogen. Having insulin resistance or diabetes also increases estrogen. Body fat makes estrogen, therefore losing weight will also naturally lower estrogen levels. Keep in mind that while losing weight your estrogen levels may suddenly shoot up as I discussed above. However, over the long term fat loss will lower high estrogen naturally. 

• Eliminate alcohol and methyl xanthines that increase estrogen such as coffee, tea, chocolate, colas, and other foods or beverages that contain caffeine. The liver is too busy metabolizing these chemicals to eliminate high estrogen levels. 

• Eliminate red meat, lamb and pork. Organic chicken, turkey, and safe seafood such as Alaskan wild salmon, shrimp, and scallops (not Tuna or Swordfish) are acceptable alternatives. Many women eat Vegan to reduce estrogen consumption from meat. Most animal protein naturally contains some hormones. Non-organic meats are injected with estrogen to help increase the sale per pound of meat in the meat industry. If you suffer with estrogen dominance the first most important diet change you should make is to invest in high quality organic meats that are low fat. The saturated fat content in animal fats should be counted daily and women with estrogen dominance should be under <10g of saturated fat daily. This is why many Naturopathic Doctors recommend a Vegan diet for estrogen dominance. But eating low-fat meat choices free of hormones can also be helpful, especially for those with insulin resistance that need to be on a higher protein diet. 

• Decrease fats, especially animal fats and trans fats from fried foods. Use instead unsaturated fats such as those in cold-pressed vegetable oils raw nuts like walnuts, and flax or fish oil. Total fat consumption should be <50g of fat for estrogen-dominant women as fats increase estrogen in biochemistry pathways.

• Increase foods found in the cabbage family such as cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, etc. As the sulforaphane and Indole-3 Carbinole helps aid in the detoxification of estrogen to a less active form. Increase fruits and veggies that aid liver support and liver detoxification in my Liver Foods blog. 

• Decrease dairy products such as milk, cheese, cream, etc. Saturated fat from dairy is a top contributor to female hormone imbalance. Only consume organic low-fat dairy if any. 

• Increase fiber from vegetables to naturally detoxify estrogen. Fiber binds estrogen for elimination in the digestive tract. Without sufficient fiber the estrogen continue to circulate and worsen the estrogen dominance. Women with estrogen dominance should consume at least 30g of fiber daily. I recommend using a macro tracker such as Myfitness pal to understand where the excess fat and carbs are coming from and to reach dietary fiber intake goals.

• Increase garlic and onions as sulfur is needed to detoxify estrogen.

• Be sure you are taking adequate amounts of selenium, iodine, beta-carotene, and vitamins A, C and E. Consult your Naturopathic Doctor to determine this.


Chemicals and Xenoestrogen or “estrogen mimickers” increase estrogen levels. Chemicals like pesticides and insecticides impede liver detox pathways causing elevated estrogen. Plastic and other chemicals such as BPA, phthalates, and parabens also contribute to high estrogen. 

#1 MOST IMPORTANT THING FOR WOMEN WITH HIGH ESTROGEN: BPA from plastic water bottles, and lining aluminum cans are a significant source of xenoestrogens or estrogen mimickers that contribute to the estrogen dominance when seen in the total estrogen pool. Do not eat canned food, do not use plastic water bottles, do not cook or freeze anything in plastic and work to eliminate as much plastic from your world as possible as it is the #1 issue causing hormone imbalance for women. 

There is no point in me prescribing expensive herbs and supplements to detoxify high estrogen when we are not paying attention to the front loading of synthetic estrogen poison entering a woman’s body in the form of plastics and BPA. This is why I buy food in glass jars and support companies that also are willing to pay a little extra for glass jars to save our environment from the loads of plastic poisoning women, sea creatures, and wildlife. This is not only a better choice for our health as women, but also the environment.  

#2 Eliminate all beauty products with parabens, fragrance and phthalates. Switch to clean beauty products as your beauty products run out. This is especially important for lotions, creams and moisturizers you regularly use as well as makeup that is regularly used. Most makeup is complete poison for women and causing their estrogen dominance. Any “natural fragrance” should be listed with the source, or should be assumed as toxic otherwise.  Perfume is 100% hormone poison and should be thrown straight into the garbage can if you have been diagnosed with estrogen dominance. 

#3 Decrease stress as it depletes progesterone. Stress causes cortisol our main stress hormone to be made from progesterone. This lowers our progesterone and raises our estrogen to progesterone ratio. Stress also tells the body it is “Running From a Bear” and  it is not a good time to reproduce and hence less progesterone that is needed to maintain a pregnancy is produced under stress. The body does not care about making a baby when it is running from a bear. Women with high estrogen and also low progesterone will feel the worst with their estrogen dominance symptoms. Read my blog on tips for Anxiety to learn more about managing your stress naturally.

If you need my help with diagnosing your estrogen dominance or treating high estrogen levels or the conditions related to estrogen dominance simply pop over to my SCHEDULE page to treat yourself to a Naturopathic visit. 

Dr. Nicole Sundene 

(480) 837-0900

Dr. Sundene is a Naturopathic Doctor in Scottsdale, Arizona, and is a Female Hormone Expert in Women's Health and Bioidentical Hormones. She specializes in Holistic Women's Health for Menopause,  Thyroid,  Hashimotos,  PMS, PerimenopauseAutoimmunePostpartumChronic Fatigue, DepressionAnxiety, Food Allergies,  DigestionDermatology, AcnePsoriasis Eczema, and Adrenal Hormonal Conditions. In 1999 she began working for a Hormone Doctor prior to starting Naturopathic Medical School. With over 23 years of experience in both Prescription and Natural women's health and hormones, she presents to women the best-integrated health solutions for their Chronic Disease. 

She has been an Herbalist for over 28 years and enjoys teaching women how to use herbs to balance their hormones, nutrition and optimize their health. Dr. Sundene relies on blood testing for her hormone metrics. The hormone testing is covered per the patient's insurance plan (not Medicaid) and conducted at certain points in the woman's menstrual cycle. To learn more about Hormone Testing for Women Visit: Bioidentical Hormones. Follow Dr. Sundene on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook for more tips on Women's Health, Female Hormones, and Naturopathy!

Location: 14300 N Northsight 
Blvd Ste 124
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Ph: 480-837-0900
Fax: 480-409-2644
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